Algorithmic Combinatorics Publications

Type: [any] [Papers] [Theses] [Technical Reports] [Other
Author: [any] [Ablinger] [Paule] [Kauers] [Koutschan] [Pillwein] [Radu] [Schneider
Year: [any] [2024] [2023] [2022] [2021] [2020] [2019] [earlier

K. Banerjee, P. Paule, C. S. Radu, W. H. Zeng. New inequalities for p(n) and log p(n). Research Institute for Symbolic Computation, JKU, Linz. Technical report no. RISC6607, 2022. To appear in the Ramanujan Journal. [pdf] [bib]
Peter Paule, Cristian-Silviu Radu. Holonomic relations for modular functions and forms: First guess, then prove. International Journal of Number Theory 17(3), pp. 713-759. 2021. World Scientific, 1793-0421. [url] [bib]
Ralf Hemmecke, Peter Paule, Silviu Radu. Construction of modular function bases for $Gamma_0(121)$ related to $p(11n+6)$. Integral Transforms and Special Functions 32(5-8), pp. 512-527. 2021. Taylor & Francis, 1065-2469. [url] [bib]
Peter Paule, Cristian-Silviu Radu. An algorithm to prove holonomic differential equations for modular forms. In: Transcendence in Algebra, Combinatorics, Geometry and Number Theory. TRANS 2019., Bostan A., Raschel K. (ed.), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 373, pp. 367-420. 2021. Springer, Cham, 978-3-030-84303-8. [url] [bib]
K. Alladi, B.C. Berndt, P. Paule, J.A. Sellers, A.J. Yee. George E. Andrews 80 Years of Combinatory Analysis. Trends in Mathematics 1st edition, 2021. Birkhaeuser, Cham, ISBN 978-3-030-57050-7. [url] [bib]
Peter Paule, Silviu Radu. Holonomic Relations for Modular Functions and Forms: First Guess, then Prove. RISC. Technical report no. 20-14, 2020. [bib]
Peter Paule, Silviu Radu. A UNIFIED ALGORITHMIC FRAMEWORK FOR RAMANUJAN'S CONGRUENCES MODULO POWERS OF 5, 7, AND 11. Technical report no. 19-09 in RISC Report Series, Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. submitted, 2019. [pdf] [bib]
Peter Paule, Silviu Radu. A proof of the Weierstrass gap theorem not using the Riemann-Roch formula. Annals of Combinatorics 23(19-02), pp. 963-1007. May 2019. Springer, 0218-0006. [url] [bib]
Christoph Koutschan, Peter Paule. Holonomic Tools for Basic Hypergeometric Functions. In: Frontiers of Orthogonal Polynomials and q-Series, Xin Li, Zuhair Nashed (ed.), pp. 393-416. 2018. World Scientific Publishing, ISBN 978-981-3228-87-0. [url] [pdf] [bib]
Peter Paule, Cristian-Silviu Radu. Rogers-Ramanujan functions, modular functions, and computer algebra. In: Advances in Computer Algebra - In Honour of Sergei Abramov's 70th Birthday, C. Schneider, E. Zima. (ed.), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 226, pp. 229-280. 2018. Springer, Cham, 978-3-319-73231-2. [url] [pdf] [bib]
Manuel Kauers, Peter Paule, Greg Reid. Workshop on Symbolic Combinatorics and Algorithmic Differential Algebra. ACM Communications in Computer Algebra 50(Issue 1), pp. 27-34. March 2016. 1932-2240. [pdf] [bib]
Gert-Martin Greuel, Thorsten Koch, Peter Paule, Andrews Somese (ed.). Mathematical Software - ICMS 2016. Proceedings of ICMS 2016, 2016. LNCS 9725, Springer Wien, [bib]
Joachim Schoeberl, Christoph Koutschan, Peter Paule. Method, device and computer program product for determining an electromagnetic near field of a field excitation source for an electrical system. 2015. European Patent Office, European Patent EP2378444, US patent US8868382. [url] [bib]
