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RISC Courses Winter Semester 2020 (Details)

Find below the list of courses offered by RISC-Linz as of 4.2.2021.

Course Id Title Registration Type Hours Teachers Rhythm
326.101 (2020W) Algebraic combinatorics
Further information
Register UE 1,0 Koustav Banerjee Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Di. 06.10.2020 13:45 - 14:30 HS 11
Di. 13.10.2020 13:45 - 14:30 HS 11
Di. 20.10.2020 13:45 - 14:30 HS 11
Di. 27.10.2020 13:45 - 14:30 HS 11
Di. 03.11.2020 13:45 - 14:30 HS 11
Di. 10.11.2020 13:45 - 14:30 HS 11
Di. 17.11.2020 13:45 - 14:30 HS 11
Di. 24.11.2020 13:45 - 14:30 HS 11
Di. 01.12.2020 13:45 - 14:30 HS 11
Di. 15.12.2020 13:45 - 14:30 HS 11
Di. 12.01.2021 13:45 - 14:30 HS 13
Di. 19.01.2021 13:45 - 14:30 HS 14
Di. 26.01.2021 13:45 - 14:30 HS 14
326.030 (2020W) Algebraic combinatorics
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Register VL 2,0 Silviu Radu Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Di. 06.10.2020 12:00 - 13:30 HS 11
Di. 13.10.2020 12:00 - 13:30 HS 11
Di. 20.10.2020 12:00 - 13:30 HS 11
Di. 27.10.2020 12:00 - 13:30 HS 11
Di. 03.11.2020 12:00 - 13:30 HS 11
Di. 10.11.2020 12:00 - 13:30 HS 11
Di. 17.11.2020 12:00 - 13:30 HS 11
Di. 24.11.2020 12:00 - 13:30 HS 11
Di. 01.12.2020 12:00 - 13:30 HS 11
Di. 15.12.2020 12:00 - 13:30 HS 11
Di. 12.01.2021 12:00 - 13:30 HS 13
Di. 19.01.2021 12:00 - 13:30 HS 14
Di. 26.01.2021 12:00 - 13:30 HS 14
326.103 (2020W) Algorithms and data structures
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Register UE 1,0 Ioana Cleopatra Pau Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Do. 15.10.2020 13:45 - 14:30 HF 9904 Introduction
Do. 22.10.2020 13:45 - 14:30 HF 9904
Do. 29.10.2020 13:45 - 14:30 HF 9904
Do. 05.11.2020 13:45 - 14:30 HF 9904
Do. 12.11.2020 13:45 - 14:30 HF 9904
Do. 19.11.2020 13:45 - 14:30 HF 9904
Do. 26.11.2020 13:45 - 14:30 HF 9904
Do. 03.12.2020 13:45 - 14:30 HF 9904
Do. 10.12.2020 13:45 - 14:30 HF 9904
Do. 17.12.2020 13:45 - 14:30 HF 9904
Do. 07.01.2021 13:45 - 14:30 HF 9904
Do. 14.01.2021 13:45 - 14:30 HF 9904
Do. 21.01.2021 13:45 - 14:30 HF 9904
Do. 28.01.2021 13:45 - 14:30 HF 9904
326.102 (2020W) Algorithms and data structures
Further information
Register VL 2,0 Carsten Schneider Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Do. 15.10.2020 08:30 - 10:00 HS 2
Do. 22.10.2020 08:30 - 10:00 BA 9910
Do. 29.10.2020 08:30 - 10:00 BA 9910
Do. 12.11.2020 08:30 - 10:00 Zoom
Do. 19.11.2020 08:30 - 10:00 Zoom
Do. 26.11.2020 08:30 - 10:00 Zoom
Fr. 27.11.2020 08:30 - 10:00 Zoom
Do. 03.12.2020 08:30 - 10:00 HS 2 Zoom
Do. 10.12.2020 08:30 - 10:00 Zoom
Do. 17.12.2020 08:30 - 10:00 Zoom
Do. 07.01.2021 08:30 - 10:00 Zoom
Do. 14.01.2021 08:30 - 10:00 Zoom
Do. 21.01.2021 08:30 - 10:00 Zoom
Do. 28.01.2021 08:30 - 10:00 HS 19
326.110 (2020W) Analysis
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Register UE 2,0 Johannes Middeke Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Do. 15.10.2020 15:30 - 17:00 HF 9905
Do. 22.10.2020 15:30 - 17:00 HF 9905
Do. 29.10.2020 15:30 - 17:00 HF 9905
Do. 05.11.2020 15:30 - 17:00 HF 9905
Do. 12.11.2020 15:30 - 17:00 HF 9905
Do. 19.11.2020 15:30 - 17:00 HF 9905
Do. 26.11.2020 15:30 - 17:00 HF 9905
Do. 03.12.2020 15:30 - 17:00 HF 9905
Do. 10.12.2020 15:30 - 17:00 HF 9905
Do. 17.12.2020 15:30 - 17:00 HF 9905
Do. 07.01.2021 15:30 - 17:00 HF 9905
Do. 14.01.2021 15:30 - 17:00 HF 9905
Do. 21.01.2021 15:30 - 17:00 HF 9905
326.056 (2020W) Analysis
Further information
Register UE 2,0 Günter Landsmann Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Do. 15.10.2020 15:30 - 17:00 K 033C
