Bruno Buchberger

main contributions
refereed publications
books - journals
invited talks
contributed talks


Invited Talks at Institutes:

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Artificial Intelligence = Symbolic Computation + Machine Learning. Bruno Buchberger. January 12, 2023. Invited colloquium talk at University of Applied Science, Hagenberg, Austria. [bib]
Künstliche Intelligenz in den Medien. Bruno Buchberger. Nov 8, 2023. Invited colloquium talk at OÖ Club der Journalisten, OÖ. Presseclub, OK-Zentrum, Linz. [bib]
What Should I Learn in the Age of ChatGPT?. Bruno Buchberger. October 24, 2023. Invited colloquium talk at TH Ost-Westfalen-Lippe, Lemgo. [bib]
Alpin Academy Virgen (AAV) Workshop. Buchberger. April 17, 2018. Invited colloquium talk at Virgen, Osttirol. [bib]
Building Information Modeling (BIM) Workshop. Buchberger. March 26, 2018. Invited colloquium talk at OÖ Wirtschaftskammer, Linz. [bib]
Der Softwarepark Hagenberg. Buchberger. June 21, 2018. Invited colloquium talk at RISC. [bib]
Formal Research Methods in Computer Science. Buchberger. Sommersemester, 2018. Invited colloquium talk at Alpen Adria University, Klagenfurt. [bib]
Gedanken zur Mathematik an der JKU beim Festakt "50 Jahre Mathematik an der JKU". Buchberger. November 26, 2018. Invited colloquium talk at Johannes Kepler University. [bib]
Mathematik, Artificial Intelligence, ... 200 % leben. Buchberger. March 1, 2018. Invited colloquium talk at BORG Schottengasse, Wien. [bib]
Artificial Intelligence: Endlich Schluss mit Mathematik?. Bruno Buchberger. August 15, 2017. Invited colloquium talk at Internationale Akademie Traunkirchen. [bib]
Digitalisierung: Chancen und Risiken. Bruno Buchberger. November 30, 2017. Invited colloquium talk at "Oberösterreichisches Medienforum", Raiffeisen Forum, Linz. [bib]
Gröbner Bases for Non-Linear Systems: An Introduction and Recent Results. Bruno Buchberger. July 4, 2017. Invited colloquium talk at Technical University Munich, Department of Informatics. [bib]
2014-05-01-A From Basic Research to Start-ups: Personal Experiences as a Researcher and Technopark-Manager. B. Buchberger. May 1, 2014. Invited colloquium talk at National Sun Yat Sen University, Taiwan. [zip] [bib]
2014-09-25-A Innovationen im ländlichen Raum - Erfahrungen aus dem Softwarepark Hagenberg. B. Buchberger. September 25, 2014. Invited colloquium talk at Maschinenring. [zip] [bib]
2013-05-22-A Automated Algorithm Synthesis by the Lazy Thinking Method. B. Buchberger. May 22, 2013. Invited colloquium talk at Technical University of Vienna, Computer Science Department. [bib]
Groebner Bases: An Algorithmic Method for Multivariate Polynomial Systems. B. Buchberger. July 22-26, 2013. Course (6 hours) at International Summer School on Trends in Computing. Invited colloquium talk at University of Tarragona, Spain. [bib]
2013-05-03-A How Much of Mathematical Invention Can be Automated?. B. Buchberger. May 3, 2013. Invited colloquium talk at Alan Mekler Lecture at Simon Frazer University, Math Department, Vancouver, Canada. [bib]
Mathematics of 21st Century: A Personal View. B. Buchberger. September 25, 2013. Invited colloquium talk at Math. Department, University of Genova, Italy. [bib]
Mathematics: The Turbo behind Science and Technology. B. Buchberger. September 24, 2013. Invited colloquium talk at Math. Department, University of Genova, Italy. [bib]
2013-04-17-A The Future of Mathematics: A Personal View. B. Buchberger. April 17, 2013. Invited colloquium talk at Islamic University of Gaza, School of Technical Sciences. [bib]
2012-07-09-A Computer Professor -> Professor Computer?. B. Buchberger. July 9, 2012. Invited colloquium talk at Colloqium in Honor of Professor H Michael Moeller's Retirement. [bib]
2011-06-16-A Dinstinguished Lecture: Can Mathematical Invention be Automated?. B. Buchberger. June 16, 2011. Invited colloquium talk at University of Waterloo, Dept. of Computer Science. [bib]
2011-10-10-A Ist das Denken computerisierbar? (Is Thinking Computerizable?). B. Buchberger. October 10, 2011. Invited colloquium talk at Kepler-Salon, Linz, Austria. [bib]
