Permutation Groups
Short Description
PermGroup is a Mathematica package dealing with permutation groups,
group actions and Polya theory.
The package has been developed by
Thomas Bayer,
a former student of the
RISC Combinatorics group.
Registration and Legal Notices
The source code for this package is password protected. To get the password
send an email to
Peter Paule.
It will be given for free to all researchers and non-commercial users.
Copyright © 1999–2019 The RISC Combinatorics Group, Austria — all rights reserved.
Commercial use of the software is prohibited without prior written permission.
A Note on Encoded Files
This package contains one or more Mathematica input files which are encoded. Those files
cannot be read or modified directly as plain text, but can be loaded into
Mathematica just like any normal input file (i.e., with
<<"file" or
There is no need (and also no way) to decode them by using additional software
or a special key.
If loading an encoded file causes a syntax error, open it with a
text editor and remove any blank lines at the beginning (for some
reason your Mac could have inserted them silently...).
The Package
PermGroup package consists of the Mathematica input files
a short ASCII-documentation
and the manual in form of Mathematica 3.0 notebooks
Alternatively, you can download the whole package as a compressed archive file
Important Upgrade Information
Beginning with version 1.2 the function
Element[] has been renamed to
PGElement[] for compatibility with recent versions of Mathematica.
Versions and Bugs
The current version of the package is 1.2 last updated on June 21, 2004.
Please report any bugs and comments to
Thomas Bayer.