Do. 22.10.2020 15:30 - 17:00 K 033C
Do. 29.10.2020 15:30 - 17:00 K 033C
Do. 05.11.2020 15:30 - 17:00 K 033C
Do. 12.11.2020 15:30 - 17:00 K 033C
Do. 19.11.2020 15:30 - 17:00 K 033C
Do. 26.11.2020 15:30 - 17:00 MZ 412A
Do. 03.12.2020 15:30 - 17:00 K 033C
Do. 10.12.2020 15:30 - 17:00 K 033C
Do. 17.12.2020 15:30 - 17:00 K 033C
Do. 07.01.2021 15:30 - 17:00 K 033C
Do. 14.01.2021 15:30 - 17:00 K 033C
Do. 21.01.2021 15:30 - 17:00 K 033C
Do. 28.01.2021 15:30 - 17:00 K 033C
326.022 (2020W) Analysis
Further information
Register VO 2,0 Carsten Schneider Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Fr. 09.10.2020 08:30 - 10:00 Skript Text für Abschnitt 09.10.2020
Fr. 16.10.2020 08:30 - 10:00 HS 7
Fr. 23.10.2020 08:30 - 10:00 HS 7
Fr. 30.10.2020 08:30 - 10:00 HS 7
Fr. 06.11.2020 08:30 - 10:00 Zoom
Fr. 13.11.2020 08:30 - 10:00 Zoom
Fr. 20.11.2020 08:30 - 10:00 Zoom
Fr. 27.11.2020 08:30 - 10:00 Zoom
Fr. 04.12.2020 00:00 - 00:00 Zoom
Fr. 04.12.2020 08:30 - 10:00 HS 7
Fr. 11.12.2020 08:30 - 10:00 Zoom
Fr. 18.12.2020 08:30 - 10:00 Zoom
Fr. 08.01.2021 08:30 - 10:00 Zoom
Fr. 15.01.2021 08:30 - 10:00 Zoom
Fr. 22.01.2021 08:30 - 10:00 Zoom
Fr. 29.01.2021 08:30 - 10:00 Zoom
Fr. 29.01.2021 08:30 - 10:00 HS 7
326.029 (2020W) Analysis
Further information
Register UE 2,0 Elaine Wong Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Do. 15.10.2020 15:30 - 17:00 K 224B
Do. 22.10.2020 15:30 - 17:00 K 224B
Do. 29.10.2020 15:30 - 17:00 K 224B
Do. 05.11.2020 15:30 - 17:00 K 224B
Do. 12.11.2020 15:30 - 17:00 K 224B
Do. 19.11.2020 15:30 - 17:00 K 224B
Do. 26.11.2020 15:30 - 17:00 K 224B
Do. 03.12.2020 15:30 - 17:00 K 224B
Do. 10.12.2020 15:30 - 17:00 K 224B
Do. 17.12.2020 15:30 - 17:00 K 224B
Do. 07.01.2021 15:30 - 17:00 K 269D
Do. 14.01.2021 15:30 - 17:00 K 224B
Do. 21.01.2021 15:30 - 17:00 K 224B
Do. 28.01.2021 15:30 - 17:00 K 224B
326.027 (2020W) Analysis
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Register UE 2,0 Jakob Ablinger Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Do. 15.10.2020 15:30 - 17:00 HS 6
Do. 22.10.2020 15:30 - 17:00 HS 6
Do. 29.10.2020 15:30 - 17:00 HS 6
Do. 05.11.2020 15:30 - 17:00 HS 6
Do. 12.11.2020 15:30 - 17:00 HS 6
Do. 19.11.2020 15:30 - 17:00 HS 6
Do. 26.11.2020 15:30 - 17:00 HS 6
Do. 03.12.2020 15:30 - 17:00 HS 4
Do. 10.12.2020 15:30 - 17:00 HS 6
Do. 17.12.2020 15:30 - 17:00 HS 6
Do. 07.01.2021 15:30 - 17:00 HS 6
Do. 14.01.2021 15:30 - 17:00 HS 6
Do. 21.01.2021 15:30 - 17:00 HS 6
Do. 28.01.2021 15:30 - 17:00 HS 6
326.055 (2020W) Analysis
Further information
Register UE 2,0 Sebastian Falkensteiner Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Do. 15.10.2020 15:30 - 17:00 T 911
Do. 22.10.2020 15:30 - 17:00 T 911
Do. 29.10.2020 15:30 - 17:00 T 911
Do. 05.11.2020 15:30 - 17:00 T 911
Do. 12.11.2020 15:30 - 17:00 T 911
Do. 19.11.2020 15:30 - 17:00 T 911
Do. 26.11.2020 15:30 - 17:00 T 911
Do. 03.12.2020 15:30 - 17:00 T 911
Do. 10.12.2020 15:30 - 17:00 T 911
Do. 17.12.2020 15:30 - 17:00 T 911
Do. 07.01.2021 15:30 - 17:00 T 911
Do. 14.01.2021 15:30 - 17:00 T 911
Do. 21.01.2021 15:30 - 17:00 T 911
Do. 28.01.2021 15:30 - 17:00 T 911
326.109 (2020W) Automated Reasoning
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Register UE 1,0 Tudor Jebelean

Teimuraz Kutsia
Date Daytime Room Topic
Di. 13.10.2020 12:45 - 13:30 Online
Di. 20.10.2020 12:45 - 13:30 Online
Di. 27.10.2020 12:45 - 13:30 Online
Di. 03.11.2020 12:45 - 13:30 Online
Di. 10.11.2020 12:45 - 13:30 Online
Di. 17.11.2020 12:45 - 13:30 Online
Di. 24.11.2020 12:45 - 13:30 Online
Di. 01.12.2020 12:45 - 13:30 Online
Di. 15.12.2020 12:45 - 13:30 Online
Di. 12.01.2021 12:45 - 13:30 Online
