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2.5 Values

Every term denotes one of the following types of values:

A Natural Number
One of the values 0, 1, 2, ...
term +(1, 1);
> 2.
A Set
An unordered (and in the evaluator finite) collection of values.
term join(tuple(1, 2), join({}, join(1, {})));
> {1, {}, <1, 2>}.
A Tuple
A finite sequence of values.
term tuple(2, tuple(1, 4), {}, 3);
> <2, <1, 4>, {}, 3>.
An Interval
A subrange of the natural numbers.
term nat(2, 7);
> 2..7.
Both sets and intervals are domains that may be used to constrain the value range of a variable.
Maintained by: Wolfgang Schreiner
Last Modification: September 16, 2004

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