Contributed Talks at Conferences:
Copyright: If you download papers, please, respect the copyright of the publishers
indicated at the various papers. If no publisher is explicitly
mentioned, the copyright is with Bruno Buchberger.
If you download a paper, I would appreciate if you send an e-mail
to buchberger@risc.uni-linz.ac.at
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. For executing the formulae in the input cells in some of the
papers, in addition to Mathematica, you need our Theorema system,
see Theorema.
2004-09-22-A: |
Algorithm Supported Mathematical Theory Exploration. |
B. Buchberger
In: B. Buchberger, John Campbell (eds.) Proceedings of AISC 2004 (7 th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation, September 22-24, 2004, RISC, Johannes Kepler University, Austria), Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 3249, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2004.
ISSN 0302-9743, ISBN 3-540-23212-5
Copyright: Springer, Berlin
2004-05-27-A: |
Algorithmic Algorithm Synthesis: Case Study Groebner Bases. |
B. Buchberger
International Algebra Conference, Moscow State University, May 26 - June 2, 2004.
2003-03-30-A: |
Calculemus at RISC: The THEOREMA Project. |
B. Buchberger
Calculemus Midterm Review, Saarland University and German Research Center for AI (DFKI) Saarbruecken, Germany, March 30, 2003.
2003-02-15-A: |
Theorema: Current Work. |
B. Buchberger
Second International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management, February 16-18 2003, Bertinoro, Italy, discussion session.
2003-02-12-B: |
The Objective of the Institute e-Austria and the Role of the Scientific Project. Practical and Theoretical Asptects of Program Verification. |
B. Buchberger
Workshop "Computer-Aided Verification of Information Systems: A Practical, Industry-Oriented Approach", Romanian-Austrian Workshop, organized by the Institute e-Austria Timisoara, February 12, 2003, Universitatea de Vest, Timisoara, Romania, pp. 1-3.
2003-02-12-A: |
The Institute e-Austria: Objectives and a Model Project on Program Verification. |
B. Buchberger
Workshop "Computer-Aided Verification of Information Systems: A Practical, Industry-Oriented Approach", organized by the Institute e-Austria Timisoara, Feb. 12, 2003, Universitatea de Vest, Timisoara, Romania.
2002-10-20-A: |
Logic, Mathematics, Computer Science: The Accumulated Thinking Technology of Mankind. |
B. Buchberger
Conference on Logic, Mathematics and Computer Science (LMCS 2002), Symposium in Honor of Bruno Buchberger's 60th Birthday, RISC, Hagenberg, Austria, 20-22 October, 2002, pp. 9-10.
RISC-Linz Report Series No. 02-60, ISBN 3-902276-02-9
2002-09-24-A: |
Formal Theory Exploration:The Lazy Thinking Paradigm. |
B. Buchberger
Calculemus Meeting, Pisa, Italy, Sep 16, 2002.
2001-12-07-A: |
Groebner Rings. |
B. Buchberger
International Conference on Computational Algebraic Geometry, University of Hyderabad, India, December 7-14, 2001.
Keywords: axiomatic approach to Groebner bases theory, least common reducibles, functor implementation, automated theorem proving, Theorema
2001-09-26-A: |
The Role of Logicographic Symbols for Mathematical Knowledge Management. |
B. Buchberger, K. Nakagawa
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Mathematical Knowledge Management (MKM) (B. Buchberger, O. Caprotti eds), RISC-Linz, A-4232 Schloss Hagenberg, September 24-26, 2001. www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/institute/conferences/MKM2001/
2001-09-25-A: |
Introduction to Mathematical Knowledge Management. |
B. Buchberger
First International Workshop on Mathematical Knowledge Management, RISC-Linz, A-4232 Schloss Hagenberg, Austria, Sep 24-26, 2001.
2001-09-24-A: |
Mathematical Knowledge Management in THEOREMA. |
B. Buchberger
In: B. Buchberger, O. Caprotti (eds.), First International Workshop on Mathematical Knowledge Management (MKM 2001), RISC-Linz, A-4232 Schloss Hagenberg, September 24-26, 2001, 17 pages.
2001-03-26-A: |
Mathematik: Denktechnologie für das Software-Zeitalter (Mathematics: Thinking Technology for the Software Age). |
B. Buchberger
Presentation Day of the Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Schloss Hagenberg, Austria, March 26, 2001.
