17.4 SparseFiniteMonoidRing

Convention 3
rhx 59 25-Jan-2007: Something that has Polynomial in its domain name should look like R[V ] where V is a set of variables and the corresponding monoid is the word monoid (commutative or not).
Convention 4
rhx 60 26-Jan-2007: Categories corresponding to well established mathematical concepts like ring, group, etc., should be called like in mathematics. Domains implementing those concepts should be more specific about their implementation. For example, SparsePolynomial instead of just Polynomial.

Type Constructor



Additive monoid of functions with finite support together with Cauchy product.

The domain constructor implements

X = ⊕   A = A(J) = {f : J → A |card(suppf) < ∞ }
where A is known to be a ring and J is known to be a multiplicative semigroup.

Multiplication of A and J need not be commutative.

X is the monoid ring A[J] where elements of A commute with elements of J.

X will have a multiplicative unit if A has one and J is a monoid.



A ring.


A totally ordered multiplicative monoid that serves as index set.

501dom: SparseFiniteMonoidRing 501  (462)
    A: with {
            zero?: % -> Boolean;
            +: (%, %) -> %;
            *: (%, %) -> %
    J: with {
            *: (%, %) -> %;
): IndexedFreeArithmeticType(A, J) == SparseAdditiveArray(A, J) add {
        macros: FiniteMonoidRing 502a
        Rep == SparseAdditiveArray(A, J);
        import from Rep;
        implementation: FiniteMonoidRing 502b

SparseFiniteMonoidRing, used in chunks 526 and 733.

Uses IndexedFreeArithmeticType 495, SparseAdditiveArray 489, and TotallyOrderedType 571.
502amacros: FiniteMonoidRing 502a  (501)
macro CAJ == Cross(A, J);

CAJ, used in chunk 502b.

The following code assumes that elements of J commute with elements of A.

502bimplementation: FiniteMonoidRing 502b  (501)  502c
local (aj: CAJ) * (bk: CAJ): CAJ == {
        import from A, J;
        (a, j) := aj;
        (b, k) := bk;
        (a*b, j*k)
(aj: CAJ) * (x: %): % == map((bk: CAJ): CAJ +-> aj*bk) x;
(x: %) * (y: %): % == {
        zero? x => x;
        zero? y => y;
        leadingMonomial x * y + reductum x * y;

Uses CAJ 502a.
502cimplementation: FiniteMonoidRing 502b+   (501)  502b  503b
if A has with {one?: % -> Boolean} and J has with {one?: % -> Boolean} then {
  implementation: FiniteMonoidRing: one? 503a
503aimplementation: FiniteMonoidRing: one? 503a  (502c)
one?(x: %): Boolean == {
        import from A, J;
        zero? x or not zero? reductum x => false;
        (xa, xj) := leadingMonomial x;
        one? xa and one? xj;
503bimplementation: FiniteMonoidRing 502b+   (501)  502c  503d
if A has with {1: %} and J has with {1: %} then {
        1: % == [1$A, 1$J];
503cexports: FiniteMonoidRing 503c
if A has OutputType and J has OutputType then OutputType;

Uses OutputType 570.
503dimplementation: FiniteMonoidRing 502b+   (501)  503b
if A has OutputType and J has OutputType then {
        implementation: FiniteMonoidRing output 504

Uses OutputType 570.
504implementation: FiniteMonoidRing output 504  (503d)
#if Axiom
local term(a: A, j: J): OutputForm == {
        if A has with { OutputType; one?: % -> Boolean }
        then {
                if one? a
                then tw := j::OutputForm
                else tw := a::OutputForm * j::OutputForm;
        else tw := a::OutputForm * j::OutputForm;
coerce(x: %): OutputForm == {
        import from A, J, String, Boolean;
        zero? x => message "0";
        (a, j) := leadingMonomial x;
        x := reductum x;
        tw := term(a, j);
        while not zero? x repeat {
                (a, j) := leadingMonomial x;
                tw := tw + term(a, j);
                x := reductum x;
(tw: TextWriter) << (x: %): TextWriter == {
        import from A, J, String;
        zero? x => tw << "0";
        (a, j) := leadingMonomial x;
        x := reductum x;
        tw := tw << "(" << a << ")*" << j;
        while not zero? x repeat {
                (a, j) := leadingMonomial x;
                tw := tw << "+(" << a << ")*" << j;
                x := reductum x;

Uses OutputType 570 and String 65.