2011-05-18-A Lazy Thinking: A Method for the Automated Invention of Algorithms. B. Buchberger. May 18, 2011. Invited colloquium talk at University of Klagenfurt, Austria, Dept. of Computer Science. [bib]
2011-03-14-A Research at the Softwarepark Hagenberg and Industrial Effects. B. Buchberger. March 14, 2011. Invited colloquium talk at TU Munich, Germany, High Performance Computing Center, Garching. [bib]
2011-02-12-A The Softwarepark Hagenberg. B. Buchberger. February 12, 2011. Invited colloquium talk at Kasetsart University, Computer Science Department, Bangkok, Thailand. [bib]
2011-02-14-A The Softwarepark Hagenberg. B. Buchberger. February 14, 2011. Invited colloquium talk at King Mongkut Institute of Technology at Ladkrabang, Computer Science Department, Bangkok, Thailand. [bib]
2011-02-15-A The Softwarepark Hagenberg. B. Buchberger. February 15, 2011. Invited colloquium talk at Asian Institute of Technology, Computer Science Department, Bangkok, Thailand. [bib]
2011-06-14-A Theorema. B. Buchberger. June 14, 2011. Invited colloquium talk at University of Waterloo, Dept. of Computer Science. [bib]
2010-07-01-A An Introduction to Groebner Bases: Theory and Applications. B. Buchberger. July 1, 2010. Invited colloquium talk at University of Szeged, Bolyai Institute of Mathematics. [bib]
2010-11-03-A Thinking, Speaking, Writing. B. Buchberger. November 3, 2010. Invited colloquium talk at Technical University of Prague, Computer Science Department. [bib]
2009-04-16-A Algorithmic Algorithm Synthesis by the Lazy Thinking Approach: Case Study Groebner Bases. B. Buchberger. April 16, 2009. Invited colloquium talk at Colloquium Talk at University of Ohio, Athens, USA, Graduate Program in Algebra. [bib]
2009-04-20-A Groebner Bases Theory and Applications: An Introduction. B. Buchberger. April 20, 2009. Invited colloquium talk at University of Ohio, Athens, USA, Graduate Program in Algebra. [bib]
2009-06-03-A Lazy Thinking: A Method for the Automatic Invention of Algorithms. B. Buchberger. June 3, 2009. Invited colloquium talk at Colloquium Talk, University of Salzburg, Institute of Computer Science, Austria.. [bib]
2009-05-14-A Pure, Algorithmic, Applied, ... Mathematics: Which One is Better?. B. Buchberger. May 14, 2009. Invited colloquium talk at Public Talk at the Chinese Academy of Science, Institute for Computer and Systems Science. [bib]
2009-04-18-A Symbolic Solution of Boundary Value Problems in Theorema. B. Buchberger. April 18, 2009. Invited colloquium talk at Colloquium Talk at University of Ohio, Athens, USA, Graduate Program in Algebra. [bib]
2009-03-09-A The Softwarepark Hagenberg and the International Master's Program Informatics Hagenberg. B. Buchberger. March 9, 2009. Invited colloquium talk at POLBAN Polytechnic University, Computer Science Department, Bandung, Indonesia. [bib]
2009-03-10-A The Softwarepark Hagenberg and the International Master's Program Informatics Hagenberg. B. Buchberger. March 10, 2009. Invited colloquium talk at Wydiatama University, Computer Science Department, Bandung, Indonesia. [bib]
2009-03-11-A The Softwarepark Hagenberg and the International Master's Program Informatics Hagenberg. B. Buchberger. March 11, 2009. Invited colloquium talk at Polytechnic Electronics Negeri Surabaya, Computer Science Department, Indonesia. [bib]
2009-03-12-A The Softwarepark Hagenberg and the International Master's Program Informatics Hagenberg. B. Buchberger. March 12, 2009. Invited colloquium talk at Bina Darma University, Palembang, Computer Science Department, Indonesia. [bib]
2009-03-13-A The Softwarepark Hagenberg and the International Master's Program Informatics Hagenberg. B. Buchberger. March 13, 2009. Invited colloquium talk at Polytechnic University, Sekayu, Computer Science Department, Indonesia. [bib]
2009-03-14-A The Softwarepark Hagenberg and the International Master's Program Informatics Hagenberg. B. Buchberger. March 14, 2009. Invited colloquium talk at Guna Darma University, Palembang, Computer Science Department, Indonesia. [bib]
2008-04-25-A Automated Algorithm Synthesis in Theorema. Invited Colloqium at State Key Laboratory on Software Development Environment.. B. Buchberger. April 25, 2008. Invited colloquium talk at Beihan University, Beijing, China. [bib]
