8.11 Product of Species

Definition 8.10. [BLL98, chp. 1.3] Let F and G be two species of structures. The species F G (also denoted FG), called the product of F and G, is defined as

(F ⋅G )[U] =  ∑   F[U ]× G [U ]
          (U ,U )   1      2
            1 2
where the sum is taken over all pairs (U1,U2) for which U = U1 U2 and U1 U2 = .

The transport along a bijection σ : U V is carried out by setting, for each (F G)-structure s = (f,g) on U,

(F ⋅G)[σ](s) = (F[σ1](f),G[σ2](g))
where σi = σ|Ui is the restriction of σ on Ui, i = 1,2.

Definition 8.11. The cardinality species N is the species of structures defined by

N[U] = {cardU }
for any finite set U and
N[σ](n) = n
for any bijection σ : U V and n = cardU = cardV an N-structure on U.

Lemma 8.12. N is naturally isomorphic to E (the species of sets).

Proof. Define the mapping ν : E N for any finite set U by

νU : E [U ] → N [U], U ↦→ card U.
Then for any bijection σ : U V between two finite sets U and V of cardinality n it holds
νV(E[σ](U )) = νV(V) = cardV = n
N [σ](νU(U)) = N [σ ](n) = n
Furthermore, ν has an inverse given by
μ : N[U] → E[U],    cardU ↦→  U.
Therefore ν is a natural isomorphism from E to N. __

There exists exactly one structure for every input set U, so N(x) = E(x) = ex. Clearly, N N has an exponential generating series e2x. Look at (37) to understand that the sum symbol must be interpreted as a disjoint union.

Let us for a while assume the above sum in (37) is an ordinary (non-disjoint) union. Then

(N N)[{1,2,3}] = N[] × N[{1,2,3}] N[{1,2,3}] × N[]
N[{1}] × N[{2,3}] N[{2}] × N[{1,3}] N[{3}] × N[{1,2}]
N[{1,2}] × N[{3}] N[{1,3}] × N[{2}] N[{2,3}] × N[{1}]
= {0}×{3}{3}×{0}
= {(0,3),(1,2),(2,1),(3,0)}
and thus card(N2[{1,2,3}]) = 4 instead of the expected 8.

This has some consequence for the representation of the product of species. We must explicitly make the pairs disjoint by tagging them. According to (37) we tag the parts by the pair (U1,U2) which is given through the Subset species.

174representation: Times 174  (175a)
Rep == Record(tag: Subset L, left: F L, right: G L);

Uses Subset 136.

The tag tells something about the split of the input set s of the function structures.

ToDo 26
rhx 17 19-Aug-2006: Do we need some functionality to access the internal structure, i. e., should we be able to return a structure of type F(L) from a given structure Times(F, G)?

Type Constructor



Product of combinatorial species.

175adom: Times 175a  (55)
)(L: LabelType): CombinatorialSpecies(L) == add {
        representation: Times 174
        import from Rep;
        implementation: Times 175b

Times, used in chunks 442, 455, 640, 642–48, 650, 652, 655, 658, 719, 721, 723, and 732.

Uses CombinatorialSpecies 71, LabelType 62, and SPECIES 55.
175bimplementation: Times 175b  (175a)  175c
(tw: TextWriter) << (x: %): TextWriter == {
        import from String;
        tw << "(" << rep(x).left << ", " << rep(x).right << ")";

Uses String 65.
175cimplementation: Times 175b+   (175a)  175b  177
(x: %) = (y: %): Boolean == {
        macro {X == rep x; Y == rep y}
        (X.tag = Y.tag) and (X.left = Y.left) and (X.right = Y.right);
ToDo 27
mrx 3 The following documentation chunk is duplicate, it is the same as in the Plus constructor. However, I’m not quite sure how to reference. Very likely, we should introduce a sub-sub-section. This duplication really should go away.

We have to create the objects generatingSeries, isomorphismTypeGeneratingSeries and expression first, before we start initialization. For example, the following variant would lead to a runtime error when a species is defined recursively:

generatingSeries: ExponentialGeneratingSeries == new();
set!(generatingSeries $ %, generatingSeries$F(L) + generatingSeries$G(L));
isomorphismTypeGeneratingSeries: OrdinaryGeneratingSeries == new();
set!(isomorphismTypeGeneratingSeries $ %,
    isomorphismTypeGeneratingSeries $ F(L) +
    isomorphismTypeGeneratingSeries $ G(L));

The reason is that Aldor would—due to the first set! instruction in the second line above—descend to the initialization of F(L) and G(L) before initializing isomorphismTypeGeneratingSeries.

