Place: Seminar room castle, RISC, Hagenberg
3.03. | Prof. Charles W. Clark | Twisting the quantum abstract (Thursday, seminar room pond) |
09.03. | Peter Paule | Organizational items |
Ulrike Anlauf | Minkowski-Farkas' Lemma - and its application to homogenous linear systems of equations (part II) | |
Sofia Maroscheck | A theorem of Pottier and its application to the systems of linear Diophantine equations | |
16.03. | No seminar | |
06.04. | Christoph Koutschan | Reduction based creative telescoping |
13.04. | Sofia Maroscheck | A theorem of Pottier and its application to the systems of linear Diophantine equations (part II) |
20.04. | Johannes Middeke | Matrix factoring by fraction-free reduction |
Denominator Bounds for Higher Order Linear Recurrences Over Pi-Sigma*-Extensions | ||
27.04. | Prof. Bill Chen | Inequalities on Ranks and Cranks of Partitions abstract |
Prof. Krishnaswami Alladi | Partitions with non-repeating odd parts - q-hypergeometric and combinatorial identities abstract | |
03.05. | Prof. Krishnaswami Alladi | A new companion to Göllnitz' (Big) partition theorem abstract |
Xinhua Xiong | Two questions from partitions | |
11.05. | Xinhua Xiong | Small values of coefficients of a half Lerch sum |
18.05. | Evans Doe Ocansey | Representation of hypergeometric products in difference rings |
25.05. | Liangjie Ye | Decomposing and Producing Relations Involving Jacobi Theta Functions |
01.06. | Silviu Radu | tba |
08.06. | Jakob Ablinger | Binomial sums in the package HarmonicSums |
15.06. | Johannes Middeke | Denominator Bounds for Systems of Difference Equations |
22.06. | Lin Jiu | The Method of Brackets |
29.06. | Ralf Hemmecke | Dancing Samba with Ramanujan Partition Congruences |