2008-07-24-B Overview on the Theorema Project. Contributed talk at: International Conference on Symbolic and Numeric Scientific Computing (SNSC). B. Buchberger. July 24-26, 2008. Invited colloquium talk at RISC, Johannes Kepler University, Hagenberg. [bib]
2008-07-24-A Symbolic Functional Analysis: How it Started. Contributed talk at: International Conference on Symbolic and Numeric Scientific Computing (SNSC). B. Buchberger. July 24-26, 2008. Invited colloquium talk at RISC, Johannes Kepler University, Hagenberg. [bib]
2006-12-14-A Automated Mathematical Theory Exploration: How Far Can We Go?. B. Buchberger. December 14-15, 2006. Invited colloquium talk at DERI, Innsbruck. [nb] [pdf] [bib]
2006-03-06-C Automated Synthesis of a Groebner Bases Algorithm.Talk at Workshop "Formal Groebner Bases Theory. B. Buchberger. March 6, 2006. Invited colloquium talk at RICAM - RISC, Linz, Austria. [bib]
2006-11-21-A Die Zukunft der algorithmischen Mathematik: Kann mathematische Forschung automatisiert werden?. B. Buchberger. November 21, 2006. Invited colloquium talk at OCG, OVE, Graz. [nb] [pdf] [bib]
2006-04-30-A Groebner Bases: Tutorial for Newcomers. B. Buchberger. April 30, 2006. Invited colloquium talk at RICAM, RISC. [pdf] [nb] [bib]
2006-01-31-A Symbolic Computation: Current Trends. B. Buchberger. January, 31, 2006. Invited colloquium talk at Max Planck Institute for Physics, München. [nb] [pdf] [bib]
2006-01-18-A Symbolic Computation: Current Trends. B. Buchberger. Jan. 18, 2006. Invited colloquium talk at Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich. [bib]
2005-11-14-A Algorithm Synthesis by Lazy Thinking: Case Study Gröbner Bases. B. Buchberger. November 14, 2005. Ultra-Omega-Theorema. Invited colloquium talk at DFKI, Saarland University. [pdf] [nb] [bib]
2005-06-23-A Algorithm Synthesis in Theorema: Case Study Gröbner Bases. B. Buchberger. June 23, 2005. Invited colloquium talk at University of Edinburgh, School of Informatics. [pdf] [nb] [bib]
2005-04-20-A Algorithmische Beweisverfahren: Das Ende der Mathematik?. B. Buchberger. April 20, 2005. Invited colloquium talk at Kepler Symposium, Universität Linz. [nb] [pdf] [bib]
2005-02-02-A Groebner Bases: An Introduction. B. Buchberger. Feb, 02, 2005. Invited colloquium talk at Softwarepark Hagenberg. [pdf] [nb] [bib]
2005-06-02-A Groebner-Basen: Eine Einfuehrung fuer LA-Kandidaten. B. Buchberger. June, 2, 2005. Invited colloquium talk at RISC. [pdf] [nb] [bib]
2004-08-25-A Algorithmic Algorithm Synthesis: Case Study Groebner Bases. B. Buchberger. August 25, 2004. Invited colloquium talk at Kuyshu University, Mathematical Department, Fukuoka, Japan. [nb] [bib]
2004-10-29-A Algorithmic Algorithm Synthesis: Case Study Groebner Bases. B. Buchberger. October 29, 2004. Invited colloquium talk at KAIST (University, Daejon). [bib]
2004-10-28-A Computer Algebra: A Key to the Future of Mathematics, Science, and Engineering. B. Buchberger. October 28, 2004. Invited colloquium talk at KIAS (Korean Institute of Advanced Studies, Seoul). [bib]
2004-10-16-A Didactic Principles for Using Computer Algebra in Class. B. Buchberger. October 16, 2004. Lecture for High-school Teachers. Invited colloquium talk at Waseda Gakuin High School. [bib]
2004-12-15-A Elimination and Self-Elimination. B. Buchberger. December 15, 2004. Invited colloquium talk at University of Bochum, Mathematical Institute. [bib]
2004-10-09-A Groebner Bases and Automated Theorem Proving. B. Buchberger. October 9, 2004. Invited colloquium talk at Toho University, Mathematical Institute, Tokyo – Tsudanuma. [bib]
2004-01-25-A Groebner Bases: Theory and Applications. B. Buchberger. January 25, 2004. Invited colloquium talk at Sultan Qaboos Universiy, Department of Mathematics and Statistics. [nb] [bib]
2004-08-02-A Groebner Basis: An Overview. B. Buchberger. August 2-4, 2004. Invited colloquium talk at Workshop on Computer Algebra, RIMS (Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences), Kyoto University, Japan. [tar] [PartI.ppt] [PartII.nb] [bib]
