Int        ℤ
Nat        ℕ
:=         ≔
true       ⊤
false      ⊥
~          ¬
/\         ∧
\/         ∨
=>         ⇒
<=>        ⇔
forall     ∀
exists     ∃
sum        ∑
product    ∏
~=         ≠
<=         ≤
>=         ≥
*          ⋅
times      ×
{}         ∅
intersect  ∩
union      ∪
Intersect  ⋂
Union      ⋃
isin       ∈
subseteq   ⊆
<<         ⟨
>>         ⟩

RISCAL WebEx: Web Exercises for RISCAL

Below you find a list of sample RISCAL WebEx exercises (executable but password-protected) for RISCAL.

First Order Logic
Computer Science
RISCAL Web Interface
A generic interface to execute arbitrary RISCAL specifications.
Verify Certificates
A web interface to verify certificates generated by the RISCAL WebEx server.
For your convenience, you see at the right a list of Unicode symbols used by RISCAL (which you may copy and paste) and their ASCII equivalents (which you may type in).

Wolfgang Schreiner
Last modified: November 8, 2018