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Installation Procedure


  1. Retrieve SACLIB and install it on your machine (see Section 1.1).
  2. Retrieve GRÖBNER. The file available in the directory stated in Section 1.1 is a compressed tar-file, GB.tar.Z. (When using ftp, make sure to transfer in binary mode!).
  3. Move the file into the directory that should be the parent directory of the ``Gröbner-directory'', see also Section 1.3.
  4. Uncompress the file with the command
  5. Extract the directory structure from the tar-file with the command A directory called Groebner will be created, which contains the directories described in Section 1.4.
  6. Modify the installation script so that it fits to your environment. Use an available text editor (e.g. vi). (See the description of install_groebner in Section 1.4 and the comments in the script).  
  7. Run the installation script.
  8. GRÖBNER is now installed. In order to change e.g. the coefficient domain of polynomials or the ordering of monomials you have to You do not have to reinstall the library!

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windsteiger wolfgang
Thu Sep 3 14:50:07 MDT 1998