14.1 The Representation of SpeciesExpressions
A SpeciesExpression can either be an ExpressionTree, or failed, if it is
not yet initialized. The representation of SpeciesExpression must allow
destructive modification for our purposes, as used the constructors Plus and
Times. We chose to ‘box’ the actual description of the expression using a
ToDo ⊲ 69 ⊳ mrx ⊲ 16 ⊳ 16-Dec-2006: Should I introduce a new type
just to get rid of the following conditional?
442⟨implementation: SpeciesExpression 441⟩+
≡ (430) ⊲441 443 ⊳
selfsym: Symbol == - "Self";
plussym: Symbol == - "Plus";
timessym: Symbol == - "Times";
exptsym: Symbol == - "Expt";
compsym: Symbol == - "Compose";
new(): % == {
selfop == ExpressionTreePrefix selfsym;
per [true, selfop.[extree(leaf(1$Integer))$ExpressionTree]];
new(n: Integer): % == {
selfop == ExpressionTreePrefix selfsym;
per [true, selfop.[extree(leaf n)$ExpressionTree]];
set!(f: %, g: %): () == {
(rep f).failed? := (rep g).failed?;
(rep f).tree := (rep g).tree;
import from List %;
(f: %) + (g: %): % == apply(plussym, [f, g]);
(f: %) * (g: %): % == apply(timessym, [f, g]);
(f: %) ^ (g: %): % == apply(exptsym, [f, g]);
compose(f: %, g: %): % == apply(compsym, [f, g]);
leaf(n: Integer): % == per [false, extree(leaf n)$ExpressionTree];
leaf(s: String): % == per [false, extree(leaf s)$ExpressionTree];
leaf(x: Symbol): % == per [false, extree(leaf x)$ExpressionTree];
apply(opsym: Symbol, args: List %): % == {
op == ExpressionTreePrefix opsym;
per [false, op.[extree f for f in args]]
extree(f: %): ExpressionTree == (rep f).tree;
coerce(t: ExpressionTree): % == per [false, t];
Uses Compose 182a, ExpressionTree 624a, ExpressionTreePrefix 622, Integer 66,
Plus 166a, String 65, and Times 175a.
In general, it is impossible to decide whether two SpeciesExpressions are equal.
Thus we have to rely on heuristics and special cases.
ToDo ⊲ 70 ⊳ mrx ⊲ 17 ⊳ The
test for equality is likely to become the most complex function of this domain. Maybe
one could start to make it exact for rational
SpeciesExpressions. Of course, it
might make more sense to go for holonomic
SpeciesExpressions immediately…
443⟨implementation: SpeciesExpression 441⟩+
≡ (430) ⊲442
(f: %) = (g: %): Boolean == extree f = extree g;