Next: Where to Locate the
Up: How to Use GRÖBNER
Previous: Availability of GRÖBNER and
- Retrieve SACLIB and install it on your machine (see
Section 1.1).
- Retrieve GRÖBNER. The file available in the directory stated in
Section 1.1 is a compressed tar-file, GB.tar.Z.
(When using ftp, make sure to transfer in binary mode!).
- Move the file into the directory that should be the parent
directory of the ``Gröbner-directory'', see also
Section 1.3.
- Uncompress the file with the command
- unix%
- uncompress GB.tar.Z
- Extract the directory structure from the tar-file with the
A directory called Groebner will be created, which contains the
directories described in Section 1.4.
- Modify the installation script so that it fits to your
environment. Use an available text editor (e.g. vi). (See the
description of install_groebner in Section 1.4 and
the comments in the script).
- unix%
- cd Groebner/bin
- unix%
- vi install_groebner
- Run the installation script.
- Make sure that the directory, which contains the scripts
groebner and xgroebner, is contained in your search path or
- Move/Copy those scripts into any of the directories contained
in the search path or
- Provide symbolic links from a directory in the search path
to those scripts.
- GRÖBNER is now installed. In order to change e.g. the
coefficient domain of polynomials or the ordering of monomials you have to
- Edit the respective setup file (see page )
in the directory GROEBNER/include.
- Recompile GRÖBNER, i.e. issue the command make in the
directory GROEBNER/src,
- Eventually recompile the I/O library, i.e. issue the command
make in the directory GROEBNER-IO/src. This step is of course
only necessary when the changes have an impact on in- or output. For
instance, changing the coefficient domain influences the IO-library,
whereas changing the ordering of monomials does not.
- Recompile the application program, i.e. issue the command
make in the directory APP.
You do not have to reinstall the library!
Next: Where to Locate the
Up: How to Use GRÖBNER
Previous: Availability of GRÖBNER and
windsteiger wolfgang
Thu Sep 3 14:50:07 MDT 1998