JKU LIT Project LogTechEdu

Exercise: First Order Semantics

0 of 10 grade points have been earned so far.

Below you see the definition
pred p1(x:ℕ[3], y:ℕ[3]) ⇔ x > 0 ∧ y+1 = x ;
of a predicate p1(x,y) by a formula F with two free variables x,y; these
variables (and all variables bound in F) may be assigned values from the domain
ℕ[3] = { 0,1,2,3 }.

TASK 1.a: Give all satisfying assignments of p1(x,y) by a comma-separated list

  << x-value , y-value >> , ... 
of all pairs of values from ℕ[3] that when assigned to x,y make p1(x,y) true:

Check the correctness of your answer:
If your answer is not correct, see here the number of satisfying assignments:
If your answer is still not correct, see here the satisfying assignments:
TASK 1.b: The formula p1(x,y) is satisfiable. True? (enter "true" or "false")

TASK 1.c: The formula p1(x,y) is valid. True? (enter "true" or "false")

Below you see the definition
pred p2(x:ℕ[3]) ⇔ ∃y:ℕ[3]. y+1 = x ;
of a predicate p2(x) by a formula F with one free variable x; this variable
(and all variables bound in F) may be assigned values from the domain
ℕ[3] = { 0,1,2,3 }.

TASK 2.a: Give all satisfying assignments of p2(x) by a comma-separated list

  x-value , ... 
of all values from ℕ[3] that when assigned to x make p2(x) true.

Check the correctness of your answer:
If your answer is not correct, see here the number of satisfying assignments:
If your answer is still not correct, see here the satisfying assignments:
TASK 2.b: The formula p2(x) is satisfiable. True? (enter "true" or "false")

TASK 2.c: The formula p2(x) is valid. True? (enter "true" or "false")

Below you see the definition
pred p3() ⇔ ∃y:ℕ[3]. ∀x:ℕ[3]. x > 0 ⇒ ∃y:ℕ[3]. y+1 = x ;
of a predicate p3() by a closed formula F.

Give the truth value of p3() (enter "true" or "false"):

In the following we consider formulas interpreted over the domain ℕ[2] = { 0,1,2 }.

Below you see two definitions
pred a4(p:Formula1, q:Formula1) ⇔
  (∃x:ℕ[2]. p[x]) ∧ (∃x:ℕ[2]. q[x]) ;
pred b4(p:Formula1, q:Formula1) ⇔
  ∃x:ℕ[2]. p[x] ∧ q[x] ;
with formulas in which predicates p[x] and q[x] occur; please note that
applications of these predicates have to be written with square brackets [ ].

Task 4.a: F2 a logical consequence of F1. True? (enter "true" or "false")
TASK 4.b: [ Only if your answer to TASK 4.a is "false". ]

Give examples of two predicates p[x] and q[x] for which a4 is true and b4 is
false. These examples may be simply written in the form of a two sequences

  p: p[0], p[1], p[2]
  q: q[0], q[1], q[2] 
of truth values that list the value of p[x] and q[x] for each value of x.


In the following we consider formulas interpreted over the domain ℕ[2] = { 0,1,2 }.

Below you see a definition
pred a5(p:Formula1, q:Formula2) ⇔ 
  ¬ ∀x:ℕ[2]. p[x] ⇒ ∃y:ℕ[2]. q[x][y]
with a formula in which predicates p[x] and q[x][y] occur; please note that
applications of these predicates have to be written with square brackets [ ]
around every argument.

Give a definition

pred b5(p:Formula1, q:Formula2) ⇔ 

with a formula that is logically equivalent to the one given above but in which
the negation connective ¬ is only applied to atomic formulas (i.e., "push the
negation as much inside as possible").

Note: the following will only check the equivalence of your formula to the
given one, not whether your formula indeed satisfies the syntactic description
given above.

0 of 10 grade points have been earned so far.