Di. 19.01.2021 12:45 - 13:30 Online
Di. 26.01.2021 12:45 - 13:30 Online
326.0AR (2020W) Automated Reasoning
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Register VL 2,0 Tudor Jebelean

Teimuraz Kutsia
Date Daytime Room Topic
Mi. 07.10.2020 08:30 - 10:00 Online
Mi. 14.10.2020 08:30 - 10:00 Online
Mi. 21.10.2020 08:30 - 10:00 Online
Mi. 28.10.2020 08:30 - 10:00 Online
Mi. 04.11.2020 08:30 - 10:00 Online
Mi. 11.11.2020 08:30 - 10:00 Online
Mi. 18.11.2020 08:30 - 10:00 Online
Mi. 25.11.2020 08:30 - 10:00 Online
Mi. 02.12.2020 08:30 - 10:00 Online
Mi. 09.12.2020 08:30 - 10:00 Online
Mi. 16.12.2020 08:30 - 10:00 Online
Mi. 13.01.2021 08:30 - 10:00 Online
Mi. 20.01.2021 08:30 - 10:00 Online
Mi. 27.01.2021 08:30 - 10:00 Online
326.012 (2020W) Bachelor Seminar with Bachelor Thesis Register SE 2,0 Peter Paule

Bruno Buchberger
Ralf Hemmecke
Tudor Jebelean
Teimuraz Kutsia
Günter Landsmann
Josef Schicho
Carsten Schneider
Wolfgang Schreiner
Wolfgang Windsteiger
Franz Winkler
No dates found.
326.016 (2020W) Computability and Complexity
Further information
Register UE 1,0 Ralf Hemmecke Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Fr. 09.10.2020 10:10 - 10:55 Zoom
Fr. 16.10.2020 10:10 - 10:55 Zoom
Fr. 23.10.2020 10:10 - 10:55 Zoom
Fr. 30.10.2020 10:10 - 10:55 Zoom
Fr. 06.11.2020 10:10 - 10:55 Zoom
Fr. 13.11.2020 10:10 - 10:55 Zoom
Fr. 20.11.2020 13:40 - 14:30 Klausur Zoom
Fr. 27.11.2020 10:10 - 10:55 Zoom
Fr. 04.12.2020 10:10 - 10:55 Zoom
Fr. 11.12.2020 10:10 - 10:55 Zoom
Fr. 18.12.2020 10:10 - 10:55 Zoom
Fr. 08.01.2021 13:40 - 14:30 Klausur Zoom
Fr. 15.01.2021 10:10 - 10:55 Zoom
Fr. 22.01.2021 10:10 - 10:55 Zoom
326.111 (2020W) Computability and Complexity
Further information
Register UE 1,0 Nikolaj Popov Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Do. 08.10.2020 10:15 - 11:00 Zoom meeting
Do. 15.10.2020 10:15 - 11:00 Zoom meeting
Do. 22.10.2020 10:15 - 11:00 Zoom meeting
Do. 29.10.2020 10:15 - 11:00 Zoom meeting
Do. 05.11.2020 10:15 - 11:00 Zoom meeting
Do. 12.11.2020 10:15 - 11:00 Zoom meeting
Fr. 20.11.2020 13:40 - 14:30 Zoom
Do. 26.11.2020 10:15 - 11:00 Zoom meeting
Do. 03.12.2020 10:15 - 11:00 Zoom meeting
Do. 10.12.2020 10:15 - 11:00 Zoom meeting
Do. 17.12.2020 10:15 - 11:00 Zoom meeting
Do. 07.01.2021 10:15 - 11:00 Zoom meeting
Fr. 08.01.2021 13:40 - 14:30 Zoom
Do. 14.01.2021 10:15 - 11:00 Zoom meeting
Do. 21.01.2021 00:00 - 00:00 Zoom meeting
Do. 28.01.2021 00:00 - 00:00 Zoom meeting
326.104 (2020W) Computability and Complexity
Further information
Register UE 1,0 Nikolaj Popov Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Do. 08.10.2020 09:15 - 10:00 Zoom meeting
Do. 15.10.2020 09:15 - 10:00 Zoom meeting
Do. 22.10.2020 09:15 - 10:00 Zoom meeting
Do. 29.10.2020 09:15 - 10:00 Zoom meeting
Do. 05.11.2020 09:15 - 10:00 Zoom meeting
Do. 12.11.2020 09:15 - 10:00 Zoom meeting
Fr. 20.11.2020 13:40 - 14:30 Zoom
Do. 26.11.2020 09:15 - 10:00 Zoom meeting
Do. 03.12.2020 09:15 - 10:00 Zoom meeting
Do. 10.12.2020 09:15 - 10:00 Zoom meeting
Do. 17.12.2020 09:15 - 10:00 Zoom meeting
Do. 07.01.2021 09:15 - 10:00 Zoom meeting
Fr. 08.01.2021 13:40 - 14:30 Zoom
Do. 14.01.2021 09:15 - 10:00 Zoom meeting
Do. 21.01.2021 09:15 - 10:00 Zoom meeting
Do. 28.01.2021 09:15 - 10:00 Zoom meeting
326.023 (2020W) Computability and Complexity
Further information
Register VO 2,0 Wolfgang Schreiner Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Fr. 09.10.2020 12:00 - 13:30 Zoom
Fr. 16.10.2020 12:00 - 13:30 Zoom
Fr. 23.10.2020 12:00 - 13:30 Zoom
Fr. 30.10.2020 12:00 - 13:30 Zoom
Fr. 06.11.2020 12:00 - 13:30 Zoom
Fr. 13.11.2020 12:00 - 13:30 Zoom
Fr. 20.11.2020 12:00 - 13:30 Zoom