2004-10-13-A How to Give Talks and Write Papers. B. Buchberger. October 13, 2004. Lecture for Graduate Students. Invited colloquium talk at Kyoto University, Graduate School for Computer Science. [bib]
2004-10-04-A How to Work With the Literature. B. Buchberger. October 4, 2004. Lecture for Graduate Students. Invited colloquium talk at Kyoto University, Graduate School for Computer Science. [bib]
2004-10-16-B Let's Solve!. B. Buchberger. October 16, 2004. Teaching Experiment on Computer Algebra with High School Students. Invited colloquium talk at Waseda Gakuin High School. [bib]
2004-08-03-A The Importance of Formal Methods in Mathematics. B. Buchberger. August 2-4, 2004. Invited colloquium talk at Workshop on Computer Algebra, RIMS (Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences), Kyoto University, Japan. [PartI.ppt] [tar] [PartII.nb] [bib]
2004-07-23-A Theorema: An Overview. B. Buchberger. July 22-23, 2004. Invited colloquium talk at Kyoto University, Graduate School of Computer Science. [nb] [bib]
2003-11-19-A Algorithm Invention and Verification by Lazy Thinking. B. Buchberger. November 19, 2003. Invited colloquium talk at Department of Computer Science, Lamar University, Texas, USA. [nb] [bib]
2003-12-05-A Algorithm Synthesis by Failing Correctness Proofs. B. Buchberger. December 5, 2003. Invited colloquium talk at Mathematisches Institut, Universitaet Muenchen. [nb] [bib]
2003-03-07-A Systematic Theory Exploration: The Lazy Thinking Paradigm. B. Buchberger. March 7, 2003. Invited colloquium talk at Mathematics Department, University of Kyushu, Fukuoka, Japan. [nb] [bib]
2002-12-12-A Computer Mathematik: Abstieg oder Aufstieg (Computer Mathematics: Descent or Ascent). B. Buchberger. December 12, 2002. Invited colloquium talk at Fachhochschule Ohm, Mathematical Department, Nuernberg, Germany. [bib]
2002-03-13-A Computer verstehen und benutzen (Understanding and Using Computers). B. Buchberger. March 13, 2002. Invited colloquium talk at Workshop of the Austrian Christian Teachers Association, at RISC, Schloss Hagenberg, Austria. [bib]
2002-05-23-A Computer-Algebra: Abstieg oder Aufstieg? (Computer Algebra: Descent or Ascent ?). B. Buchberger. May 23, 2002. Invited colloquium talk at IWR (Institut fuer Wissenschaftliches Rechnen), Heidelberg, Germany. [nb] [ps] [pdf] [bib]
2002-03-19-A Forschung: Das Standortkriterium. Erfahrungen, Reflexionen, Visionen. (Research: A Decisive Criterion for Selecting Industrial Sites.). B. Buchberger. March 19, 2002. Invited colloquium talk at “Innovationsgespraeche”, Profactor Institute, Steyr, Austria. [bib]
2002-05-06-A Grundlagen des Rechnens (Fundamentals of Computing). B. Buchberger. May 6, 2002. Invited colloquium talk at RISC, Hagenberg, Talk for High School Students. [bib]
2002-11-14-A Technologien und laendlicher Raum (Technologies and the Rural Area). B. Buchberger. November 14, 2002. Invited colloquium talk at HBLA (Highschool) Elmberg near Linz, Austria, Workshop for Teachers and Parents. [bib]
2002-03-07-A Verified Algorithm Development by Lazy Thinking. B. Buchberger. March 7, 2002. Invited colloquium talk at Mathematics Department, University of Kyushu, Fukuoka. [bib]
2001-01-27-A Die e-Technologien: Neue Chancen fuer den laendlichen Raum (The e-Technologies: New Chances for Rural Areas). B. Buchberger. January 27, 2001. Invited colloquium talk at Landwirtschaftliche Fachschule Freistadt, Austria. [bib]
2001-06-30-A Euclid's Algorithm Using Theorema. B. Buchberger. June 30, 2001. Invited colloquium talk at Lecture for Teachers and Students, Konan High School, Japan. [bib]
2001-07-02-A Groebner Bases: A Practical Tool for Nonlinear Algebraic Equations. B. Buchberger. July 2, 2001. Invited colloquium talk at Kyushu University, Graduate School of Mathematics, Fukuoka, Japan. [bib]
2001-09-11-A Implementation of Groebner Bases: Using Functors in Theorema. B. Buchberger. September 11, 2001. Invited colloquium talk at Texas A&M University, Mathematical Department, USA. [bib]
2001-09-09-A Introduction to Groebner Bases: Theory and Applications. B. Buchberger. September 9, 2001. Invited colloquium talk at Texas A&M University, Dept. of Mathematics. [bib]