2001-02-19-B: |
The PCS Prover in Theorema. |
B. Buchberger
In: R. Moreno-Diaz, B. Buchberger, J.L. Freire (eds.), Proceedings of EUROCAST 2001 (8th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory - Formal Methods and Tools for Computer Science), Feb. 19-23, 2001, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2178, 2201.
ISSN 0302-9743, ISBN 3-540-42959-X
Copyright: Springer - Verlag Berlin.
Keywords: proving - solving - computing, automated theorem proving, proof example, limit of sum, Collins' algorithm
2000-11-17-A: |
IT-Revolution: Anforderungen an die IT-Revolutionäre |
B. Buchberger
MCI Conference on the IT Revolution, Innsbruck, Austria, November 17, 2000.
1999-11-22-A: |
Towards Algorithm Verification in Theorema |
B. Buchberger
Workshop on Validated Software, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, November 22, 1999.
1999-10-06-A: |
Mathematics: Obsolete Knowledge or Key Technology? |
B. Buchberger
Seminar "European Women in Management", RISC, Hagenberg, October 6, 1999.
1999-08-25-A: |
Theorema: A Proving System Based on Mathematica |
B. Buchberger
International Mathematica Symposium, RISC, Hagenberg, August 25, 1999.
1999-08-18-A: |
Theorema: A Proving System Based on Mathematica. |
B. Buchberger
International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Scientific Computing, RISC, Hagenberg, Austria, August 18, 1999.
1999-04-01-A: |
Distance Teaching of Mathematics Using Theorema. |
B. Buchberger, T. Jebelean
Proceedings of the 3rd Technion Symposium on Software for Communication (H. Gutmann ed.), April 1-3, 1999, Hagenberg, Austria
1998-08-10-A: |
Using Theorema for Mathematical Education. |
B. Buchberger,T. Jebelean
IMACS Conference on Applied Computer Algebra, Prague, Czech Republic, August 10, 1998.
1998-06-29-A: |
Overview on the Theorema System. |
B. Buchberger
International Theorema Workshop, RISC, Hagenberg, Austria, June 29, 1998.
1998-02-03-A: |
Gröbner Bases: The Early Days. |
B. Buchberger
Conference "33 Years of Gröbner Bases, RISC, Hagenberg, Austria, Feb. 3, 1998.
1998-02-02-A: |
Introduction to Gröbner Bases.. |
B. Buchberger
Conference "33 Years of Gröbner Bases, RISC, Hagenberg, Austria, Feb. 2, 1998.
1998-01-12-A: |
The Main Theorem and Elementary Applications of Groebner Bases Theory. (8 hours) |
B. Buchberger
Intensive Course on Groebner Bases, RISC, Hagenberg, Austria, Jan. 12-17, 1998.
1997-09-17-A: |
The Theorema Project: An Overview. |
B. Buchberger
Symposium on the TARA Project, Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan, Sep. 17, 1997.
1997-07-28-A: |
The White-Box / Black-Box Principle in the Didatics of Symbolic Computation. |
B. Buchberger
IMACS Computer Algebra Conference, Maui, Hawaii, USA, July 28, 1997.
1997-07-27-A: |
Application of Theorema for Proof Training. |
B. Buchberger,T. Jebelean
IMACS Computer Algebra Conference, Maui, Hawaii, USA, July 27, 1997.
1997-07-21-A: |
A Survey of the Theorema project. |
B. Buchberger, T. Jebelean, F. Kriftner, M. Marin, E. Tomuta, D. Vasaru
In: Proceedings of ISSAC'97 (International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, Maui, Hawaii, July 21-23, 1997), W. Kuechlin (ed.), ACM Press 1997, pp. 384—391.
ISBN 0-89791-875-4
1997-06-06-A: |
Overview on Theorema |
B. Buchberger
First International Theorema Workshop, RISC, Hagenberg, Austria, June 6, 1997.
1997-05-26-A: |
Functors for Mathematics. |
B. Buchberger
Conference "Computer Algebra and Algebraic Geometry", Dagstuhl, Germany, May 26, 1997.
1997-05-00-A: |
A Survey of the Theorema Project and its Applications for Interactive Textbooks in Mathematics. |
B. Buchberger, T. Jebelean, F. Kriftner, M. Marin, E. Tomuta, D. Vasaru
MATILDA'97 (International Workshop on Mathematical Tools in Interactive Learning), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, May 1997.
1997-04-28-B: |
Special Provers within the Theorema Project |
B. Buchberger, M. Marin, E. Tomuta, D. Vasaru
CALCULEMUS'97 (International Workshop on Systems for Integrated Computation and Deduction, Trento, Italy, April 28-30, 1997).
