A domain that wraps functions from LabelType to CombinatorialSpecies.
This domain is necessary because of a compiler bug. With the current compiler
import from List((L: LabelType) -> CombinatorialSpecies L);
S: List((L: LabelType) -> CombinatorialSpecies L) := [];
18-Oct-2006: I tried to replace (L: LabelType) -> CombinatorialSpecies L by LabelSpecies, and F(...)(L:LabelType): CombinatorialSpecies L == add {...} by
F(...): LabelSpecies == coerce(
(L:LabelType) +-> CombinatorialSpecies L == add {...}
but without success. Furthermore, I did not find a solution to the problem of extending List and Set to LabelSpecies. Since the signatures do not match, this cannot be done directly.