2001-09-06-A Logicographic Symbols: Combining Intuition and Formality. B. Buchberger. September 6, 2001. Invited colloquium talk at Computer Science Department, Lamar University, Texas, USA. [bib]
2001-09-14-A Mathematical Knowledge Management in Theorema. B. Buchberger. September 14, 2001. Invited colloquium talk at Texas A&M University, Dept. of Mathematics. [bib]
2001-05-19-A Predicate Logic as a Working Language Using THEOREMA. B. Buchberger. May 21-25, 2001. Invited colloquium talk at University of the West, Timisoara, Romania. [bib]
2001-01-30-A The Didactics of Computer Mathematics. Short course for high school students and teachers. B. Buchberger. January 30, 2001. Invited colloquium talk at Konan High School, Kobe. [bib]
2001-06-03-A THEOREMA: A Frame for Formal Mathematics. B. Buchberger. June 3, 2001. Invited colloquium talk at Kyushu University, Mathematical Institute, Fukuoka, Japan. [bib]
2001-03-14-A THEOREMA: Formale Mathematik (Theorema: Formal Mathematics). B. Buchberger. March 14, 2001. Invited colloquium talk at University of Innsbruck, Mathematical Institute, Austria. [bib]
2001-09-03-A Three Lecture on Mathematics. B. Buchberger. September 10-13, 2001. Invited colloquium talk at Texas A&M University, Mathematical Department, USA. [bib]
2000-05-15-A Automated Theorem Proving for the Practice. B. Buchberger. May 15, 2000. Invited colloquium talk at University of Salzburg, Mathematical Institute. [bib]
2000-05-22-A Computer-Algebra: Das Ende der Mathematik? (Computer Algebra: The End of Mathematics?). B. Buchberger. May 22, 2000. Invited colloquium talk at Freie Universitaet Berlin, Mathematisches Institut, Germany. [pdf] [ps] [abstract] [bib]
2000-03-01-A Groebner Bases and Automated Theorem Proving. (10 hours). B. Buchberger. March 1-10, 2000. Invited colloquium talk at Intensive Course (10 hours) at the University of Texas at Beaumont. [bib]
2000-03-24-A Mathematik: Technologie des Denkens und Sprechens (Mathematics: Technology of Speaking and Thinking). B. Buchberger. March 24, 2000. Invited colloquium talk at Seminar for Highschool Teachers, Feldkirch. [bib]
2000-06-15-A Theorema: Automatisches Beweisen fuer die Praxis (Theorema: Automatisches Beweisen fuer die Praxis). B. Buchberger. June 6, 2000. Invited colloquium talk at University of Salzburg, Institute for Informatics, Salzburg, Austria. [bib]
2000-02-28-A Theorema: Beyond Computer Algebra. B. Buchberger. February 28, 2000. Invited colloquium talk at University of Texas at Beaumont, Computer Science Department. [bib]
1999-04-16-A Groebner Bases: Theory and Applications. B. Buchberger. April 16, 1999. Invited colloquium talk at University of Timisoara, Romania. [bib]
1999-05-20-A Theorema: A New Kind of Mathematical System. B. Buchberger. May 20, 1999. Invited colloquium talk at University of Debrecen, Hungary. [bib]
1999-04-19-A Theorema: A New Kind of Mathematical System. B. Buchberger. April 19, 1999. Invited colloquium talk at University of Cluj, Romania. [bib]
1999-04-14-A Theorema: A New Kind of Mathematical System. B. Buchberger. April 14, 1999. Invited colloquium talk at University of Timisoara, Romania. [bib]
1999-06-15-A Theorema: A Progress Report. B. Buchberger. June 15, 1999. Invited colloquium talk at GMD Bonn, Institut fuer Algorithmen, Germany. [bib]
1999-10-25-A Theorema: A System for Supporting Mathematical Proving. B. Buchberger. October 25, 1999. Invited colloquium talk at Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Mathematics, Pittsburgh, USA. [bib]
1999-10-22-A Theorema: A System for Supporting Mathematical Proving. B. Buchberger. October 22, 1999. Invited colloquium talk at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Mathematics, USA. [bib]
1999-10-18-A Theorema: A System for Supporting Mathematical Proving. B. Buchberger. October 18, 1999. Invited colloquium talk at North Carolina State University, Department of Mathematics, USA. [bib]
1998-10-05-A Intensive Course on Groebner Bases. (30 hours). B. Buchberger. October 5-14, 1998. Invited colloquium talk at Universitad de Oriente, Santiago, Cuba. [bib]
1998-06-22-A Symbolisches Rechnen: Eine Uebersicht (Symbolic Computation: An Overview). B. Buchberger. June 22, 1998. Invited colloquium talk at Universitaet Hamburg, Institut fuer Informatik, Germany. [bib]
