M. Kauers, P. Nuspl, V. Pillwein. Order bounds for $C^2$-finite sequences. In: Proceedings of the 2023 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, A.Dickenstein, E. Tsigaridas and G. Jeronimo (ed.), ISSAC '23, Tromso{}, Norway , pp. 389-397. July 2023. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 9798400700392}. [url] [bib]
A. Jimenez-Pastor, V. Pillwein, M.F. Singer. Some structural results on D^n finite functions. Advances in Applied Mathematics 117, pp. 0-0. June 2020. Elsevier, 0196-8858. [url] [pdf] [bib]
V. Pillwein. Positivity of the Gillis-Reznick-Zeilberger rational function. Technical report no. 18-05 in RISC Report Series, Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. 2018. [pdf] [bib]
Jiménez-Pastor Antonio, Pillwein Veronika. Algorithmic Arithmetics with DD-Finite Functions. In: Proceedings of the 2018 ACM on International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, Arreche Carlos (ed.), ISSAC '18 , pp. 231-237. 2018. ACM, New York, NY, USA, ISBN 978-1-4503-5550-6. [url] [bib]
A. Dixit, V.H. Moll, V. Pillwein. A hypergeometric inequality. Annals of Combinatorics 20(1), pp. 65-72. 2016. 0218-0006. [pdf] [bib]
G. Nikolov, V. Pillwein. An extension of Turan's inequality for ultraspherical polynomials. Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 18(1), pp. 321-335. 2015. [pdf] [bib]
A. Alexandrov, H. Dietert, G. Nikolov, V. Pillwein. Proof of a conjecture of M. Patrick concerning Jacobi polynomials . Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 428(2), pp. 750-761. 2015. [bib]
V. Pillwein. Symbolic Computation and Finite Element Methods.. In: CASC 2015, V.P. Gerdt, W. Koepf, W.M. Seiler, and E.V. Vorozhtsov (ed.), LNCS 9301, pp. 374-388. 2015. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 0302-9743. [pdf] [bib]
V. Pillwein, M. Schussler. An efficient procedure deciding positivity for a class of holonomic sequences. ACM Communications in Computer Algebra 49(3), pp. 90-93. 2015. Extended abstract of the poster presentation at ISSAC 2015. [pdf] [bib]
V. Pillwein, S. Takacs. A local Fourier convergence analysis of a multigrid method using symbolic computation. Journal of Symbolic Computation 63, pp. 1-20. 2014. ISSN:0747-7171 . [pdf] [bib]
I. Moale, V. Pillwein. A note on uniform approximation of functions having a double pole. LMS J. Comput. Math. 17(1), pp. 233-244. 2014. [pdf] [bib]
Irina Georgieva, Clemens Hofreither, Christoph Koutschan, Veronika Pillwein, Thotsaporn Thanatipanonda. Harmonic interpolation based on Radon projections along the sides of regular polygons. Central European Journal of Mathematics 11(4), pp. 609-620. 2013. ISSN 1895-1074. [pdf] [bib]
S. Beuchler and V. Pillwein and S. Zaglmayr. Sparsity optimized high order finite element functions for H(curl) on tetrahedra. Advances in Applied Mathematics 50, pp. 749-769. 2013. [url] [pdf] [bib]
V. Pillwein. Termination Conditions for Positivity Proving Procedures. In: Proceedings of ISSAC'13, M. Kauers (ed.), pp. 315-322. 2013. isbn 978-1-4503-2059-7/13/06. [pdf] [bib]
S. Beuchler, V. Pillwein and S. Zaglmayr. Fast summation techniques for sparse shape functions in tetrahedral hp-FEM. In: Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XX, , pp. 537-544. 2012. to appear. [pdf] [bib]
S. Beuchler, V. Pillwein and S. Zaglmayr. Sparsity optimized high order finite element functions for H(div) on simplices. Numerische Mathematik 122(2), pp. 197-225. 2012. [pdf] [bib]
V. Pillwein, S. Takacs. A local Fourier convergence analysis of a multigrid method using symbolic computation. DK Computational Mathematics. Technical report no. DK Report 2012-04, April 2012. [pdf] [bib]
Y. Cha, V. Pillwein. Closed form solutions of linear difference equations in terms of symmetric products. ACM Communications in Computer Algebra 46(3-4), pp. 80-81. Sep 2012. 0. [bib]
S. Beuchler, V. Pillwein, J. Schoeberl and S. Zaglmayr . Sparsity optimized high order finite element functions on simplices. In: Numerical and Symbolic Scientific Computing: Progress and Prospects, Ulrich Langer and Peter Paule (ed.), pp. 21-44. 2011. Springer, Wien, [pdf] [bib]
P. Paule, V. Pillwein. Automatic Improvements of Wallis' Inequality. In: SYNASC 2010, 12th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, T. Ida and others (ed.), pp. 12-16. 2011. IEEE Computer Society, 0. [pdf] [bib]
