Dependencies: A Mathematica package for computing algebraic relations of C-finite sequences and multi-sequences¶
This package is part of the RISCErgoSum bundle. See Download and Installation.
Short Description¶
For any tuple of sequences, the set of multivariate polynomials such that for all points forms an ideal of the polynomial ring. The package provides a function for computing a basis for that ideal in the case where are C-finite sequences (or multi-sequences), i.e., they satisfy homogeneous linear recurrence equations with constant coefficients.
Accompanying files¶
To use the implementation it is sufficient to study the notebook demo.nb. It contains a few examples to start with.
M. Kauers and B. Zimmermann Computing the Algebraic Relations of C-Finite Sequences and Multisequences, Journal of Symbolic Computation, Volume 43 Issue 11, November, 2008. [pdf from JSC] [techreport]