1997-04-28-A: |
The Present State of the Theorema Project and the Predicate Logic Prover. |
B. Buchberger, T. Jebelean, F. Kriftner
CALCULEMUS'97 (International Workshop on Systems for Integrated, Computation and Deduction, Trento, Italy, April 28-30, 1997).
1997-04-00-A: |
Natural Language Proofs in Nested Cells Representation. |
B. Buchberger
First International Workshop on Proof Transformation and Presentation, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, April 1997.
1997-01-30-A: |
Neural Networks and Symbolic Computation in Robotics. |
B. Buchberger,W. Jacak
Real World Computing Conference, Poster Session, Tokyo, Japan, Jan. 30, 1997.
1996-11-16-A: |
The Present State of the Theorema Project. |
B. Buchberger
TMR Meeting Calculemus, Dagstuhl, Germany, Nov. 16, 1996.
1996-03-10-A: |
Overview on the Theorema Project at RISC. |
B. Buchberger
TMR Meeting "Caclulemus", Univ. di Roma III, Italy, March 10, 1996.
1993-03-00-A: |
Systolic Multiprecision Arithmetic |
B. Buchberger, T. Jebelean
In: Proc. of Impact TEMPUS JEP and Hungarian Transputer Users Group Workshop ``Parallel Processing in Education'', Miskolc, Hungary, March 1993.
1988-10-00-A: |
Determinant Polynomials and Gröbner Bases |
B. Buchberger
Workshop on Groebner Bases, Cornell University, USA, 1987.
1987-02-00-A: |
The Parallelization of Critical-Pair/Completion Procedures on the L-Machine. |
B. Buchberger
Proc. of the Japanese Symp. on Functional Programming, Feb. 1987, RIKEN Institute, pp. 54-61.
1985-09-00-B: |
Exact Computation by Hensel Codes: Complete Procedures. |
B. Buchberger, K. Dittenberger
Proc. of the Conference on Computer Algebra and Its Applications in Theoretical Physics, Dubna (Moscow), Sept. 1985.
1985-09-00-A: |
The L-Language for the Parallel L-Machine (A Parallel Architecture for AI Applications) |
B. Buchberger, P. Hintenaus
In: H. Trost, J. Retti (eds.), Proceedings of the Conference of the Austrian Society for Aritificial Intelligence, Vienna, September 1985, Informatik-Fachberichte, Vol. 106, pp. 120-131.
ISBN 3-540-15695-X
Copyright: Springer - Verlag Berlin.
1985-07-00-A: |
The L-Machine: An Attempt at Parallel Hardware for Symbolic Computation |
B. Buchberger
Proceedings of the AAECC Conference, Grenoble, July 1985, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 229, pp. 333-347.
1985-04-01-A: |
The Parallel L-Machine for Symbolic Computation |
B. Buchberger
In B.F. Caviness (ed.): Proceedings of EUROCAL '85 (European Conference on Computer Algebra), Linz, Austria, April 1-3, 1985, Proceedings Vol.2: Research Contributions, Lectures Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 204, pp. 541-542.
ISBN 3-540-15984-3.
Copyright: Springer - Verlag Berlin.
1984-06-05-A: |
The Present State of the L-Networks Project |
B. Buchberger
In: G. Mastronardi (ed.), Proceedings MIMI 84 (Conference on Mini- and Microcomputers and Their Applications), Bari, Juni 5-8, 1984, Acta Press, Anaheim - Calgary - Zurich, pp. 178-181.
ISBN 0-88986-058-0
Copyright: Acta Press, Anaheim.
1984-00-00-F: |
A Critical-Pair/Completion Algorithm for Finitely Generated Ideals in Rings. |
B. Buchberger
In: E. Börger, G. Hasenjaeger, D. Rödding (eds), Logic and Machines: Decision Problems and Complexity (Proceedings of the Symposium "Rekursive Kombinatorik", Münster, May 23-28, 1983), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 171, Springer, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York -Tokyo, 1984, pp. 137-161.
ISBN 3-540-13331-3, ISBN 0-387-13331-3
Copyright: Springer - Verlag Berlin.
1983-10-04-A: |
Groebner Bases in General Rings |
B. Buchberger
"Les Journées de Saint-Etienne: Algorithmique, Calcul Formel, Arithmetique", 4 October, 1983, Université de Saint-Etienne.
1983-10-03-A: |
Parallel Symbolic Computation Using the L-Machine. |
B. Buchberger
5eme "Les Journées de Saint-Etienne: Algorithmique, Calcul Formel, Arithmetique", 3-8 October, 1983, Université de Saint-Etienne, U.E.R de Sciences.
