Theorema Seminar

The work of the Theorema Group (research, software implementation, advising of PhD and masters' students and seminar students) is discussed and co-ordinated in the weekly Theorema Seminar. The date of this seminar is usually Wednesday 11:00-12:30, but is sometimes adjusted to the particular time schedules of the faculty and students.

Students of mathematics and computer science are invited to take part in the Theorema seminar. For being accepted to the seminar, please, write an introductory mail to buchberger@risc.uni-linz.ac.at.

For Theorema group members only, the schedule for upcoming seminars and the minutes of past meetings can be found here.


In the frame of the Theorema project, there is always the possibility to write a bachelor-, master-, or PhD-thesis in mathematics or computer science. The open theses topics can be found here. Note, that theses marked as bachelor theses can most likely be extended to master theses, and ones marked as master theses can sometimes lead to PhD theses.

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