21 Functions on 32-bit Integers

This file implements a number of functions on integers that fit into 32 bits.

In particular, it allows (non-probabilistic) primality testing, factorization of all (32-bit) MachineInteger (231 x < 231) by using trial division with the sequence of 16-bit primes.

The functions are tested in test/sitools/sitools.as.nw.

554* 13+   535  569a
---- Combinat
---- Copyright (C) Ralf Hemmecke <ralf@hemmecke.de>
---- svn co svn://svn.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/hemmecke/combinat/

#include "combinat"
pkg: SmallIntegerTools 555

Type Constructor



Provides factorization of all positive integers smaller than 231.

555pkg: SmallIntegerTools 555  (554)
SmallIntegerTools: with {
        exports: SmallIntegerTools 557a
} == add {
        implementation: SmallIntegerTools 557b

SmallIntegerTools, used in chunks 104a, 357, 608, 609, and 754–61.

Exports of SmallIntegerTools

nextPrime: MachineInteger -> MachineInteger Returns the closest prime bigger than the given one.

previousPrime: MachineInteger -> MachineInteger Returns the closest prime smaller than the given one.

prime?: MachineInteger -> Boolean Primality test.

sqrt: MachineInteger -> MachineInteger Integer root.

factor: MachineInteger -> SparseIndexedPowerProduct(I, I) Factors positive integer smaller than 231.

moebiusMu: SparseIndexedPowerProduct(I, I) -> MachineInteger Compute the Möbius μ function.

eulerPhi: SparseIndexedPowerProduct(I, I) -> MachineInteger Compute the Euler ϕ function.

Export of SmallIntegerTools

nextPrime: MachineInteger -> MachineInteger


Returns the closest prime bigger than the given one.

557aexports: SmallIntegerTools 557a  (555)  558a
nextPrime: MachineInteger -> MachineInteger;

Uses MachineInteger 67.
557bimplementation: SmallIntegerTools 557b  (555)  558b
nextPrime(n: I): I == {
        import from SmallIntegerPrimes, Array I;
        n < maxPrime => {
                (found?, i) := binarySearch(n, primes);
                i < 0 => primes.0; -- first prime
                assert(i < prev(#primes));
                primes.(next i);
        p: I := if even? n then n+1 else n+2;
        while p <= max$I repeat {
                prime?(p) $ % => return p;
                p := p + 2;
        return 0;

Uses Array 599, I 47, and SmallIntegerPrimes 536.

Export of SmallIntegerTools

previousPrime: MachineInteger -> MachineInteger


Returns the closest prime smaller than the given one.

558aexports: SmallIntegerTools 557a+   (555)  557a  559a
previousPrime: MachineInteger -> MachineInteger;

Uses MachineInteger 67.
558bimplementation: SmallIntegerTools 557b+   (555)  557b  559b
previousPrime(n: I): I == {
        import from SmallIntegerPrimes, Array I;
        n <= 2 => never;
        n = 3 => 2;
        p: I := if even? n then n-1 else n-2;
        while n > maxPrime repeat {
                prime?(p) $ % => return p;
                p := p - 2;
        (found?, i) := binarySearch(n, primes);

Uses Array 599, I 47, and SmallIntegerPrimes 536.

Export of SmallIntegerTools

prime?: MachineInteger -> Boolean


macro I == MachineInteger;
n: I := max;
assert(prime? n);
n: I := 2^30 + 3;
assert(prime? n);


Primality test.

559aexports: SmallIntegerTools 557a+   (555)  558a  560
prime?: MachineInteger -> Boolean;

Uses MachineInteger 67.
559bimplementation: SmallIntegerTools 557b+   (555)  558b  561
prime?(n: I): Boolean == {
        import from SmallIntegerPrimes, Array I;
        n < 2 => false;
        (found?, i) := binarySearch(n, primes);
        found? => true;
        i < prev #primes => false;
        k := sqrt n;
        -- now we must use trial division for all primes up to k
        for p in primes while p <= k repeat zero?(n rem p) => return false;

Uses Array 599, I 47, and SmallIntegerPrimes 536.

Export of SmallIntegerTools

sqrt: MachineInteger -> MachineInteger


macro I == MachineInteger;
n: I := 2^30 + 3;
k: I := sqrt n;
assert(k = 2^15);
n := 2^30 - 35;
k := sqrt n;
assert(k = 2^15 -1);


Integer root.

For an integer 0 n < 231 the function returns k = √n-.

560exports: SmallIntegerTools 557a+   (555)  559a  562a
sqrt: MachineInteger -> MachineInteger;

Uses MachineInteger 67.

The algorithm loops over the bits of the result starting with the biggest and adjusts them. If n = i=0rni2i with ni {0,1} and nr = 1 then the highest bit in k appears at position s = r
2. We take 2s as as starting value and add more bits to the result by checking whether the square of the result will become bigger than n.

