Place: Seminarraum Schloss Hagenberg
04.03. | Peter Paule | Organizational items |
Clemens Raab | The Limited Integration Problem in Primitive Extensions | |
11.03. | Clemens Raab | A Brief Overview of Integration in Primitive Extensions |
Silviu Radu | Infinitely many congruences for Andrews-Paule's broken 2-diamond partitions | |
18.03. | Silviu Radu | Proving q-series identities using modular forms |
25.03. | Christoph Fürst | The Lazard/Rioboo/Trager Algorithm for Rational Function Integration |
Ralf Hemmecke | Issue Tracker | |
01.04. | No seminar (no joke) | |
22.04 | Carsten Schneider | A Symbolic Summation Approach to Find Sum Representations with Optimal Nested Depth |
29.04. | Manuel Kauers | A Matrix Version of Gosper's Algorithm |
06.05. | No seminar | |
13.05. | Veronika Pillwein | Inventing Old Inequalities |
20.05. | Burcin Eröcal | Algebraic Extensions in Indefinite Summation |
27.05. | Flavia Stan | Feynman integrals as Mellin-Barnes integrals |
03.06. | No seminar | |
10.06. | Christoph Koutschan | Eliminating Human Insight: An Algorithmic Proof of Stembridge's TSPP Theorem |
17.06. | Ralf Hemmecke | RISC Combinatorics Software (Part 1) |
24.06. | Ralf Hemmecke | RISC Combinatorics Software (Part 2) |
24.06. | Prof. Michael Singer | Relations among Solutions of Linear Difference Equations |