Algorithmic Combinatorics Publications

Type: [any] [Papers] [Theses] [Technical Reports] [Other
Author: [any] [Ablinger] [Paule] [Kauers] [Koutschan] [Pillwein] [Radu] [Schneider
Year: [any] [2025] [2024] [2023] [2022] [2021] [2020] [earlier

Antonio Jimenez Pastor. DD-finite functions implemented in SAGE. November 15 2019. Software presentation at MACIS 2019, Istanbul. [bib]
Gert-Martin Greuel, Thorsten Koch, Peter Paule, Andrews Somese (ed.). Mathematical Software - ICMS 2016. Proceedings of ICMS 2016, 2016. LNCS 9725, Springer Wien, [bib]
Evans Doe Ocansey, Carsten Schneider. Representation of hypergeometric products in difference rings. 2016. Poster presentation at 41st International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC’16). [url] [pdf] [bib]
Joachim Schoeberl, Christoph Koutschan, Peter Paule. Method, device and computer program product for determining an electromagnetic near field of a field excitation source for an electrical system. 2015. European Patent Office, European Patent EP2378444, US patent US8868382. [url] [bib]
F. Breuer, C. J. Klivans. Scheduling Problems. 2014. submitted, arXiv:1401.2978. [url] [bib]
F. Breuer. An Invitation to Ehrhart Theory: Polyhedral Geometry and its Applications in Enumerative Combinatorics. 2014. appeared in LNCS, arXiv:1405.7647. [url] [bib]
F. Breuer, Z. Zafeirakopoulos. A Linear Diophantine System Solver. Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, University of Minnesota, 2014. Poster presentation at Geometric and Enumerative Combinatorics. [url] [bib]
Shaoshi Chen, Hui Huang, Ziming Li. Improved Abramov-Petkovsek's Reduction and Creative Telescoping for Hypergeometric Terms. 2014. Poster presentation at ISSAC. [pdf] [pdf] [bib]
Fredrik Johansson. Arb: A C library for ball arithmetic. 2013. Software presentation at ISSAC 2013. [pdf] [pdf] [bib]
Manuel Kauers (ed.). Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation. Proceedings of ISSAC'13, 2013. ACM, isbn 978-1-4503-2059-7/13/06. [bib]
Alladi, K.; Paule, P.; Sellers, J.; Yee, A.J. (ed.). Combinatory Analysis - Dedicated to George Andrews. Proceedings of Combinatory Analysis 2008: Partitions, q-series, and Applications A Conference in Honor of George Andrews' 70th Birthday, Developments in Math., 32, 2013. Springer, [bib]
Peter Paule. Mathematics, Computer Science and Logic - A Never Ending Story The Bruno Buchberger Festschrift. 1st edition, 2013. Springer, 978-3-319-00965-0. [bib]
Maximilian Jaroschek. Improved Polynomial Remainder Sequences for Ore Polynomials. 2012. Poster presentation at ISSAC 2012. [url] [bib]
Ulrich Langer, Peter Paule (ed.). Numerical and Symbolic Scientific Computing - Progress and Prospects. Texts & Monographs in Symbolic Computation, 2012. Springer, 978-3-7091-0793-5. [bib]
Fredrik Johansson. A fast algorithm for reversion of power series. 2011. arxiv preprint, [pdf] [bib]
Manuel Kauers, Peter Paule. The Concrete Tetrahedron. Text and Monographs in Symbolic Computation 1st edition, 2011. Springer Wien, 210 pages, 978-3-7091-0444-6. [bib]
Manuel Kauers, Sheng-Lan Ko. Problem 11545. 1 2011. American Mathematical Monthly 118(1):84, ISSN 0192-5857. [ps] [pdf] [bib]
Manuel Kauers (ed.). ISSAC 2011 Poster Abstracts. Communications in Computer Algebra, 45/2, June 2011. ACM Sigsam, [bib]
Veronika Pillwein. Algorithms for symbolic summation and inequality proving. 2011. Software presentation at International Conference on Asymptotics and Special Functions, Hong Kong. [bib]
H. Rahkooy, Z. Zafeirakopoulos. Using Resultants for Inductive Groebner Bases Computation. 2011. Poster presentation at ISSAC 2011. [url] [pdf] [bib]
Xinhua Xiong. Congruences modulo powers of 5 for three-colored Frobenius partitions. arixiv.org: 1003.0072. 2011. [bib]
C. Koukouvinos, D.E. Simos, Z. Zafeirakopoulos. An Algebraic Framework for Extending Orthogonal Designs. June 2011. Poster presentation at ISSAC. [pdf] [bib]
