J. Ablinger, A. Behring, J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, E. Imamoglu, M. van Hoeij A. von Manteuffel, C.G. Raab, C.-S. Radu, C. Schneider. Iterative and Iterative-Noniterative Integral Solutions in 3-Loop Massive QCD Calculations. In: Proc. of the 13th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections (Applications of Quantum Field Theory to Phenomenology), A. Hoang, C. Schneider (ed.)PoS (RADCOR2017) 069, pp. 1-13. 2018. ISSN 1824-8039. arXiv:1711.09742 [hep-ph]. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger, A. Behring, J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, A. von Manteuffel, C. Schneider. Heavy Flavor Wilson Coefficients in Deep-Inelastic Scattering: Recent Results. In: Proceedings of QCDEV2017, L. Gamberg, A. Prokudin, J.W. Qiu and A. Radyushkin (ed.)PoS(QCDEV2017)031 , pp. 1-10. 2018. ISSN 1824-8039. arXiv:1711.07957 [hep-ph]. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger, J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, A. Goedicke, C. Schneider, K. Schönwald, F. Wißbrock. The massive 3-loop operator matrix elements with two masses and the generalized variable flavor number scheme. In: Proc. of the 13th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections (Applications of Quantum Field Theory to Phenomenology), A. Hoang, C. Schneider (ed.)PoS (RADCOR2017) 071, pp. 1-20. 2018. ISSN 1824-8039. arXiv:1712.00745 [hep-ph]. [url] [bib]
Jakob Ablinger, Johannes Blümlein, Mark Round, Carsten Schneider. Special functions, transcendentals and their numerics. In: Proc. of the 13th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections (Applications of Quantum Field Theory to Phenomenology), A. Hoang, C. Schneider (ed.)PoS (RADCOR2017) 010, pp. 1-7. 2018. ISSN 1824-8039. arXiv:1712.08541 [hep-th]. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger. Discovering and Proving Infinite Binomial Sums Identities. Experimental Mathematics 26(1), pp. 62-71. 2017. ISSN 1058-6458. 10.1080/10586458.2015.1116028. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger, A. Behring, J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, A. von Manteuffel, C. Schneider. The Three-Loop Splitting Functions $P_{qg}^{(2)}$ and $P_{gg}^{(2, \rm N_F)}$. Nucl. Phys. B. 922, pp. 1-40. 2017. ISSN 0550-3213.. arXiv:1705.01508 [hep-ph]. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger, J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, A. Hasselhuhn, C. Schneider, F. Wißbrock. Three Loop Massive Operator Matrix Elements and Asymptotic Wilson Coefficients with Two Different Masses. Nucl. Phys. B. 921, pp. 585-688. 2017. ISSN 0550-3213. arXiv:1705.07030 [hep-ph]. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger. Computing the Inverse Mellin Transform of Holonomic Sequences using Kovacic's Algorithm. In: Proc. of the 13th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections (Applications of Quantum Field Theory to Phenomenology), A. Hoang and C. Schneider (ed.)PoS (RADCOR2017) 069, pp. 1-8. 2017. ISSN 1824-8039. arXiv:1801.01039 [cs.SC]. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger, A. Behring, J. Blümlein, G. Falcioni, A. De Freitas, P. Marquard, N. Rana, C. Schneider. Heavy quark form factors at two loops in perturbative QCD. ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 48(12), pp. 2155-2166. 2017. ISSN 0587-4254. Presented at the XLI International Conference of Theoretical Physics “Matter to the Deepest”, Podlesice, Poland, September 3–8, 2017, arXiv:1711.04880 [hep-ph]. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger, A. Behring, J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, A. von Manteuffel, C. Schneider. Calculating Three Loop Ladder and V-Topologies for Massive Operator Matrix Elements by Computer Algebra. Comput. Phys. Comm. 202, pp. 33-112. 2016. ISSN 0010-4655. arXiv:1509.08324 [hep-ph]. [url] [pdf] [bib]