1998-10-13-A The Theorema Project. B. Buchberger. October 13, 1998. Invited colloquium talk at Universitad de Oriente, Santiago, Cuba. [bib]
1998-02-24-A The Theorema Project: An Introduction. B. Buchberger. February 24, 1998. Invited colloquium talk at Research Institute IRST, Trento, Italy. [bib]
1998-11-25-A Theorema: Automatisches Beweisen fuer mathematische Forschung und Lehre (Theorema: Automatic Proving for Math Research and Education). B. Buchberger. November 25, 1998. Invited colloquium talk at Universitaet Leipzig, Mathematisches Institut, Germany. [bib]
1998-04-24-A Theorema: Computer-Assisted Mathematical Proving. B. Buchberger. April 24, 1998. Invited colloquium talk at Universitaet Karlsruhe, Institut fuer Informatik, Germany. [bib]
1997-02-26-A A Short Course on Automated Theorem Proving Using Mathematica. B. Buchberger. February 26-28, 1997. Invited colloquium talk at University of Hiroshima, Department of Computer Science, Japan. [bib]
1997-10-08-A An Intensive Course on Groebner Bases. B. Buchberger. October 8-9, 1997. Invited colloquium talk at University of Electro-Communications, Department of Computer Science, Tokyo, Japan. [bib]
1997-10-26-A Introduction to Groebner Bases and Applications. B. Buchberger. October 26, 1997. Invited colloquium talk at University of Tsukuba, Institute of Mathematics, Japan. [bib]
1997-07-03-A On Overview on the Theorema Project. B. Buchberger. July 3, 1997. Invited colloquium talk at GMD, Institut fuer Algorithmen, Bonn/Birlinghoven, Germany. [bib]
1997-05-06-A The Theorema Project: An Overview. B. Buchberger. May 6, 1997. Invited colloquium talk at University of Brno, Institute of Computer Science, Chech Republic. [bib]
1997-02-19-A Theorem Proving and the RISA/ASIR System. B. Buchberger. February 19, 1997. Invited colloquium talk at Fujitsu Labs, Numazu, Japan. [bib]
1996-03-17-A A Language for Pure and Algorithmic Math. B. Buchberger. May 17, 1996. Invited colloquium talk at Colloquium talk: Wolfram Research International, Champaign/Illinois, USA. [bib]
1996-02-25-A Beyond Mathematica: The Future of Mathematical Software Systems. B. Buchberger. February 25, 1996. Invited colloquium talk at Public Lecture at Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. [bib]
1996-06-30-A Computer-Algebra und Theorem Proving. B. Buchberger. June 30, 1996. Invited colloquium talk at Deutsches Forschungsinstitut fuer kuenstliche Intelligenz, Saarbruecken, Germany. [bib]
1996-05-24-A Functor Programming in Mathematica. B. Buchberger. May 24, 1996. Invited colloquium talk at University of Delaware, Department for Information and Systems Sciences, USA. [bib]
1996-02-08-A Functor Programming in Mathematica. B. Buchberger. February 8, 1996. Invited colloquium talk at Australian National University, Computer Science Department, Australia. [bib]
1996-02-16-A Funtor Programming in Mathematica. B. Buchberger. February 16, 1996. Invited colloquium talk at Mac Quarie University, Sydney, Australia. [bib]
1996-01-23-A Future Trends in Symbolic Computation: A Subjective View. B. Buchberger. January 23, 1996. Invited colloquium talk at Technical University of Vienna, Department of Computer Science, Austria. [bib]
1996-02-19-A Groebner Bases: Some Details. B. Buchberger. February 19, 1996. Invited colloquium talk at University of Sydney, Australia. [bib]
1996-02-12-A Introduction to Groebner Bases I and II. B. Buchberger. February 12-15, 1996. Invited colloquium talk at Australian National University, Computer Science Department, Canberra, Australia. [bib]
1996-10-28-A The Theorema Project at the RISC Institute. B. Buchberger. October 28, 1996. Invited colloquium talk at University of Kyoto, Department of Computer Science, Japan. [bib]
1995-12-01-A Symbolic Computation: Organizing Complex Reasoning. B. Buchberger. December 1, 1995. Invited colloquium talk at International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxemburg, Austria. [bib]
1993-11-00-A Computer Algebra between Mathematics, Computer Science, and Applications. B. Buchberger. November, 1993. Invited colloquium talk at Opening of the Computer Algebra Center in Kaiserslautern, Germany. [bib]
