JKU LIT Project LogTechEdu

A Specification Exercise

0 of 6 grade points have been earned so far.

In the following we consider arrays of maximum length N whose elements are
natural numbers of maximum size M: 
val N = 
; // choose small values
val M = 
type int = ℕ[N];
type elem = ℕ[M];
type array = Array[N,elem];
Specify a procedure "merge(a,na,b,nb)" that takes two arrays a and b of size na
and nb, respectively, where na+nb is less than equal N and both a and b are
sorted in ascending order. The procedure returns an array c of size na+nb which
represents the "merged" version of a and b: c is also sorted in ascending order
and contains all elements of a and b. In detail, define the precondition
pre(a,na,b,nb) and postcondition post(a,na,b,nb,c) of the procedure (it is
recommended, to define an auxiliary predicate sorted(a,n) that states that array
a is sorted in the first n positions):


First investigate your specification:
Now further validate your specification:

Now check whether post() define the first na+nb elements of the result array
uniquely (the remaining elements are not of interest):
Finally check whether your specification specifies merge(a,na,b,nb) adequately:


0 of 6 grade points have been earned so far.