Fr. 27.11.2020 12:00 - 13:30 Zoom
Fr. 04.12.2020 12:00 - 13:30 Zoom
Fr. 11.12.2020 12:00 - 13:30 Zoom
Fr. 18.12.2020 12:00 - 13:30 Zoom
Fr. 08.01.2021 12:00 - 13:30 Zoom
Fr. 15.01.2021 12:00 - 13:30 Zoom
Fr. 22.01.2021 12:00 - 13:30 Zoom
Fr. 05.02.2021 11:45 - 14:00 Zoom Klausur
326.050 (2020W) Computability and Complexity
Further information
Register UE 1,0 Ralf Hemmecke Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Fr. 09.10.2020 11:00 - 11:45 Zoom
Fr. 16.10.2020 11:00 - 11:45 Zoom
Fr. 23.10.2020 11:00 - 11:45 Zoom
Fr. 30.10.2020 11:00 - 11:45 Zoom
Fr. 06.11.2020 11:00 - 11:45 Zoom
Fr. 13.11.2020 11:00 - 11:45 Zoom
Fr. 20.11.2020 13:40 - 14:30 Klausur Zoom
Fr. 27.11.2020 11:00 - 11:45 Zoom
Fr. 04.12.2020 11:00 - 11:45 Zoom
Fr. 11.12.2020 11:00 - 11:45 Zoom
Fr. 18.12.2020 11:00 - 11:45 Zoom
Fr. 08.01.2021 13:40 - 14:30 Klausur Zoom
Fr. 15.01.2021 11:00 - 11:45 Zoom
Fr. 22.01.2021 11:00 - 11:45 Zoom
326.011 (2020W) Computational Logic
Further information
Register UE 1,0 Tudor Jebelean Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Mo. 12.10.2020 15:30 - 16:15 Online
Mo. 19.10.2020 15:30 - 16:15 Online
Mo. 09.11.2020 15:30 - 16:15 Online
Mo. 16.11.2020 15:30 - 16:15 Online
Mo. 23.11.2020 15:30 - 16:15 Online
Mo. 30.11.2020 15:30 - 16:15 Online
Mo. 07.12.2020 15:30 - 16:15 Online
Mo. 14.12.2020 15:30 - 16:15 Online
Mo. 18.01.2021 15:30 - 16:15 Online
Mo. 25.01.2021 15:30 - 16:15 Online
326.010 (2020W) Computational Logic
Further information
Register VL 2,0 Tudor Jebelean Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Mo. 05.10.2020 16:30 - 18:00 Online
Mo. 12.10.2020 16:30 - 18:00 Online
Mo. 19.10.2020 16:30 - 18:00 Online
Mo. 09.11.2020 16:30 - 18:00 Online
Mo. 16.11.2020 16:30 - 18:00 Online
Mo. 23.11.2020 16:30 - 18:00 Online
Mo. 30.11.2020 16:30 - 18:00 Online
Mo. 07.12.2020 16:30 - 18:00 Online
Mo. 14.12.2020 16:30 - 18:00 Online
Mo. 11.01.2021 16:30 - 18:00 Online
Mo. 18.01.2021 16:30 - 18:00 Online
Mo. 25.01.2021 16:30 - 18:00 Online
326.105 (2020W) Computer Algebra
Further information
Register VL 2,0 Franz Winkler Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Di. 06.10.2020 16:15 - 18:00 HS 17
Di. 13.10.2020 16:15 - 18:00 HS 17
Di. 20.10.2020 16:15 - 18:00 HS 17
Di. 27.10.2020 16:15 - 18:00 HS 17
Di. 03.11.2020 16:15 - 18:00 HS 17
Di. 10.11.2020 16:15 - 18:00 HS 17
Di. 17.11.2020 16:15 - 18:00 online
Di. 24.11.2020 16:15 - 18:00 online
Di. 01.12.2020 16:15 - 18:00 online
Di. 15.12.2020 16:15 - 18:00 K 009D
Di. 12.01.2021 15:30 - 18:00 P 004
Di. 19.01.2021 16:15 - 18:00 HS 17
326.031 (2020W) Computer Algebra
Further information
Register UE 1,0 Johann Mitteramskogler Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Di. 06.10.2020 15:30 - 16:15 HS 17
Di. 13.10.2020 15:30 - 16:15 HS 17
Di. 20.10.2020 15:30 - 16:15 HS 17
Di. 27.10.2020 15:30 - 16:15 HS 17
Di. 03.11.2020 15:30 - 16:15 HS 17
Di. 10.11.2020 15:30 - 16:15 HS 17
Di. 17.11.2020 15:30 - 16:15 online
Di. 24.11.2020 15:30 - 16:15 online
Di. 01.12.2020 15:30 - 16:15 online
Di. 15.12.2020 18:00 - 18:45 K 009D
Di. 12.01.2021 15:30 - 16:15 ZOOM
Di. 19.01.2021 15:30 - 16:15 ZOOM
326.0D1 (2020W) Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Further information
Register VL 2,0 Teimuraz Kutsia Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Do. 08.10.2020 14:30 - 16:15 T 406
Do. 15.10.2020 14:30 - 16:15 T 406
Do. 22.10.2020 14:30 - 16:15 T 406
Do. 29.10.2020 14:30 - 16:15 T 406
Do. 05.11.2020 14:30 - 16:15 T 406
Do. 12.11.2020 14:30 - 16:15 T 406
Do. 19.11.2020 14:30 - 16:15 T 406
Do. 26.11.2020 14:30 - 16:15 T 406
Do. 03.12.2020 14:30 - 16:15 T 406
Do. 10.12.2020 14:30 - 16:15 T 406