Manuel Kauers, Veronika Pillwein, Susanne Saminger-Platz. Dominance in the Family of Sugeno-Weber t-norms. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 181(1), pp. 74-87. October 2011. ISSN 0165-0114. [ps] [pdf] [bib]
C. Koukouvinos, V. Pillwein, D.E. Simos, Z. Zafeirakopoulos. On the Average Complexity for the Verification of Compatible Sequences . Information Processing Letters 111(17), pp. 825-830. 2011. [pdf] [bib]
Irina Georgieva, Clemens Hofreither, Christoph Koutschan, Veronika Pillwein, Thotsaporn Thanatipanonda. Harmonic interpolation based on Radon projections along the sides of regular polygons. DK Computational Mathematics. Technical report no. 2011-12, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria, 2011. [pdf] [bib]
Veronika Pillwein. Algorithms for symbolic summation and inequality proving. 2011. Software presentation at International Conference on Asymptotics and Special Functions, Hong Kong. [bib]
V. Pillwein, S. Takacs. Smoothing analysis of an all-at-once multigrid approach for optimal control problems using symbolic computation. In: Numerical and Symbolic Scientific Computing: Progress and Prospects, U. Langer, P. Paule (ed.), pp. 175-192. 2011. Springer Wien, [pdf] [bib]
Manuel Kauers, Veronika Pillwein. When can we detect that a P-finite sequence is positive?. In: Proceedings of ISSAC'10, Stephen Watt (ed.), pp. 195-202. 2010. 978-1-4503-0150-3. [ps] [pdf] [bib]
Manuel Kauers, Veronika Pillwein, Susanne Saminger-Platz. Dominance in the family of Sugeno-Weber t-norms. ArXiv. Technical report no. 1007.5442, July 2010. [ps] [pdf] [bib]
C. Koukouvinos, V. Pillwein, D.E. Simos, Z. Zafeirakopoulos . A Note on the Average Complexity Analysis of the Computation of Periodic and Aperiodic Ternary Complementary Pairs . DK Computational Mathematics. Technical report no. DK Report 2010-08, 2010. [pdf] [bib]
S. Beuchler, V. Pillwein and S. Zaglmayr . Sparsity optimized high order finite element functions for H(div) on simplices . DK Computational Mathematics. Technical report no. DK Report 2010-04, 2010. [pdf] [bib]
V. Pillwein, S. Takacs . Computing smoothing rates of collective point smoothers for optimal control problems using symbolic computation . DK Computational Mathematics. Technical report no. DK Report 2010-09, 2010. [pdf] [bib]
D. Braess, V. Pillwein, J. Schöberl. Equilibrated Residual Error Estimates are $p$-Robust. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 198, pp. 1189-1197. 2009. [ps] [pdf] [bib]
J. Kraus, V. Pillwein, L. Zikatanov. Algebraic multilevel iteration methods and the best approximation to 1/x in the uniform norm. RICAM. Technical report no. 2009-17, 2009. [ps] [pdf] [bib]
V. Pillwein. Positivity of certain sums over Jacobi kernel polynomials. Adv. in Appl. Math. 41(3), pp. 365-377. 2008. doi:10.1016/j.aam.2007.12.001. [pdf] [ps] [bib]
Veronika Pillwein. Computer Algebra Tools for Special Functions in High Order Finite Element Methods. Johannes Kepler University Linz. PhD Thesis. 2008. [ps] [pdf] [bib]
S. Beuchler, V. Pillwein. Completions to sparse shape functions for triangular and tetrahedral p-FEM. In: Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XVII, U. Langer and M. Discacciati and D.E. Keyes and O.B. Widlund and W. Zulehner (ed.), Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 60, pp. 435-442. 2008. Springer, Heidelberg, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods held at St. Wolfgang / Strobl, Austria, July 3-7, 2006. [bib]
S. Beuchler, V. Pillwein. Sparse shape functions for tetrahedral $p$-FEM using integrated Jacobi polynomials. Computing 80(4), pp. 345-375. 2007. [ps] [pdf] [bib]
A. Becirovic, P. Paule, V. Pillwein, A. Riese, C. Schneider, J. Schoeberl. Hypergeometric Summation Algorithms for High Order Finite Elements. Computing 78(3), pp. 235-249. 2006. ISSN 0010-485X. Preliminary version available. [url] [pdf] [ps] [bib]
P. Paule, V. Pillwein, C. Schneider, J. Schöberl. Hypergeometric Summation Techniques for High Order Finite Elements. In: PAMM, , Proceedings of GAMM Annual Meeting 2006 - Berlin61, pp. 689-690. 2006. Wiley InterScience, Weinheim, ISBN. [url] [bib]