Definition 11.2. Let k1,…,kr be non-negative integers and n = ∑ i=1rki. The multinomial coefficient is defined by equation 164. It is undefined for n∑ i=1rki.
Export of MultinomialTools
multinomial: List MachineInteger -> Integer
k: List I := [k1, ..., kr];
b: Integer := multinomial k;
For each i the parameter ki is a (machine-size) integer.
Compute multinomial coefficient.
For non-negative integers k1,…,kr the function multinomial computes the multinomial coefficient
(164) |
We explicitly define multinomial([]) as 1.
Export of MultinomialTools
multinomial: (I, List I) -> Integer
macro I == MachineInteger;
k: List I := [k1, ..., kr];
n: I := 0;
for i in k repeat n := n + i;
b := multinomial(n, k);
This must be ∑ i=1rki.
For each i the parameter ki is a non-negative integer.
Compute multinomial coefficient.
For non-negative integers k1,…,kr with r > 0 the function multinomial computes the multinomial coefficient
(165) |
Note that the output of the function is undefined for n∑ i=1rki. It is also undefined, if the input list is empty.
Our implementation uses the following connection to binomial coefficients:
= | (166) | |
= ⋅ | (167) | |
= ⋅ | (168) |