1983-03-00-C A Constructive Approach of the Theory of Polynomial Ideals. B. Buchberger. March, 1983. Invited colloquium talk at Institute for Mathematics, University of Udine. [bib]
1983-07-18-A A Multiprocessor System for Parallel Algorithms. B. Buchberger. July 18, 1983. Invited colloquium talk at Department of Electrotechnics and Electronics, University of Bari. [bib]
1983-07-12-A A Multiprocessor System for Parallel Algorithms. B. Buchberger. June 12, 1983. Invited colloquium talk at Institute for Mathematics, University of Genova, Italy. [bib]
1983-07-13-A An Introduction to Groebner Bases. B. Buchberger. June 13, 1983. Invited colloquium talk at Institute for Mathematics, University of Genova, Italy. [bib]
1983-03-00-B Buchstaben-Rechnen mit der Computer (Symbolic Computation with the Computer). B. Buchberger. March, 1983. Invited colloquium talk at Institute for Mathematics, University of Klagenfurt. [bib]
1983-07-01-A Critical Pair / Completion Algorithms in Rings. B. Buchberger. July 1, 1983. Invited colloquium talk at Institute for Computer Science, University of Grenoble. [bib]
1983-06-01-A Critical-Pair/Completion Algorithmen: Übersicht und neue Ergebniss (Critical Pair / Completion Algorithms: Overview and New Results). B. Buchberger. June 1, 1983. Invited colloquium talk at Institute for Computer Science, University of Karlsruhe. [bib]
1983-11-07-A Eine Verbesserung des Knuth-Bendix-Algorithmus (An Improvement of the Knuth-Bendix Algorithm). B. Buchberger. November 7, 1983. Invited colloquium talk at Institute for Computer Science, University of Erlangen. [bib]
1983-11-04-A Groebner-Basen: eine algorithmische Methode fuer Probleme in Polynomidealen (Groebner Bases: an Algorithmic Method for Problems in Polynomials Rings). B. Buchberger. November 4, 1983. Invited colloquium talk at Institute for Applied Mathematics, University of Heidelberg. [bib]
1983-11-07-A L-Netzwerke (Modulare, extendierbare, asynchrone Netzwerke fuer die Ekekution paralleler Algorithmen (L-Networks: Modular, Extendable, Asynchrone Networks for Executing Parallel Algorithms). B. Buchberger. November 15, 1983. Invited colloquium talk at Institute for Cybernetics, University of Viena. [bib]
1983-05-10-A Reduktionsringe: ein algorithmischer Zugang zu Problemen in Ringen (Reduction Rings: an Algorithmic Apporach for Problems in Rings). B. Buchberger. May 10, 1983. Invited colloquium talk at Institute for Computer Science, University of Kaiserslautern. [bib]
1983-10-27-A Simplification Modulo Polynomial Ideals by Groebner Basis. B. Buchberger. October 27, 1983. Invited colloquium talk at Institute for Computer Science, Italian National Research Council. [bib]
1982-05-21-A Algorithmic Methods in Polynomial Ideal Theory. B. Buchberger. May 21, 1982. Invited colloquium talk at Department of Mathematics, University of Delaware. [bib]
1982-05-07-A Algorithmic Methods in Polynomial Ideal Theory. B. Buchberger. May 7, 1982. Invited colloquium talk at Department of Electric Engineering, University of Pittsburh. [bib]
1982-05-06-A Algorithmic Methods in Polynomial Ideal Theory. B. Buchberger. May 6, 1982. Invited colloquium talk at Department of Mathematics, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park. [bib]
1982-04-26-A Computer Science in Austria and Possibilities for Graduate Studies. B. Buchberger. April 26, 1982. Invited colloquium talk at Department of Computer Science, University of Delaware. [bib]
1982-04-01-A Critical Pair / Completion Algorithms. B. Buchberger. April 1, 1982. Invited colloquium talk at Artificial Intelligence Seminar, Computer Science Department, University of Delaware. [bib]
1982-06-17-A Simplification Modulo Polynomial Ideals. B. Buchberger. June 17, 1982. Invited colloquium talk at IBM Thomas Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heigths, New York. [bib]
1982-06-22-A Some Proof Details in the Theory of Groebner-Bases. B. Buchberger. June 22, 1982. Invited colloquium talk at Mathematical Sciences Department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York. [bib]
