Bruno Buchberger
Professor of Computer Mathematics
Head of
Softwarepark Hagenberg
Member of
Academia Europaea
, London
Corresponding Member of
Bavarian Academy of Science
Winner of
ACM Kanellakis Award 2007
Austrian of the Year 2010
O.Univ. Prof. Dr.phil. Dr.h.c.mult. Bruno Buchberger
bruno.buchberger at
Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC)
Johannes Kepler University
A-4232 Schloss Hagenberg, Austria
Phone office: +43 732 2468 9921
Mobile phone: +43 664 4211646
Fax: +43 732 2468 9930
Inventor of the
Theory of Gröbner Bases
The Theorema System
Also interesting:
My students at Mathematics Genealogy
Gröbner Bases Special Semester
Bookie Mountain Jazz Trio
Bruno Buchberger
Bruno Buchberger in the Bookie Mountain Jazz Trio
Webdesign by Brigitte Buchberger