Function Descriptions

Data Types

Functions that test object to be of a certain type are the following.

algset -- Type test for CASA's algebraic set type.

casaAttributes -- Checks whether the argument is a list of string=value pairs as required by CASA.

casaVariable -- Checks whether a given variable is a CASA internal variable.

homogeneousPolynomial -- Check for homogeneity of a polynomial in given variables.

neighborhoodTree -- Checks whether a given object is a neighborhood tree.

planecurve -- Check for a plane algebraic curve or a system of plane algebraic curves.

projPoint -- Check for a valid point in projective space.

Creator And Selector Functions for Algebraic Sets

mkImplAlgSet -- Creates an algebraic set given in its implicit representation.

mkParaAlgSet -- Creates an algebraic set in parametric representation

mkPlacAlgSet -- Creates an algebraic set represented by places.

mkProjAlgSet -- Creates an algebraic set in projected representation.

mkAlgSet -- Creates an algebraic set from a given one by applying some substitutions.

properties -- Shows every information that is already known about the algebraic set.

generators -- Returns the generators of an algebraic set.

parameterList -- Returns the list of parameters of the given algebraic set.

variableList -- Returns the list of variables of the given algebraic set.

isProjective -- Test whether the algebraic set lies in affine or projective space.

setPuiseuxExpansion -- Sets the maximum degree of the shown terms in an algebraic set represented by places.

Conversion Between Different Representations

toImpl -- Converts an algebraic set given in parametric or projected representation to an algebraic set in implicit representation in affine space.

toPara -- Converts an algebraic set given in implicit or projected representation to an algebraic set in parametric representation.

toPlac -- Converts an algebraic set given in implicit parametric or projected representation to an algebraic set represented by places.

toProj -- Converts an algebraic set given in parametric or implicit representation to an algebraic set in projected representation.

toAffine -- Converts the algebraic set to the corresponding algebraic set in affine space.

toProjective -- Converts the algebraic set to the corresponding algebraic set in projective space.

Operations on Algebraic Sets

dimension -- The function Computes the dimension of an algebraic set.

decompose -- Decomposition of an algebraic set into irreducible components.

singLocus -- Compute singularities of an algebraic set.

setRandomParameters -- Choose undetermined parameters at random.

pointInAlgSet -- Tests whether a point is in a given algebraic set.

Operations on Algebraic Sets in Implicit Form

Groebnerbasis -- Compute a Groebner basis for an implicitly given algebraic set.

independentVariables -- Computes a set of independent variables.

equalBaseSpaces -- Test whether two algebraic sets in implicit representation live in the same space.

implDifference -- Computes the Zariski closure of the difference of two algebraic sets.

implEmpty -- Tests whether an algebraic set is empty.

implEqual -- Test whether two algebraic sets in implicit representation are equal.

implIdealQuo -- Computes the Zariski closure of the difference of two algebraic sets.

implIntersect -- Computes the intersection of algebraic sets.

implSubSet -- Test whether an algebraic set is contained in another one.

implUnion -- Computes the union of algebraic sets.

implUnionLCM -- Compute the union of algebraic sets.

tangSpace -- Compute tangent space and tangent cone.

tsolve -- Compute a triangularized representation.

computeRadical -- Computes a radical of an algebraic set.

Operations on Algebraic Curves

singularities -- Compute singularities of a specified plane curve.

genus -- Computes the genus of an algebraic set defining a plane curve.

imult -- Intersection-multiplicity of two plane curves in affine space.

adjointCurve -- Computes an adjoint curve to a given curve.

neighbGraph -- Computed the neighborhood graph of a plane algebraic curve.

properParametrization -- Returns a proper parametrization.

passGenCurve -- Generates a general curve and passing it through specified points.

rationalPoint -- Compute a rational point on a conic.

conic -- Tries to find a rational point on a conic.

Groebner Bases

GWalk -- Computes the reduced Groebner basis of the polynomial system by means of the Groebner walk algorithm.

mgbasis -- Compute the normed reduced Groebner basis.

mgbasisx -- Compute the normed reduced Groebner basis along with the transformation matrix.

mnormalf -- Compute the normal form of a tuple of polynomials modulo a module.

msolveGB -- Compute a basis for the module of syzygies.

msolveSP -- Compute a basis for the module of syzygies.


mvresultant -- Compute the resultant system of a system of multivariate polynomials.

subresultantChain -- Compute the subresultant chain of two multivariate polynomials.

Real Root Isolation

realroot_a -- Isolate real roots of a polynomial with algebraic number coefficients in strictly seperated intervals using de-recursive algorithms and norm.

realroot_sb -- Isolate real roots of a polynomial in strictly separated intervals using de-recursive algorithms.


plotAlgSet -- Plots algebraic sets.

pacPlot -- Plots plane algebraic curves using a hybrid symbolic-numerical method.

ssiPlot -- Plots the intersection of two surfaces using hybrid symbolic-numerical method.

Offset Curves

implOffset -- Computes the offset curve in implicit representation to a given curve.

paraOffset -- Compute the offset curve in parametric representation to a given curve.

RPHcurve -- Checks if there exists an RPH (rational Phytagorean hodograph) parametrization of the given curve.

Error Correcting Codes

finiteCurve -- The function prepares a curve in the projective plane over a finite field.

BCHDecode -- Decode using error-locator decoding.

BCH2 -- Prepare a 2-dimensional BCH-code.

CyclicEncode -- Encode using matrix multiplication.

DivBasisL -- Computes a basis of the space L(G).

finiteField -- Constructs a finite field

GoppaDecode -- Decode by using error-locator decoding.

GoppaEncode -- Encodes by using matrix multiplication.

GoppaPrepareDu -- Initializes a Dursmaa error locator.

GoppaPrepareSa -- Initialize Sakata's procedure for 1-point AG-codes.

GoppaPrepareSV -- Initializes a Skorobotatov-Vladut error locator.

GoppaPrimary -- Prepares a primary Goppa code.

SakataDecode -- Decode using Sakata's algorithm.

InPolynomial -- Convert a polynomial from alpha-form to Root-Of form.

NormalPolynomial -- Calculate the "Normal Form" of a polynomial

OutPolynomial -- Calculate the alpha form of a polynomial.

PolynomialRoots -- Calculate the roots of a polynomial.

SubsPolynomial -- Evaluate a polynomial at a point in Root-of Form.

mapOutPolynomial -- Convert a list of polynomial to alpha form.

mapSubsPolynomial -- Evaluate a polynomial on a list of points.

Auxiliary Function

delete -- Delete an element from a list or a set

equalProjectivePoints -- Compare two projective points.

homogeneousForm -- Collects the terms of a polynomial of a certain degree.

homogenize -- Homogenizes a polynomial.

leadingForm -- Collects the terms of a polynomial with a degree equal to the degree of the polynomial.

numberOfTerms -- Determine the number of terms of a polynomial.

variableDifferentFrom -- Return an unassigned variable that is different from the variables given as arguments.
