Books - Proceedings - Journals
1981-00-00-B: |
Mathematik für Informatik I – Die Methode der Mathematik (Mathematics for Computer Science I – The Method of Mathematics) |
B. Buchberger, F.Lichtenberger
Springer-Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York, Second Edition, 1981, Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 315 pages.
ISBN 3-540-11150-6
Copyright: Springer - Verlag Berlin.
Books and Conference Proceedings
2004-09-22-C: |
Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation. |
B. Buchberger, J. Campbell (eds.)
Proceedings of AISC 2004 (7 th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation, September 22-24, 2004, RISC, Johannes Kepler University, Austria), Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 3249, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2004.
ISSN 0302-9743, ISBN 3-540-23212-5
Copyright: Springer, Berlin
2003-09-00-A: |
Journal of Algebra and its Applications. |
B. Buchberger (member of the editorial board).
World Scientific Publishing Company Pte. Ltd., Singapore.
ISSN 0219-4988, MITA (P) No. 120/04/2003.
Copyright: World Scientific Publishing Company Pte. Ltd., Singapore.
2003-05-01-A: |
Mathematical Knowledge Management. |
B. Buchberger, G. Gonnet, M. Hazewinkel (eds.)
Special Issue of Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 38, No. 1-3, May 2003, 232 pages.
ISSN 1012-2443
Copyright: Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands.
2003-02-16-A: |
Mathematical Knowledge Management. |
A. Asperti, B. Buchberger, J. H. Davenport (eds.)
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management (MKM 2003), Bertinoro, Italy, Feb. 16-18, 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2594, Springer, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York, 2003, 223 pages.
ISSN 0302-9743, ISBN 3-540-00568-4
Copyright: Springer - Verlag Berlin.
2001-09-24-B: |
First International Workshop on Mathematical Knowledge Management (MKM 2001). |
B. Buchberger, O. Caprotti (eds.)
First International Workshop on Mathematical Knowledge Management (MKM 2001), RISC-Linz, A-4232 Schloss Hagenberg, September 24-26, 2001. www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/institute/conferences/MKM2001/
2001-02-19-C: |
Computer Aided Systems Theory – EUROCAST 2001. |
R. Moreno-Diaz, B. Buchberger, J.L. Freire (eds.).
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2001, 670 pages.
ISSN 0302-9743, ISBN 3-540-42959-X
1998-06-29-B: |
Second International Theorema Workshop |
B. Buchberger, T. Jebelean
Second International Theorema Workshop, RISC, Hagenberg, Austria, 29-30 June, 1998, RISC-Linz Report Series No. 98-10.
1998-00-00-B: |
Gröbner Bases and Applications |
B. Buchberger, F. Winkler eds.
London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes Series 251, Cambridge University Press, 1998, 552 pages.
ISBN 0-521-63298-6
Copyright: Cambridge University Press.
1994-09-00-A: |
Parallel Processing: CONPAR 94 – VAPP VI. |
B. Buchberger, J. Volkert (eds.)
Proceedings of the 3rd Joint International Conference on Vector and Parallel Processing, September 6-8, 1994, Linz, Austria, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 854, Springer-Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York.
ISBN 3-540-58430-7
Copyright: Springer - Verlag Berlin.
1986-00-00-A: |
Rechnerorientierte Verfahren (Computer Oriented Methods) |
B. Buchberger, B. Kutzler, M. Feilmeier, M. Kratz, U. Kulisch, S. Rump (eds.)
Teubner Verlag, Stuttgart, 1986, 281 pages.
ISBN 3-519-02617-1
Copyright: Teubner, Stuttgart.
1985-04-01-B: |
B. Buchberger (editor)
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Algebra (EUROCal '85), Linz, Austria, April 1-3 1985, Vol.I (Invited Lectures), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 203, Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-Tokyo, 233 pages.
ISBN 3-540-15983-5, ISBN 0-397-15983-5
1982-00-00-D: |
Computer Algebra - Symbolic and Algebraic Computation |
B. Buchberger, G.E. Collins, R. Loos (eds.)
Computing (Archiv for Informatics and Numerical Computation), Supplement Nr. 4 (1st ed.), Springer Verlag Wien, (2nd edition: Springer-Verlag Wien-New York, 1982, 1983; Reprinted: World Publishing Coorporation, Beijing, 1988; Russian translation: translated by V.P. Gerdt, D.Yu.Grigoryev, V.A. Rostovtsev, S.Yu. Slavyanov, Mir Publishing Company, Moscow, 1986)
ISSN 0344-8029, ISBN 3-211-81684-4, ISBN 0-387-81684-4, ISBN 3-211-81776-X, ISBN 0-387-81776-X, ISBN 7-5062-0253-0, BBK 22.14+22.16
2001-00-00-A: |
Analele Universitatii din Timisoara, Seria Matematica - Informatica |
B. Buchberger (member of the editorial board)
University of Timisoara, Mathematical Institute.
ISSN 1224-970X
1993-00-00-A: |
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence. |
B. Buchberger (member of editorial board)
J.C.Baltzer AG Science Publishers, Basel, Switzerland.
ISSN 1012-2443
1985-03-00-B: |
Journal of Symbolic Computation |
B. Buchberger (founding editor-in-chief 1985-1995)
Journal of Symbolic Computation, Academic Press, London.
ISSN 0747-7171
Copyright: Academic Press Inc., Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers, London.