15 A Very Simple Parser
In this file we implement a very simple parser, that transforms a string in prefix
notation into an expression tree.
444⟨* 13⟩+
≡ ⊲429 449 ⊳
---- Combinat
---- Copyright (C) Ralf Hemmecke <ralf@hemmecke.de>
---- Copyright (C) Martin Rubey <martin.rubey@univie.ac.at>
---- svn co svn://svn.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/hemmecke/combinat/
#include "combinat"
⟨pkg: MyParser 445⟩
In the following we implement a very simple parser. It is intended to be replaced
with something more intelligent, if the concept itself proves useful. In fact, maybe one
could implement an interpreter for a subset of Aldor using the ideas in this
Type Constructor
Provides a function to transform a string into an ExpressionTree
MyParser provides a function to transform a string into an ExpressionTree
We really should use the parsers provided by libaldor.
ToDo ⊲ 71 ⊳ mrx ⊲ 18 ⊳ It is not clear whether we shouldn’t parse into
SpeciesExpressions immediately.
445⟨pkg: MyParser 445⟩≡ (444)
MyParser: with {
⟨exports: MyParser 446⟩
} == add {
⟨implementation: MyParser 447⟩
MyParser, used in chunks 730–32.
Exports of MyParser
parse: String -> ExpressionTree Translates a string describing a functional expression
into an ExpressionTree
Export of MyParser
parse: String -> ExpressionTree
parse("f(a, b, g(c,d))");
Translates a string describing a functional expression into an ExpressionTree
parse translates a well-formed functional expression into an ExpressionTree. Blanks
to the left or right of an argument is tripped. However, f(a b) would be parsed as an
operator f applied to a single argument a b. Currently, no error checking is
447⟨implementation: MyParser 447⟩≡ (445)
local parse!(g: Generator Character): List ExpressionTree == {
import from Character, String, Symbol, ExpressionTree, ExpressionTreeLeaf;
local trim(s: List Character): String == {
[generator reverse s],
char " "),
char " ");
opOrLeaf: List Character := [];
result: List ExpressionTree := [];
throwAway: Boolean := false;
for c in g repeat {
(c = char "(") => {
op := ExpressionTreePrefix( - trim opOrLeaf);
opOrLeaf := [];
args := parse! g;
result := cons(op.args, result);
throwAway := true;
(c = char ",") => {
if throwAway
then throwAway := false;
else result := cons(extree leaf trim opOrLeaf, result);
opOrLeaf := [];
(c = char ")") => {
if not throwAway
then result := cons(extree leaf trim opOrLeaf, result);
return reverse result;
opOrLeaf := cons(c, opOrLeaf);
if not throwAway
then result := cons(extree leaf trim opOrLeaf, result);
reverse result;
parse(s: String): ExpressionTree == {
import from List ExpressionTree;
first parse! generator s;
Uses ExpressionTree 624a, ExpressionTreeLeaf 623, ExpressionTreePrefix 622,
Generator 617, and String 65.
Note that all leaves are left as strings, it is not possible to do type inference or
checking here. There are three special symbols: the comma, and the open and closing
parentheses. Text before an open parenthesis is interpreted as an operator name.
Text between a close parenthesis and a comma or another close parenthesis is thrown