*: (A, %) -> %
*: (%, %) -> %
coerce: A -> %
Category of (nearly) free algebras.
The category IndexedFreeArithmeticType describes
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Multiplication of A and J need not be commutative.
X is the monoid ring A[J] where elements of A commute with elements of J.
X will have a multiplicative unit if A has one and J is a monoid.
A ring.
A totally ordered multiplicative monoid that serves as index set.
Exports of IndexedFreeArithmeticType
*: (%, %) -> % Multiplies two polynomials.
if A has with {one?: % -> Boolean} and J has with {one?: % -> Boolean} then {
one?: % -> Boolean Returns true if the argument is the multiplicative identity.
if A has with {1: %} and J has with {1: %} then {
1: % Returns true if the argument is the multiplicative identity.
Export of IndexedFreeArithmeticType
one?: % -> Boolean
Returns true if the argument is the multiplicative identity.
Export of IndexedFreeArithmeticType
1: %
Returns true if the argument is the multiplicative identity.