1983-06-00-A: |
Components for Restructurable Multi-Microprocessor Systems of Arbitrary Topology |
B. Buchberger
Prof. of the 21st Symp. on Mini- and Microcomputers, MIMI 83, Lugano, June 1983, pp. 67-71.
1983-03-00-D: |
L-Networks: Multi-Microprocessor Systems for Parallel Algorithms in Computer Algebra |
B. Buchberger
European Computer Algebra Conference (EUROCAL 83), Informal Session, London, March, 1983.
1983-03-00-A: |
Forschung und Lehre in der Arbeitsgruppe CAMP-Linz (Research and Teaching Activities in the Working Group CAMP in Linz) |
B. Buchberger
Symposium "Reports from Austrian Computer Science Institutes", Innsbruck, Austria, March, 1983.
1983-01-16-A: |
A Critical-Pair/Completion Algorithm for Ideals in Z[x1, ... , xn]. |
B. Buchberger
Workshop "Anwendbare Algebra", Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 16-22 January, 1983, Tagunsbericht 4|1983, pp.2.
1981-03-02-B: |
L-Netzwerke: Eine paralleles Sprachkonzept mit Hardware-Realisierung (L-networks: A Parallel Language Concept with Hardware Implementation) |
B. Buchberger, B.Quatember
Symposium "Reports form Austrian Computer Science Institutes", University of Graz, Austria, March 2-3, 1981.
1981-03-02-A: |
Mathematik für Informatik: Ein didaktisches Projekt (Mathematics for Computer Scienc: A Didactic Project) |
B. Buchberger, F.Lichtenberger
Symposium "Reports form Austrian Computer Science Institutes", University of Graz, Austria, March 2-3, 1981.
1981-01-13-A: |
A Simplified Proof of the Characterization Theorem for Gröbner-Bases |
L. Bachmair, B. Buchberger
Joint SAM-AFCET/NIGSAM/SEAS-SMC Meeting on Computer Algebra, Antwerp, Belgium, January 13-15, 1981.
1980-09-00-A: |
A Universal Variable-Topology Multi-Microcomputer-System |
B. Buchberger, K. Aspetsberger
Proc. of the 6th International Symphosium on Mini- and Microcomputers, MIMI '80, Budapest, Hungary, September, 1980, pp. 136-140.
1979-09-18-B: |
Automatisches Beweisen und Kuenstliche Intelligenz (Automated Theorem Proving and Artificial Intelligence) |
B. Buchberger
Workshop on Cryptographical Methods, Institute of System Sciences, University of Linz, Austria, September 18-20, 1979.
1979-09-18-A: |
Ein Ueberblick ueber die Forschungsaktivitaeten in der Arbeitsgruppe CAMP in Linz (An Overview on the Research Activities of the Working Group CAMP in Linz) |
B. Buchberger, F.Lichtenberger
Symposium "Reports form Austrian Computer Science Institutes", University of Linz, Austria, September 18-19, 1979.
1979-00-00-A: |
Computer Trees: A Concept for Parallel Processing |
B. Buchberger, J. Fegerl, F. Lichtenberger
Microprocessing and Microsystems 3/6, 1979, pp. 244-248.
1978-02-00-A: |
Computer-Trees and Their Programming |
B. Buchberger
Proc. of the 4th Coll. "Les arbres en algebre et en programmation", Feb.16-18, 1978, University of Lille, Dpt. of Computer Science, pp. 1-18, 1978.
1977-03-21-A: |
Simulation-Universal Automata |
B. Buchberger, W. Menzel
Proc. of the Internat. Workshop on Semantics of Programming Languages, Bad Honnef, March 21-25, 1977. Report No.41, Universität Dortmund, Abteilung Informatik, pp. 30-34.
1975-02-02-A: |
Effektive Systeme als Rahmen fuer die digitale Computerwissenschaft (Effective Systems as a Framework for Digital Computer Science) |
B. Buchberger
Austrian Mathematical Syposium, Linz, Austria, February 2, 1975.
1972-11-00-A: |
Modifications of Programs at Execution Time |
B. Buchberger
Symposium on Programming Languages, Oberwolfach, Germany, November, 1972.
1972-04-00-A: |
Ueber gewisse Zerlegungen von Goedel-Nummerierungen (On Certain Decompositions of Goedel Numberings) |
B. Buchberger
Symposium on Mathematical Logic, Oberwolfach, Germany, April, 1972.