
Class AntiUnifySystem

  • public class AntiUnifySystem
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class represents a rule based system for rigid anti-unification of term graphs. Parallel executation of two instances is NOT possible, since there are global arguments that are used among all the branches of one and the same run.
    The algorithm Gen(R) is described in the paper:
    Alexander Baumgartner, Temur Kutsia, Jordi Levy, Mateu Villaret. Term-Graph Anti-Unification.
    Alexander Baumgartner
    • Field Detail


        public static int BRANCH_COUNT
      • branchPointer

        public static java.util.Queue<AntiUnifySystem> branchPointer
      • debugOut

        public static java.io.PrintStream debugOut

        public static boolean ENABLE_COMMUTATIVE_RULES

        public static boolean ENABLE_SPLIT_RULE

        public static java.lang.String OUTPUT_SEPARATOR
    • Constructor Detail

      • AntiUnifySystem

        public AntiUnifySystem(java.util.Deque<PrintableX> problemSet,
                               java.util.List<HedgeAUP> storeH,
                               java.util.List<HedgeAUP> storeC,
                               java.util.List<TermAUP> storeT,
                               java.util.Map<TermAUP,TermVar> trail,
                               TermGraph g)
        Most likely you don't need this constructor because the algorithm is encapsulated in the class AntiUnify which is much easier to use.
        problemSet - The set of AUPs to be generalized.
        storeH - The none-commutative store keeps track of solved hedge equations that are not commutative.
        storeC - The commutative store that keeps track of solved hedge equations that are commutative.
        storeT - The term store that keeps track of solved term equations.
        trail - The trail keeps track of recursion variables.
        g - The computed generalization. It is a term graph.