Thus, we need to call init after defining all recursively generated constants, but before using them.

The same situation occurs in the Plus constructor.

177implementation: Times 175b+   (175a)  175c  178
generatingSeries: ExponentialGeneratingSeries == new();
isomorphismTypeGeneratingSeries: OrdinaryGeneratingSeries == new();
cycleIndexSeries: CycleIndexSeries == new();
expression: SpeciesExpression == new();
local init(): () == {
            generatingSeries $ %,
            generatingSeries $ F(L) * generatingSeries $ G(L)
            isomorphismTypeGeneratingSeries $ %,
            isomorphismTypeGeneratingSeries $ F(L) *
            isomorphismTypeGeneratingSeries $ G(L)
            cycleIndexSeries $ %,
            cycleIndexSeries $ F(L) * cycleIndexSeries $ G(L)
        set!(expression$%,  expression$F(L) + expression$G(L));

Uses CycleIndexSeries 330, ExponentialGeneratingSeries 316, OrdinaryGeneratingSeries 311, and SpeciesExpression 430.

For the product of species we need to generate all decompositions of a set U into subsets U1 and U2 such that U1 U2 = U and U1 U2 = U. Thus we can simply iterate over all structures of the species of subsets.

Exchanging F and G in the input of Times does, of course, not yields identical structures, i. e.Times is not commutative.

In order to avoid infinite recursion for recursively defined structures, we first check whether the coefficient of the generating series that corresponds to the input list u or v is zero. If it is, there is no need to recurse any further, since no structures must be generated. Note that it is not sufficient to test whether the coefficient of the generating series corresponding to the input list s is zero: infinite recursion may result, if, for example, the coefficient corresponding to v vanishes, but not the coefficient corresponding to u.

The domain ExponentialGeneratingSeries is implemented in such a way that a series knows approximately about its order, thus, accessing the coefficient of the series, will not lead to infinite recursion though the species and the generating series are defined by the same equations.

178implementation: Times 175b+   (175a)  177  179
structures(s: SetSpecies L): Generator % == {
        zero? coefficient(generatingSeries$%, #s) => generate {};
        import from I, Q, ExponentialGeneratingSeries;
        macro c(F,n) == coefficient(generatingSeries$F(L), n);
        generate {
                for t in structures(s)$Subset(L) repeat {
                        u: SetSpecies L := t :: SetSpecies(L);-- the subset
                        v: SetSpecies L := complement t;      -- its complement
                        zero? c(F, #u) or zero? c(G, #v) => iterate;
                        for x in structures(u)$F(L) repeat {
                                for y in structures(v)$G(L) repeat {
                                        yield per [t, x, y];

Uses ExponentialGeneratingSeries 316, Generator 617, I 47, Q 47, SetSpecies 117, and Subset 136.
ToDo 28
rhx 18 27-Sep-2006: It might be a bit more efficient to export a second function

structures: (I, List L) -> Generator %

so that #s would have to be computed only once and passed down the hierarchy.

The isomorphismTypes in the product species are generated in a manner very similar to the generation of the structures. In fact, we simply replace structures by isomorphismTypes for all occurrences.

ToDo 29
mrx 4 25-Dec-2006: Brendan Mc Kay’s nauty produces a canonical labelling for graphs. Maybe we should look at this.

179implementation: Times 175b+   (175a)  178
isomorphismTypes(s: SetSpecies L): Generator % == {
        import from I, Q, ExponentialGeneratingSeries;
        zero? coefficient(generatingSeries$%, #s) => generate {};
        macro c(F,n) == coefficient(generatingSeries$F(L), n);
        generate {
                for t in isomorphismTypes(s)$Subset(L) repeat {
                        u: SetSpecies L := t :: SetSpecies(L);-- the subset
                        v: SetSpecies L := complement t;      -- its complement
                        zero? c(F, #u) or zero? c(G, #v) => iterate;
                        for x in isomorphismTypes(u)$F(L) repeat {
                                for y in isomorphismTypes(v)$G(L) repeat {
                                        yield per [t, x, y];

Uses ExponentialGeneratingSeries 316, Generator 617, I 47, Q 47, SetSpecies 117, and Subset 136.