16 A Simple Interpreter

 16.1 Functions from LabelType to CombinatorialSpecies
 16.2 Translating Grammars to Combinatorial Species

In this file we implement a function that interprets ExpressionTrees describing a grammar for a system of combinatorial species, returning a CombinatorialSpecies.

449* 13+   444  462
---- Combinat
---- Copyright (C) Ralf Hemmecke <ralf@hemmecke.de>
---- Copyright (C) Martin Rubey <martin.rubey@univie.ac.at>
---- svn co svn://svn.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/hemmecke/combinat/
#include "combinat"
#if Axiom
macro {
        str2int str    == (<< str::TextReader)@MachineInteger;
dom: LabelSpecies 452
pkg: InterpretingTools 453
dom: Interpret 461
ToDo 72
mrx 19 Although the code in this file seems to work well with the current compiler, we currently don’t have a succinct explanation why it should by a well-formed Aldor-program. However, we hope that we can either find such an explanation or otherwise, modify the code such that it is a well-formed Aldor-program.