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Long Integer Multiplication (Bag Version)

The previous program for long integer multiplication was a bit over-specified because it explicitly determined the order in which pairs of integers were added in the second phase of the algorithm; however any ordering would have been legal. Below we give a variant of the program that copes without this over-specification. The full program can be found here.  
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Long Integer Multiplications (Bag Version)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <rt++.h>

typedef char Digit;
typedef Array<Digit> Number;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// sum of two numbers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Number sum(Number a, Number b)

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// product of number and digit
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Number prod(Number a, Digit b)

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// multiplication of two numbers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Number mult(Number a, Number b)
  int lb = Length(b);
  int n = 2*lb-1;
  ThreadBag<Number> bag(n);
  for (int i = 0; i < lb; i++)
      ThreadBag2<Number, Number, Digit>(bag, prod, a, b[i]);
  for (int j = 0; j < n-2 ; j += 2)
      Number a = Wait(bag, j);
      Number b = Wait(bag, j+1);
      ThreadBag2<Number, Number, Number>(bag, sum, a, b); 
  return(Wait(bag, n-1));


The program is based on the concept of thread bags that collect thread results and provide them in the order in which they have been computed (i.e. in the order in which the threads have terminated):  

  1. The declaration  
    ThreadBag<Number> bag(n);
    declares a bag that can hold up to n threads of result type Number. It is also possible to declare bags without an explicit size specification but this is less efficient.
  2. A statement  
    ThreadBag2<Number, Number, Digit>(bag, prod, a, b[i]);
    creates a new thread computing prod(a, b[i]). The thread itself is anonymous but its result can be retrieved via bag.
  3. The expression  
    Wait(bag, j)
    returns the j-th thread result in bag where it is undefined by which thread this result was computed (but two calls of Wait with the same index in the same program run always return the same result).
Furthermore the program must provide the following top-level declarations for the garbage collector:  

The first two declarations are required because digits and numbers are used as thread arguments and results, respectively. The third sort of declaration is required for any type of thread bags used by the program (the individual kinds of anonymous threads need not be declared).

Above solution has one disadvantage compared to the approach presented in the previous section. The main program waits for the first phase thread results in the bag before it starts the second phase threads. We can overcome this over-synchronization by passing the thread bag directly to the second phase threads and let these threads themselves synchronize with their required arguments. This idea is sketched below (the full program can be found here).  

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Long Integer Multiplications (Bag Version)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <rt++.h>

typedef char Digit;
typedef Array<Digit> Number;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// sum of two thread bag results
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Number sum(ThreadBag<Number> a, int j)
  Number a = Wait(bag, j);
  Number b = Wait(bag, j+1);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// product of number and digit
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Number prod(Number a, Digit b)

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// multiplication of two numbers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Number mult(Number a, Number b)
  int lb = Length(b);
  int n = 2*lb-1;
  ThreadBag<Number> bag(n);
  for (int i = 0; i < lb; i++)
      ThreadBag2<Number, Number, Digit>(bag, prod, a, b[i]);
  for (int j = 0; j < n-2 ; j += 2)
      ThreadBag2<Number, ThreadBag<Number>, int>(bag, sum, bag, j); 
  return(Wait(bag, n-1));


In order to get an executable program, the following top-level declarations have to be provided to the garbage collector


The examples presented in this and the previous section outline the sort of programming style suggested by RT++: threads are entities that can be used and passed around as any other sort of runtime values. Consequently it is not necessary for the creator of a thread to resolve synchronization dependencies; this task can be as well performed by the threads themselves (self-synchronization). Furthermore, the program need not explicitly allocate or free resources; this task is performed by the underlying memory management system (garbage collection). The resulting programming style closely resembles the dataflow style of parallel computation.  
Author: Wolfgang Schreiner
Last Modification: April 12, 1997