561implementation: SmallIntegerTools 557b+   (555)  559b  562b
sqrt(n: I): I == {
        n < 0 => -1;
        zero? n or one? n => n;
        s := shift(length(n) - 1, -1);
        k: I := shift(1, s);
        k*k = n => return k;
        assert(k*k < n);
        nextbit: I := shift(k, -1); -- k/2
        while not zero? nextbit repeat {
                k := k + nextbit; -- set bit
                if k > 46340 then { -- avoid 32bit squaring overflow
                        k := k - nextbit; -- clear bit
                } else {
                        k2 := k*k;
                        k2 = n => return k;
                        if k2 > n then k := k - nextbit; -- clear bit
                nextbit := shift(nextbit, -1); -- nextbit/2

Uses I 47.

Export of SmallIntegerTools

factor: MachineInteger -> SparseIndexedPowerProduct(I, I)


Factors positive integer smaller than 231.

562aexports: SmallIntegerTools 557a+   (555)  560  564a
factor: MachineInteger -> SparseIndexedPowerProduct(I, I);

Uses I 47, MachineInteger 67, and SparseIndexedPowerProduct 506.

The following is basically an implementation of Algorithm A of Section 4.5.4 in [Knu69], i. e., it uses trial division with a sequence of all 16-bit primes as division candidates.

562bimplementation: SmallIntegerTools 557b+   (555)  561  564b
factor(x: I): SparseIndexedPowerProduct(I, I) == {
        t: SparseIndexedPowerProduct(I, I) := 1;
        import from SmallIntegerPrimes, Array I;
        default {y: I; r: I}
        for p in primes repeat {
                exponent := 0;
                (y, r) := divide(x, p);
                while zero? r repeat {
                        exponent := exponent + 1;
                        x := y;
                        (y, r) := divide(x, p);
                if exponent > 0 then t := power(p, exponent) * t;
                one? x => return t;
                y <= p => return power(x, 1) * t; -- x is prime

Uses Array 599, I 47, SmallIntegerPrimes 536, and SparseIndexedPowerProduct 506.

Export of SmallIntegerTools

moebiusMu: SparseIndexedPowerProduct(I, I) -> MachineInteger


Compute the Möbius μ function.

564aexports: SmallIntegerTools 557a+   (555)  562a  566
moebiusMu: SparseIndexedPowerProduct(I, I) -> MachineInteger;

Uses I 47, MachineInteger 67, and SparseIndexedPowerProduct 506.

The following function uses formula (4.57) of [GKP94]. If m = p1m1p2m2prmr is the factorization of m into distinct prime factors p1,,pr then the Möbius function is

        (− 1)r, if mi = 1 for i = 1,2,...,r, and
μ(m ) =  0,     otherwise.
This includes in particular the case μ(1) = 1.
564bimplementation: SmallIntegerTools 557b+   (555)  562b  567
moebiusMu(t: SparseIndexedPowerProduct(I, I)): I == {
        mu: I := 1;
        for ep in t repeat {
                (e, p) := ep;
                not one? e => return 0;
                mu := -mu;

Uses I 47 and SparseIndexedPowerProduct 506.

Export of SmallIntegerTools

eulerPhi: SparseIndexedPowerProduct(I, I) -> MachineInteger


Compute the Euler ϕ function.

The Euler ϕ or totient function ϕ(m) encodes the number of divisors of m that are relatively prime to m. See, for example, [GKP94, Chp. 4.9].

It is defined as ϕ(1) = 1 and ϕ(pk) = pk pk1 for any prime number p and any integer k 1. Furthermore, ϕ is multiplicative, i. e., ϕ(m1m2) = ϕ(m1)ϕ(m2) if gcd(m1,m2) = 1. If m = p1m1p2m2prmr is the factorization of m into distinct prime factors p1,,pr then the Euler totient function is defined by

        m1−1          mr− 1
ϕ(m) = p1   (p1 − 1)⋅⋅⋅pr  (pr − 1).
It is known that
       ∑      m
ϕ(m) =    μ(d)--
       d|m     d
where μ is the Möbius function.
566exports: SmallIntegerTools 557a+   (555)  564a
eulerPhi: SparseIndexedPowerProduct(I, I) -> MachineInteger;

Uses I 47, MachineInteger 67, and SparseIndexedPowerProduct 506.
567implementation: SmallIntegerTools 557b+   (555)  564b
eulerPhi(t: SparseIndexedPowerProduct(I, I)): I == {
        phi: I := 1;
        for ep in t repeat {
                (e, p) := ep;
                phi := phi * p^(e-1) * (p-1)

Uses I 47 and SparseIndexedPowerProduct 506.