23 More Emulation of the Algebra Library API via Axiom

 23.1 Partial
 23.2 Generator
 23.3 Generator Exception
 23.4 Expressions

This file implements functionality of Aldor and Algebra using the basic compatibility layer src/axiom-compatibility/axcompat.as.nw. Within this file, types as Symbol and List refer already to the types available in Aldor. In principle – legal issues aside – the code defining the types in this file could be taken directly from the Aldor and Algebra sources. The only exception is the functionality for output.

613* 13+   569a  626
---- Combinat
---- Copyright (C) Martin Rubey <martin.rubey@univie.ac.at>
---- svn co svn://svn.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/hemmecke/combinat/
#if Axiom
#assert DontShadowList
#include "combinat"
dom: Partial 614
ext: Generator 617
cat: GeneratorExceptionType 619a
dom: GeneratorException 619b
cat: ExpressionType 620a
cat: ExpressionTypeOperator 620b
dom: ExpressionTreePlus 621a
dom: ExpressionTreeTimes 621b
dom: ExpressionTreeExpt 621c
dom: ExpressionTreePrefix 622
dom: ExpressionTreeLeaf 623
dom: ExpressionTree 624a

Uses DontShadowList 54.