Do. 17.12.2020 14:30 - 16:15 T 406
Do. 07.01.2021 14:30 - 16:15 T 406
Do. 14.01.2021 14:30 - 16:15 T 406
Do. 21.01.2021 14:30 - 16:15 T 406
Do. 28.01.2021 14:30 - 16:15 T 406
326.013 (2020W) Formal Methods in Software Development
Further information
Register KV 3,0 Wolfgang Schreiner Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Fr. 09.10.2020 08:30 - 11:00 Zoom
Fr. 16.10.2020 08:30 - 11:00 Zoom
Fr. 23.10.2020 08:30 - 11:00 Zoom
Fr. 30.10.2020 08:30 - 11:00 Zoom
Fr. 06.11.2020 08:30 - 11:00 Zoom
Fr. 13.11.2020 08:30 - 11:00 Zoom
Fr. 20.11.2020 08:30 - 11:00 Zoom
Fr. 27.11.2020 08:30 - 11:00 Zoom
Fr. 04.12.2020 08:30 - 11:00 Zoom
Fr. 11.12.2020 08:30 - 11:00 Zoom
Fr. 18.12.2020 08:30 - 11:00 Zoom
Fr. 08.01.2021 08:30 - 11:00 Zoom
Fr. 15.01.2021 08:30 - 11:00 Zoom
Fr. 22.01.2021 08:30 - 11:00 Zoom
Fr. 29.01.2021 08:15 - 10:30 Zoom Exam
326.108 (2020W) Fundamentals of Numerical Analysis and Symbolic Computation
Further information
Register KV 2,0 Peter Paule

Evelyn Buckwar
Bert Jüttler
Manuel Kauers
Ulrich Langer
Veronika Elisabeth Pillwein
Ronny Ramlau
Josef Schicho
Date Daytime Room Topic
Fr. 16.10.2020 10:15 - 12:45 S2 046
Fr. 27.11.2020 14:00 - 16:30 Zoom
Fr. 11.12.2020 10:15 - 12:30 Zoom
Fr. 18.12.2020 10:15 - 12:30 Zoom
Fr. 08.01.2021 12:30 - 15:00 Zoom
Fr. 15.01.2021 10:15 - 12:30 Zoom
Fr. 22.01.2021 10:15 - 12:30 Zoom
Fr. 29.01.2021 10:00 - 12:15 Zoom
326.106 (2020W) Ordinary differential equations and dynamical systems
Further information
Register VL 3,0 Josef Schicho Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Mo. 05.10.2020 09:15 - 10:00 BA 9910
Di. 06.10.2020 08:30 - 09:15 BA 9911
Mo. 12.10.2020 09:15 - 10:00 BA 9910
Di. 13.10.2020 08:30 - 09:15 BA 9911
Mo. 19.10.2020 09:15 - 10:00 BA 9910
Di. 20.10.2020 08:30 - 09:15 BA 9911
Di. 27.10.2020 08:30 - 09:15 BA 9911
Di. 03.11.2020 08:30 - 09:15 BA 9911
Mo. 09.11.2020 09:15 - 10:00 BA 9910
Di. 10.11.2020 08:30 - 09:15 BA 9911
Mo. 16.11.2020 09:15 - 10:00 BA 9910
Di. 17.11.2020 08:30 - 09:15 BA 9911
Mo. 23.11.2020 09:15 - 10:00 BA 9910
Di. 24.11.2020 08:30 - 09:15 BA 9911
Mo. 30.11.2020 09:15 - 10:00 BA 9910
Di. 01.12.2020 08:30 - 09:15 BA 9911
Mo. 07.12.2020 08:30 - 10:00 BA 9910
Mo. 14.12.2020 09:15 - 10:00 BA 9910
Di. 15.12.2020 08:30 - 09:15 BA 9911
Mo. 11.01.2021 09:15 - 10:00 BA 9910
326.107 (2020W) Ordinary differential equations and dynamical systems
Further information
Register UE 1,0 Sebastian Falkensteiner Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Di. 13.10.2020 09:15 - 10:00 BA 9911
Di. 20.10.2020 09:15 - 10:00 BA 9911
Di. 27.10.2020 09:15 - 10:00 BA 9911
Di. 03.11.2020 09:15 - 10:00 BA 9911
Di. 10.11.2020 09:15 - 10:00 BA 9911
Di. 17.11.2020 09:15 - 10:00 BA 9911
Di. 24.11.2020 09:15 - 10:00 BA 9911
Di. 01.12.2020 09:15 - 10:00 BA 9911
Di. 15.12.2020 09:15 - 10:00 BA 9911
Di. 12.01.2021 09:15 - 10:00 BA 9911 Übungsklausur
Di. 19.01.2021 09:15 - 10:00 BA 9911
Di. 26.01.2021 09:15 - 10:00 BA 9911 Vorlesungsklausur
326.048 (2020W) Logic as a working language
Further information
Register KV 2,0 Wolfgang Windsteiger Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Di. 13.10.2020 12:00 - 13:30 MT 226/1 Präsenz 1
Di. 27.10.2020 12:00 - 13:30 MT 226/1 Präsenz 2
Di. 03.11.2020 12:00 - 13:30 MT 226/1 Präsenz 3
Di. 17.11.2020 12:00 - 13:30 MT 226/1 Präsenz 4
Di. 24.11.2020 12:00 - 13:30 MT 226/1 Präsenz 5
Di. 15.12.2020 12:00 - 13:30 MT 226/1 Präsenz 6
Mi. 16.12.2020 10:15 - 11:45 HS 15 Präsenz 7
Di. 12.01.2021 12:00 - 13:30 MT 226/1 Klausur
326.0XX (2020W) Master's Thesis Seminar I
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Register SE 2,0 Peter Paule Weekly
No dates found.