1981-02-04-A Die Church-Rosser-Eigenschaft der Reduktion modulo Polynomidealen (Church-Rosser Property of Reductions Modulo Polynomial Ideals). B. Buchberger. February 4, 1981. Invited colloquium talk at Institute of Computer Science, University of Hagen, Germany. [bib]
1981-02-02-A Ein Multiprozessor-System: Konzept, Algorithmen, Hardware (A Multi-Processor System: Concept, Algorithms, Hardware). B. Buchberger. February 2, 1981. Invited colloquium talk at Institute of Computer Science, University of Bonn, Germany. [bib]
1981-02-03-A Eine systematische Untersuchung des Begriffs der kreativen Mengen in der Algorithmentheorie (A Systematic Investigation of the Notion of Creative Sets in Algorithm Theory). B. Buchberger. February 3, 1981. Invited colloquium talk at Institute of Computer Science, University of Dortmund, Germany. [bib]
1979-12-03-A Die Hardware-Implementierung rekursiver Prozeduren durch ein Multiprozessor-System (The Hardware-Implementation of Recursive Procedures by a Multi-Microprocessor System). B. Buchberger. December 3, 1979. Invited colloquium talk at Institute of Computer Science, University of Karlsruhe, Germany. [bib]
1978-04-10-A Ein Algorithmus zur Konstruktion von Groebner-Basen fuer Polynomideale (An Algorithm for Constructing Groebner Bases of Polynomial Ideals). B. Buchberger. April 10, 1978. Invited colloquium talk at Institute of Computer Science, University of Karlsruhe, Germany. [bib]
1978-12-20-A Eine konstruktive Loesung des Hauptproblems der Theorie der Polynomideale (A Constructive Solution of the Main Problem in the Theory of Polynomial Ideals). B. Buchberger. November 20, 1978. Invited colloquium talk at Institute of Computer Science, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. [bib]
1977-02-04-A Einige Untersuchungen zu universellen Automaten (Some Investigations on Universal Automata). B. Buchberger. February 4, 1977. Invited colloquium talk at Institute of Computer Science, University of Karlsruhe, Germany. [bib]
1976-02-05-A Maschinen-unabhaengige Algorithmentheorie (Machine-Independent Algorithm Theory). B. Buchberger. February 5, 1976. Invited colloquium talk at Institute of Computer Science, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. [bib]
1975-03-03-A Sistemi effettivi e la modificazione di programmi (Effective Systems and the Modification of Programs). B. Buchberger. March 3, 1975. Invited colloquium talk at Institute of Computer Science, University of Salerno, Italy. [bib]
1973-06-26-A Automatentheorie als Rahmen fuer die Semantik von Programmiersprachen (Automata Theory as a Framework for the Semantics of Programming Languages). B. Buchberger. June 26, 1973. Invited colloquium talk at Institute of Computer Science, University of Darmstadt, Germany. [bib]
1973-01-00-A Ein Fixpunktsatz in der Rekursionstheorie (A Fixpoint Theorem in Recursive Function Theory). B. Buchberger. January, 1973. Invited colloquium talk at Habilitation Lecture, University of Innsbruck, Austria. [bib]
1973-06-04-A Interpretation von Programmiersprachen durch Automaten (Interpretation of Programming Languages by Automata). B. Buchberger. June 4, 1973. Invited colloquium talk at Institute of Mathematics, University of Linz, Austria. [bib]
1973-05-02-A Ueber den Begriff des universellen Automaten (On the Notion of Universal Automaton). B. Buchberger. May 2, 1973. Invited colloquium talk at Institute of Computer Science, University of Dortmund, Germany. [bib]
1972-07-00-A Eine Interpretation der Blum'schen Komplexitaetsmasse (An Interpretation of Blum's Complexity Theory). B. Buchberger. July, 1972. Invited colloquium talk at Math. Physic. Society, University of Insbruck, Austria. [bib]
1972-06-13-A Ueber gewisse Zerlegungen von Goedel-Numerierungen und die Semantik von Programmiersprachen (On Certain Decompositions of Gödel Numberings and the Semantics of Programming Languages). B. Buchberger. June 13, 1972. Invited colloquium talk at Institute of Computer Science, University of Munchen, Germany. [bib]
1971-06-06-A Associating Functions and the Operator of Conditioned Iteration. B. Buchberger. June 6, 1971. Invited colloquium talk at Institute for Mathematical Logic, University of Munchen, Germany. [bib]