23 More Emulation of the Algebra Library API via Axiom
This file implements functionality of Aldor and Algebra using the basic
compatibility layer src/axiom-compatibility/axcompat.as.nw. Within this file,
types as Symbol and List refer already to the types available in Aldor. In principle
– legal issues aside – the code defining the types in this file could be taken directly
from the Aldor and Algebra sources. The only exception is the functionality for
613⟨* 13⟩+
≡ ⊲569a 626 ⊳
---- Combinat
---- Copyright (C) Martin Rubey <martin.rubey@univie.ac.at>
---- svn co svn://svn.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/hemmecke/combinat/
#if Axiom
#assert DontShadowList
#include "combinat"
⟨dom: Partial 614⟩
⟨ext: Generator 617⟩
⟨cat: GeneratorExceptionType 619a⟩
⟨dom: GeneratorException 619b⟩
⟨cat: ExpressionType 620a⟩
⟨cat: ExpressionTypeOperator 620b⟩
⟨dom: ExpressionTreePlus 621a⟩
⟨dom: ExpressionTreeTimes 621b⟩
⟨dom: ExpressionTreeExpt 621c⟩
⟨dom: ExpressionTreePrefix 622⟩
⟨dom: ExpressionTreeLeaf 623⟩
⟨dom: ExpressionTree 624a⟩
Uses DontShadowList 54.