J. Ablinger, J. Behring, J. Blümlein, G. Falcioni, A. De Freitas, A. Hasselhuhn, A. von Manteuffel, M. Round, C. Schneider, F. Wissbrock. New Results on Massive 3-Loop Wilson Coefficients in Deep-Inelastic Scattering. In: Proc. Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory - LL 2016, J. Bluemlein and P. Marquard and T. Riemann (ed.), Proc. of Sciences PoS (LL2016) 065, pp. 1-16. 2016. ISSN 1824-8039. arXiv:1609.03397 [hep-ph]. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger, A. Behring, J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, A. Hasselhuhn, A. von Manteuffel, C.G. Raab, M. Round, C. Schneider, F. Wißbrock. 3-Loop Corrections to the Heavy Flavor Wilson Coefficients in Deep-Inelastic Scattering. In: Proceedings of the European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP), PoS(EPS-HEP2015)504, pp. 1-13. 2016. ISSN 1824-8039. arXiv:1602.00583 [hep-ph]. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger, A. Behring, J. Bluemlein, A. de Freitas, C. Schneider. Algorithms to solve coupled systems of differential equations in terms of power series. In: Proc. Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory - LL 2016, J. Bluemlein, P. Marquard, T. Riemann (ed.) (ed.)PoS(LL2016)005, pp. 1-15. 2016. ISSN 1824-8039. arXiv:1608.05376 [cs.SC]. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger. Inverse Mellin Transform of Holonomic Sequences. In: Proc. Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory - LL 2016, J. Bluemlein and P. Marquard and T. Riemann (ed.), Proc. of Sciences PoS (LL2016) 067, pp. -. 2016. ISSN 1824-8039. arXiv:1606.02845 [cs.SC]. [url] [bib]
Jakob Ablinger, Arnd Behring, Johannes Blümlein, Abilio De Freitas, Alexander Hasselhuhn, Andreas von Manteuffel, Mark Round, Carsten Schneider, Fabian Wißbrock. Heavy flavour corrections to polarised and unpolarised deep-inelastic scattering at 3-loop order. In: Proceedings of the QCD Evolution 2016, PoS(QCDEV2016)052, pp. 1-16. 2016. National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Nikhef) in Amsterdam, ISSN 1824-8039. arXiv:1611.01104 [hep-ph]. [url] [bib]
Jakob Ablinger, Johannes Bluemlein, Abilio de Freitas, Carsten Schneider. A toolbox to solve coupled systems of differential and difference equations. In: Proc. of the 13th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections (Applications of Quantum Field Theory to Phenomenology), Nigel Glover, Daniel Maitre, Ben Pecjak (ed.)PoS(RADCOR2015)060, pp. 1-13. 2016. ISSN 1824-8039. arXiv:1601.01856 [cs.SC]. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger, J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, A. Hasselhuhn, A. von Manteuffel, M. Round, C. Schneider. 3-loop Massive $O(T_F^2)$ Contributions to the DIS Operator Matrix Element $A_{gg}$. In: 17th International Conference in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD 14), Stephan Narison (ed.), Proceedings of QCD Montpellier Conference, Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 258-259, pp. 37-40. 2015. ISSN 0550-3213. arXiv:1409.1435 [hep-ph]. [url] [pdf] [bib]
J. Ablinger, A. Behring, J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, A. von Manteuffel, C. Schneider. The 3-Loop Pure Singlet Heavy Flavor Contributions to the Structure Function $F_2(x, Q^2)$ and the Anomalous Dimension. Nuclear Physics B 890, pp. 48-151. 2015. ISSN 0550-3213. arXiv:1409.1135 [hep-ph]. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger, A. Behring, J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, A. Hasselhuhn, A. von Manteuffel, C. Raab, M. Round, S. Schneider, F. Wißbrock. 3-loop heavy flavor Wilson coefficients in deep-inelastic scattering. In: 17th International Conference in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD 14), Stephan Narison (ed.), Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 258-259, pp. 41-44. 2015. ISSN 0550-3213. arXiv:1409.1804 [hep-ph]. [url] [pdf] [bib]
J. Ablinger, J. Bluemlein, C. Schneider. Generalized Harmonic, Cyclotomic, and Binomial Sums, their Polylogarithms and Special Numbers. In: Proc. ACAT 2013, , J. Phys.: Conf. Ser 523012060, pp. 1-10. 2014. ISSN 1742-6596. arXiv:1310.5645 [math-ph]. [url] [bib]