Yongjae Cha, Mark van Hoeij, Giles Levy. Solving Linear Recurrence Equations. 2010. Software presentation at ISSAC 2010. [bib]
B. Erocal and A. Storjohann. Nullspace computation over rational function fields for symbolic summation. 2010. Also appeared in ACM Communications in Computer Algebra, Vol. 44, No. 3, September 2010. Poster presentation at ISSAC 2010. [pdf] [bib]
B. Erocal and A. Storjohann. Nullspace computation over rational function fields for symbolic summation. 2010. Also appeared in ACM Communications in Computer Algebra, Vol. 44, No. 3, September 2010. Poster presentation at ISSAC 2010. [bib]
B. Buchberger, M. Affenzeller, A. Ferscha, M. Haller, T. Jebelean, E.P. Klement, P. Paule, G. Pomberger, W. Schreiner, R. Stubenrauch, R. Wagner, G. Weiß, W. Windsteiger (ed.). Hagenberg Research. 2009. Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, ISBN 978-3-642-02126-8. [url] [bib]
Christoph Koutschan. HolonomicFunctions. RISC, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria, 2009. Software presentation at FPSAC'2009 (21st International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics). [bib]
Prof. Peter Paule is one of the Editorial Board Members. (ed.). Ramanujan Journal. [bib]
Manuel Kauers, Manfred Kerber, Robert Miner, Wolfgang Windsteiger (ed.). Towards Mechanized Mathematical Assistants. Proceedings of Calculemus 2007 and MKM 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4573, 2007. Springer, Heidelberg, ISSN 0302-9743. [url] [bib]
C. Schneider. Parameterized telescoping proves algebraic independence of sums. 2007. Poster presentation at FPSAC 2007. [url] [pdf] [pdf] [bib]
C. Schneider. Multi-Summation in Difference Fields. 2007. Habilitation, [bib]
Manuel Kauers. Problem 11258. December 2006. American Mathematical Monthly, [ps] [bib]
P. Paule. A Computerized Proof of $\zeta(2)=\pi^2/6$. 2005. in preparation. [bib]
Burkhard Zimmermann. Computing Recurrences for Parameter-Dependent Integrals. May 2005. Poster presentation at Fourth International School on Computer Algebra CoCoA 4. [bib]
Manuel Kauers. Computing Limits of Sequences. 2003. Poster presentation at ISSAC 2003. [ps] [ps] [bib]
A. Riese. Computer Algebra Algorithms for Symbolic Summation. June 2003. Poster presentation at International Workshop on Numerical and Symbolic Scientific Computing, Strobl, Austria. [bib]
Burkhard Zimmermann. A Sister-Celine-type algorithm for definite summation and integration. August 2003. Poster presentation at ISSAC 2003. [bib]
Peter Paule. Renaissance of MacMahon's Partition Analysis: Symbolic Summation at RISC-Linz.. 2002. [bib]
Peter Paule. Contiguous relations and creative telescoping. 2001. [bib]
P. Paule and V. Strehl (ed.). Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics, FPSAC'97. Proceedings of 9th International FPSAC'97 conference, July 14-18, 1997, Vienna, Discrete Mathematics 217, 1-3, 2000. Proceedings. [bib]
Managing editors: G.E. Andrews (Penn State), W.Y. Chen (Nankai, China), Peter Paule (RISC, JKU) (ed.). Since 2000: Managing editor, joint with G.E. Andrews and W.Y. Chen of the "Annals of Combinatorics". [bib]
Peter Paule is one of the Editorial Board Members (ed.). Journal of Symbolic Computation (JSC). [bib]
P. Paule and V. Strehl (eds.), Advising Editors: G.E. Andrews. Ph. Flajolet. D. Zeilberger. (ed.). Symbolic Computation in Combinatorics. Proceedings of SCSyAM Workshop, September 21-24, 1993, Special Issue of J. Symbolic Computation 20, 1995. Mathematical Sciences Institute, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., Proceedings of the SCSyAM Workshop, September 21-24, 1993. [bib]
Peter Paule. Solution of Problem P94-2. 1995. [bib]
P. Paule and D. Zeilberger (ed.). Symbolic Computation in Combinatorics. Special Issue of J. Symbolic Computation 14. [bib]