326.021 (2020W) Mathematical logic 1
Further information
Register UE 1,0 Tudor Jebelean Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Di. 13.10.2020 08:30 - 09:15 Online
Di. 20.10.2020 08:30 - 09:15 Online
Di. 27.10.2020 08:30 - 09:15 Online
Di. 03.11.2020 08:30 - 09:15 Online
Di. 10.11.2020 08:30 - 09:15 Online
Di. 17.11.2020 08:30 - 09:15 Online
Di. 24.11.2020 08:30 - 09:15 Online
Di. 01.12.2020 08:30 - 09:15 Online
Di. 15.12.2020 08:30 - 09:15 Online
Di. 12.01.2021 08:30 - 09:15 Online
Di. 19.01.2021 08:30 - 09:15 Online
Mo. 25.01.2021 18:15 - 19:00 oline
Di. 26.01.2021 08:30 - 09:15 Online
326.019 (2020W) Mathematical logic 1
Further information
Register VL 2,0 Tudor Jebelean Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Di. 06.10.2020 09:30 - 11:00 Online
Di. 13.10.2020 09:30 - 11:00 Online
Di. 20.10.2020 09:30 - 11:00 Online
Di. 27.10.2020 09:30 - 11:00 Online
Di. 03.11.2020 09:30 - 11:00 Online
Di. 10.11.2020 09:30 - 11:00 Online
Di. 17.11.2020 09:30 - 11:00 Online
Di. 24.11.2020 09:30 - 11:00 Online
Di. 01.12.2020 09:30 - 11:00 Online
Di. 15.12.2020 09:30 - 11:00 Online
Di. 12.01.2021 09:30 - 11:00 Online
Di. 19.01.2021 09:30 - 11:00 Online
Di. 26.01.2021 09:30 - 11:00 Online
326.704 (2020W) Mathematics and Logic Register UE 1,0 Philipp Nuspl Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Di. 06.10.2020 18:00 - 18:45 MT 127
Di. 13.10.2020 18:00 - 18:45 MT 127
Di. 20.10.2020 18:00 - 18:45 MT 127
Di. 27.10.2020 18:00 - 18:45 MT 127
Di. 03.11.2020 18:00 - 18:45 MT 127
Di. 10.11.2020 18:00 - 18:45 MT 127
Di. 17.11.2020 18:00 - 18:45 MT 127
Di. 24.11.2020 18:00 - 18:45 MT 127
Di. 01.12.2020 18:00 - 18:45 MT 127
Di. 15.12.2020 18:00 - 18:45 MT 127
Di. 12.01.2021 18:00 - 18:45 MT 127
Di. 19.01.2021 18:00 - 18:45 MT 127
Di. 26.01.2021 18:00 - 18:45 MT 127
326.702 (2020W) Mathematics and Logic Register UE 1,0 Nikolaj Popov Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Di. 06.10.2020 19:00 - 19:45 BA 9911
Di. 13.10.2020 19:00 - 19:45 BA 9911
Di. 20.10.2020 19:00 - 19:45 BA 9911
Di. 27.10.2020 19:00 - 19:45 BA 9911
Di. 03.11.2020 19:00 - 19:45 BA 9911
Di. 10.11.2020 19:00 - 19:45 BA 9911
Di. 17.11.2020 19:00 - 19:45 BA 9911
Di. 24.11.2020 19:00 - 19:45 BA 9911
Di. 01.12.2020 19:00 - 19:45 BA 9911
Di. 15.12.2020 19:00 - 19:45 BA 9911
Di. 12.01.2021 19:00 - 19:45 BA 9911
Di. 19.01.2021 19:00 - 19:45 BA 9911
Di. 26.01.2021 19:00 - 19:45 BA 9911
326.705 (2020W) Mathematics and Logic Register UE 1,0 Philipp Nuspl Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Di. 06.10.2020 19:00 - 19:45 MT 127
Di. 13.10.2020 19:00 - 19:45 MT 127
Di. 20.10.2020 19:00 - 19:45 MT 127
Di. 27.10.2020 19:00 - 19:45 MT 127
Di. 03.11.2020 19:00 - 19:45 MT 127
Di. 10.11.2020 19:00 - 19:45 MT 127
Di. 17.11.2020 19:00 - 19:45 MT 127
Di. 24.11.2020 19:00 - 19:45 MT 127