A. Behring, J. Bluemlein, A. De Freitas, T. Pfoh, C. Raab, M. Round, J. Ablinger, A. Hasselhuhn, C. Schneider, F. Wissbrock, A. von Manteuffel. New Results on the 3-Loop Heavy Flavor Corrections in Deep-Inelastic Scattering. In: Proc. of RADCOR, , PoS(RADCOR 2013)058 , pp. 1-21. 2014. ISSN 1824-8039. arXiv:1312.0124 [hep-ph]. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger, J. Bluemlein, A. De Freitas A. Hasselhuhn, A. von Manteuffel, M. Round, C. Schneider, F. Wissbrock. The Transition Matrix Element $A_{gq}(N)$ of the Variable Flavor Number Scheme at $O(\alpha_s^3)$. Nuclear Physics B 882, pp. 263-288. 2014. ISSN: 0550-3213. arXiv:1402.0359 [hep-ph]. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger, J. Blümlein, C. Raab, C. Schneider, F. Wissbrock. Calculating Massive 3-loop Graphs for Operator Matrix Elements by the Method of Hyperlogarithms. Nuclear Physics B 885, pp. 409-447. 2014. ISSN: 0550-3213. arXiv:1403.1137 [hep-ph]. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger, J. Bluemlein, A. De Freitas, A. Hasselhuhn, A. von Manteuffel, M. Round, C. Schneider. The $O(alpha_s^3 T_F^2)$ Contributions to the Gluonic Operator Matrix Element. Nuclear Physics B 885, pp. 280-317. 2014. ISSN: 0550-3213. arXiv:1405.4259 [hep-ph]. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger, A. Behring, J. Bluemlein, A. De Freitas, A. Hasselhuhn, A. von Manteuffel, M. Round, C. Schneider, F. Wissbrock. The 3-Loop Non-Singlet Heavy Flavor Contributions and Anomalous Dimensions for thE Structure Function $F_2(x, Q^2)$ and Transversity. Nuclear Physics B 886, pp. 733-823. 2014. ISSN: 0550-3213. arXiv:1406.4654 [hep-ph]. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger, J. Blümlein, C.G. Raab, C. Schneider. Iterated Binomial Sums and their Associated Iterated Integrals. J. Math. Phys. 55(112301), pp. 1-57. 2014. ISSN 0022-2488. arXiv:1407.1822 [hep-th]. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger, J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, A. Hasselhuhn, A. von Manteuffel, M. Round, C. Schneider, F. Wißbrock. 3-Loop Heavy Flavor Corrections in Deep-Inelastic Scattering with Two Heavy Quark Lines. In: Proceedings of Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory - LL 2014, J. Bluemlein, P. Marquard, T. Riemann (ed.), PoS(LL2014)015 , pp. 1-10. 2014. ISSN 1824-8039. arXiv:1407.2821 [hep-ph]. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger, J. Blümlein, C G. Raab, C. Schneider. Nested (inverse) binomial sums and new iterated integrals for massive Feynman diagrams. In: Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory - LL 2014, J. Bluemlein, P. Marquard, T. Riemann (ed.), PoS(LL2014)020 , pp. 1-13. 2014. ISSN 1824-8039. arXiv:1407.4721 [hep-th]. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger, A. Behring, J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, A. Hasselhuhn, A. von Manteuffel, C. Raab, M. Round, C. Schneider, F. Wißbrock. Recent progress on the calculation of three-loop heavy flavor Wilson coefficients in deep-inelastic scattering. In: Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory - LL 2014, J. Bluemlein, P. Marquard, T. Riemann (ed.), PoS(LL2014)041 , pp. 1-11. 2014. ISSN 1824-8039. arXiv:1407.3638 [hep-ph]. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger. The package HarmonicSums: Computer Algebra and Analytic aspects of Nested Sums. In: Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory - LL 2014, J. Bluemlein, P. Marquard, T. Riemann (ed.), pp. 1-10. 2014. ISSN 1824-8039. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger, J. Bluemlein, A. De Freitas, A. Hasselhuhn, S. Klein, C. Schneider, F. Wissbrock. New Results on the 3-Loop Heavy Flavor Wilson Coefficients in Deep-Inelastic Scattering. In: Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on High Energy Physics, PoS(ICHEP2012)270, pp. 1-9. 2013. ISSN 1824-8039. arXiv:1212.5950 [hep-ph]. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger, J. Bluemlein, C. Schneider. Analytic and Algorithmic Aspects of Generalized Harmonic Sums and Polylogarithms. J. Math. Phys. 54(082301), pp. 1-74. 2013. ISSN 0022-2488. arXiv:1302.0378 [math-ph]. [url] [pdf] [bib]