Di. 01.12.2020 19:00 - 19:45 MT 127
Di. 15.12.2020 19:00 - 19:45 MT 127
Di. 12.01.2021 19:00 - 19:45 MT 127
Di. 19.01.2021 19:00 - 19:45 MT 127
Di. 26.01.2021 19:00 - 19:45 MT 127
326.701 (2020W) Mathematics and Logic Register UE 1,0 Nikolaj Popov Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Di. 06.10.2020 18:00 - 18:45 BA 9911
Di. 13.10.2020 18:00 - 18:45 BA 9911
Di. 20.10.2020 18:00 - 18:45 BA 9911
Di. 27.10.2020 18:00 - 18:45 BA 9911
Di. 03.11.2020 18:00 - 18:45 BA 9911
Di. 10.11.2020 18:00 - 18:45 BA 9911
Di. 17.11.2020 18:00 - 18:45 BA 9911
Di. 24.11.2020 18:00 - 18:45 BA 9911
Di. 01.12.2020 18:00 - 18:45 BA 9911
Di. 15.12.2020 18:00 - 18:45 BA 9911
Di. 12.01.2021 18:00 - 18:45 BA 9911
Di. 19.01.2021 18:00 - 18:45 BA 9911
Di. 26.01.2021 18:00 - 18:45 BA 9911
326.700 (2020W) Mathematics and Logic
Further information
Register VL 3,0 Wolfgang Windsteiger Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Fr. 09.10.2020 13:45 - 15:15 HS 7 1. Hybride Präsenzphase
Fr. 09.10.2020 13:45 - 15:15 HS 4 1. Hybride Präsenzphase
Fr. 16.10.2020 13:45 - 15:15 HS 7 2. Hybride Präsenzphase
Fr. 16.10.2020 13:45 - 15:15 HS 4 2. Hybride Präsenzphase
Fr. 23.10.2020 13:45 - 15:15 HS 7 3. Hybride Präsenzphase
Fr. 23.10.2020 13:45 - 15:15 HS 4 3. Hybride Präsenzphase
Fr. 30.10.2020 13:45 - 15:15 HS 7 4. Hybride Präsenzphase
Fr. 30.10.2020 13:45 - 15:15 HS 4 4. Hybride Präsenzphase
Fr. 06.11.2020 13:45 - 15:15 HS 7 5. Hybride Präsenzphase
Fr. 06.11.2020 13:45 - 15:15 HS 4 5. Hybride Präsenzphase
Fr. 13.11.2020 13:45 - 15:15 HS 2 6. Hybride Präsenzphase
Fr. 13.11.2020 13:45 - 15:15 HS 7 6. Hybride Präsenzphase
Fr. 20.11.2020 13:45 - 15:15 HS 7 7. Hybride Präsenzphase
Fr. 20.11.2020 13:45 - 15:15 HS 4 7. Hybride Präsenzphase
Fr. 27.11.2020 13:45 - 15:15 HS 7 8. Hybride Präsenzphase
Fr. 27.11.2020 13:45 - 15:15 HS 4 8. Hybride Präsenzphase
Fr. 04.12.2020 13:45 - 15:15 HS 7 9. Hybride Präsenzphase
Fr. 04.12.2020 13:45 - 15:15 HS 4 9. Hybride Präsenzphase
Fr. 11.12.2020 13:45 - 15:15 HS 7 10. Hybride Präsenzphase
Fr. 18.12.2020 13:45 - 15:15 HS 7 11. Hybride Präsenzphase
Fr. 18.12.2020 13:45 - 15:15 HS 4 11. Hybride Präsenzphase
Fr. 08.01.2021 13:45 - 15:15 HS 7 12. Hybride Präsenzphase
Fr. 08.01.2021 13:45 - 15:15 HS 4 12. Hybride Präsenzphase
Fr. 15.01.2021 13:45 - 15:15 HS 2 13. Hybride Präsenzphase
Fr. 15.01.2021 13:45 - 15:15 HS 4 13. Hybride Präsenzphase
Fr. 22.01.2021 13:45 - 15:15 HS 7 14. Hybride Präsenzphase
Fr. 22.01.2021 13:45 - 15:15 HS 8 14. Hybride Präsenzphase
Fr. 29.01.2021 13:45 - 15:15 HS 7 Klausur
Fr. 29.01.2021 13:45 - 15:15 HS 4 Klausur
326.061 (2020W) Seminar logic and software design
Automated theorem proving I: Theorema: Autom. Reasoning in Natural Style
Further information
Register SE 2,0 Bruno Buchberger

Tudor Jebelean
Teimuraz Kutsia
Wolfgang Windsteiger
No dates found.
326.063 (2020W) Seminar logic and software design
Project seminar Formal Methods I
Further information
Register SE 2,0 Wolfgang Schreiner Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Mi. 07.10.2020 12:45 - 14:30 HA 105
Di. 10.11.2020 17:15 - 19:45 K 223B
Di. 26.01.2021 17:15 - 19:45 K 223B
326.AK1 (2020W) Seminar symbolic computation
Project seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics I
Further information
Register SE 2,0 Peter Paule

Carsten Schneider
Date Daytime Room Topic
Mi. 07.10.2020 13:45 - 16:15 HA 105
Mi. 14.10.2020 13:45 - 16:15 HA 105
Mi. 21.10.2020 13:45 - 16:15 HA 105
Mi. 28.10.2020 13:45 - 16:15 HA 105
Mi. 04.11.2020 13:45 - 16:15 HA 105
Mi. 11.11.2020 13:45 - 16:15 HA 105
Mi. 18.11.2020 13:45 - 16:15 HA 105
Mi. 25.11.2020 13:45 - 16:15 HA 105
Mi. 02.12.2020 13:45 - 16:15 HA 105
Mi. 09.12.2020 13:45 - 16:15 HA 105
Mi. 16.12.2020 13:45 - 16:15 HA 105
Mi. 13.01.2021 13:45 - 16:15 HA 105
Mi. 20.01.2021 13:45 - 16:15 HA 105
Mi. 27.01.2021 13:45 - 16:15 HA 105
326.015 (2020W) Seminar symbolic computation
Computational Mathematics in Numerical Analysis and Symbolic Computation
Further information
Register SE 2,0 Veronika Elisabeth Pillwein Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Do. 29.10.2020 11:00 - 12:00 Online
Do. 05.11.2020 11:00 - 12:00 Online
Do. 12.11.2020 11:00 - 12:00 Online
Do. 19.11.2020 11:00 - 12:00 Online
Do. 26.11.2020 11:00 - 12:00 Online
Do. 03.12.2020 11:00 - 12:00 Online
Do. 10.12.2020 11:00 - 12:00 Online
Do. 17.12.2020 11:00 - 12:00 Online
Do. 24.12.2020 11:00 - 12:00 Online
Do. 31.12.2020 11:00 - 12:00 Online
Do. 07.01.2021 11:00 - 12:00 Online
Do. 14.01.2021 11:00 - 12:00 Online
Do. 21.01.2021 11:00 - 12:00 Online
326.CA1 (2020W) Seminar symbolic computation
Computer-algebra I
Further information
Register SE 2,0 Franz Winkler Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Do. 08.10.2020 10:15 - 11:45 HA 105
Do. 15.10.2020 10:15 - 11:45 HA 105
Do. 22.10.2020 10:15 - 11:45 HA 105
Do. 29.10.2020 10:15 - 11:45 HA 105
Do. 05.11.2020 10:15 - 11:45 HA 105
Do. 12.11.2020 10:15 - 11:45 HA 105
Do. 19.11.2020 10:15 - 11:45 HA 105
Do. 26.11.2020 10:15 - 11:45 HA 105
Do. 03.12.2020 10:15 - 11:45 HA 105
Do. 10.12.2020 10:15 - 11:45 HA 105
Do. 17.12.2020 10:15 - 11:45 HA 105
Do. 07.01.2021 10:15 - 11:45 HA 105
Do. 14.01.2021 10:15 - 11:45 HA 105
Do. 21.01.2021 10:15 - 11:45 HA 105
Do. 28.01.2021 10:15 - 11:45 HA 105
326.060 (2020W) Seminar symbolic computation
Research Topics in Algebra and Combinatorics
Register SE 2,0 Josef Schicho Weekly
No dates found.
326.090 (2020W) Special Topics
Mathemtical Logic I
Further information
Register KV 3,0 Tudor Jebelean Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Di. 06.10.2020 08:30 - 11:00 Online
Di. 13.10.2020 08:30 - 11:00 Online
Di. 20.10.2020 08:30 - 11:00 Online
Di. 27.10.2020 08:30 - 11:00 Online
Di. 03.11.2020 08:30 - 11:00 Online
Di. 10.11.2020 08:30 - 11:00 Online
Di. 17.11.2020 08:30 - 11:00 Online
Di. 24.11.2020 08:30 - 11:00 Online
Di. 01.12.2020 08:30 - 11:00 Online
Di. 15.12.2020 08:30 - 11:00 Online
Di. 12.01.2021 08:30 - 11:00 Online
Di. 19.01.2021 08:30 - 11:00 Online
Di. 26.01.2021 08:30 - 11:00 Online
326.057 (2020W) Thinking, Speaking, Writing
Understanding and Creating Mathematical Proofs
Further information
Register VO 2,0 Tudor Jebelean Weekly
Date Daytime Room Topic
Di. 06.10.2020 13:45 - 15:15 Online
Di. 13.10.2020 13:45 - 15:15 Online
Di. 20.10.2020 13:45 - 15:15 Online
Di. 27.10.2020 13:45 - 15:15 Online
Di. 03.11.2020 13:45 - 15:15 Online
Di. 10.11.2020 13:45 - 15:15 Online
Di. 17.11.2020 13:45 - 15:15 Online
Di. 24.11.2020 13:45 - 15:15 Online
Di. 01.12.2020 12:00 - 13:30 Online
Di. 15.12.2020 13:45 - 15:15 Online
Di. 12.01.2021 13:45 - 15:15 Online
Di. 19.01.2021 13:45 - 15:15 Online
Di. 26.01.2021 13:45 - 15:15 Online
326.999 (2020W) Preparatory course mathematics for first-year students of Business Informatics
Further information
Register VK 2,0 Wolfgang Windsteiger Block
Date Daytime Room Topic
Mo. 21.09.2020 08:30 - 09:15 K 269D
Mi. 23.09.2020 08:30 - 11:00 K 033C
Fr. 25.09.2020 08:30 - 11:00 K 269D
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