J. Ablinger, J. Bluemlein, A. De Freitas, A. Hasselhuhn, A. von Manteuffel, C. Raab, M. Round, C. Schneider, F. Wissbrock. Recent Results on the 3-Loop Heavy Flavor Wilson Coefficients in Deep-Inelastic Scattering. In: XXI International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects - DIS2013, PoS(DIS 2013)301, pp. 1-8. 2013. ISSN 1824-8039. arXiv:1307.7548 [hep-ph]. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger, J. Bluemlein. Harmonic Sums, Polylogarithms, Special Numbers, and Their Generalizations. In: Computer Algebra in Quantum Field Theory, C. Schneider, J. Bluemlein (ed.), Texts and Monographs in Symbolic Computation , pp. 1-32. 2013. Springer, ISBN-13: 978-3709116159. [bib]
J. Ablinger, J. Bluemlein, A. Hasselhuhn, S. Klein, C. Schneider, F. Wissbrock. New Heavy Flavor Contributions to the DIS Structure Function $F_2(x, Q^2)$ at $O(\alpha_s^3)$. In: Proceedings of RADCOR 2011, , Proceedings of 10th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections (Applications of Quantum Field Theory to Phenomenology) PoS(RADCOR2011)31, pp. 1-8. 2012. ISSN 1824-8039. arXiv:1202.2700 [hep-ph]. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger, J. Bluemlein, A. Hasselhuhn, S. Klein, C. Schneider, F. Wissbrock. Massive 3-loop Ladder Diagrams for Quarkonic Local Operator Matrix Elements. Nuclear Physics B 864, pp. 52-84. 2012. ISSN: 0550-3213. arXiv:1206.2252v1 [hep-ph]. [url] [pdf] [bib]
J. Ablinger, J. Bluemlein, M. Round, C. Schneider. Advanced Computer Algebra Algorithms for the Expansion of Feynman Integrals. In: Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory 2012, J. Bluemlein, S. Moch, T. Riemann (ed.), PoS(LL2012) 50, pp. 1-14. 2012. ISSN 1824-8039. arXiv:1210.1685 [cs.SC]. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger, J. Bluemlein, A. De Freitas, A. Hasselhuhn, S. Klein, C. Raab, M. Round, C. Schneider, F. Wissbrock. Three-Loop Contributions to the Gluonic Massive Operator Matrix Elements at General Values of N. In: Proc. Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory 2012, J. Blümlein, S. Moch, T. Riemann (ed.), PoS(LL2012)033 , pp. 1-12. 2012. ISSN 1824-8039. arXiv:1212.6823 [hep-ph]. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger, J. Bluemlein, S. Klein, C. Schneider, F. Wissbrock. The O(\alpha_s^3) Massive Operator Matrix Elements of O(n_f) for the Structure Function F_2(x, Q^2) and Transversity. Nucl. Phys. B 844, pp. 26-54. 2011. ISSN: 0550-3213. arXiv:1008.3347 [hep-ph]. [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger, J. Bluemlein, C. Schneider. Harmonic Sums and Polylogarithms Generated by Cyclotomic Polynomials. J. Math. Phys. 52(10), pp. 1-52. 2011. ISSN 0022-2488 . arXiv:1105.6063 [math-ph]. [url] [pdf] [bib]
J. Ablinger, J. Bluemlein, S. Klein, C. Schneider, F. Wissbrock. 3-Loop Heavy Flavor Corrections to DIS with two Massive Fermion Lines. In: 19th International Workshop On Deep-Inelastic Scattering And Related Subjects (DIS 2011), , pp. -. 2011. American Institute of Physics (AIP), [url] [bib]
J. Ablinger, J. Bluemlein, S. Klein, C. Schneider. Modern Summation Methods and the Computation of 2- and 3-loop Feynman Diagrams . Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.), Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory - Proceedings of the 10th DESY Workshop on Elementary Particle Theory 205-206, pp. 110-115. 2010. ISSN 0550-3213. arXiv:1006.4797 [math-ph]. [url] [pdf] [bib]
J. Ablinger, I. Bierenbaum, J. Bluemlein, A. Hasselhuhn, S. Klein, C. Schneider, F. Wissbrock. Heavy Flavor DIS Wilson coefficients in the asymptotic regime . Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.), Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory - Proceedings of the 10th DESY Workshop on Elementary Particle Theory 205-206, pp. 242-249. 2010. ISSN 0550-3213. arXiv::1007.0375 [hep-ph]. [url] [pdf] [bib]