Peter Paule, Silviu Radu. Partition Analysis, Modular Functions, and Computer Algebra. Technical report no. 15-14 in RISC Report Series, Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. In Recent Trends in Combinatorics, IMA Volume 511-543, 2015. [pdf] [bib]
Christoph Koutschan, Peter Paule, Sergei K. Suslov. Relativistic Coulomb Integrals and Zeilberger's Holonomic Systems Approach II. In: Algebraic and Algorithmic Aspects of Differential and Integral Operators, Moulay Barkatou and Thomas Cluzeau and Georg Regensburger and Markus Rosenkranz (ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8372, pp. 135-145. 2014. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-642-54478-1. [pdf] [bib]
Peter Paule, Sergei K. Suslov. Relativistic Coulomb Integrals and Zeilbergers Holonomic Systems Approach. I.. In: Computer Algebra in Quantum Field Theory, Texts and Monographs in Symbolic Computation, Springer, 2013, Carsten Schneider, Johannes Blümlein (ed.), pp. 225-241. 2013. Springer, 978-3-7091-1615-9. [bib]
S. Gerhold, M. Kauers, C. Koutschan, P. Paule, C. Schneider, B. Zimmermann. Computer-Assisted Proofs of Some Identities for Bessel Functions of Fractional Order. In: Computer Algebra in Quantum Field Theory: Integration, Summation and Special Functions, C. Schneider, J. Bluemlein (ed.), Texts and Monographs in Symbolic Computation , pp. 75-96. 2013. Springer, ISBN-13: 978-3709116159. arXiv:1305.4818 [cs.SC]. [url] [pdf] [bib]
Christoph Koutschan, Peter Paule, Sergei K. Suslov. Relativistic Coulomb Integrals and Zeilberger's Holonomic Systems Approach II. Technical report no. 13-04 in RISC Report Series, Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. 2013. Published in: Algebraic and Algorithmic Aspects of Differential and Integral Operators, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8372, pp. 135-145, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2014. ISBN 978-3-642-54478-1.. [pdf] [bib]
Alladi, K.; Paule, P.; Sellers, J.; Yee, A.J. (ed.). Combinatory Analysis - Dedicated to George Andrews. Proceedings of Combinatory Analysis 2008: Partitions, q-series, and Applications A Conference in Honor of George Andrews' 70th Birthday, Developments in Math., 32, 2013. Springer, [bib]
Peter Paule. Mathematics, Computer Science and Logic - A Never Ending Story The Bruno Buchberger Festschrift. 1st edition, 2013. Springer, 978-3-319-00965-0. [bib]
Peter Paule, Cristian-Silviu Radu. The Andrews-Sellers family of partition congruences. Advances in Mathematics 230(3), pp. 819-838. 2012. 0001-8708. [url] [pdf] [bib]
Peter Paule, Sergei K. Suslov. Relativistic Coulomb Integrals and Zeilbergers Holonomic Systems Approach. I. Technical report no. 12-12 in RISC Report Series, Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. 2012. Published in: Computer Algebra in Quantum Field Theory Integration, Summation and Special Functions, Buchreihe: Texts & Monographs in Symbolic Computation, Verlag: Springer Vienna, Print ISBN: 978-3-7091-1615-9.. [pdf] [bib]
Ulrich Langer, Peter Paule (ed.). Numerical and Symbolic Scientific Computing - Progress and Prospects. Texts & Monographs in Symbolic Computation, 2012. Springer, 978-3-7091-0793-5. [bib]
George E. Andrews and Peter Paule. MacMahon's Dream. In: Partitions, q-Series, and Modular Forms, K. Alladi and F. Garvan (ed.), Developments in Mathematics 23, pp. 1-12. 2012. Springer, 978-1-4614-0028-8. [bib]
Manuel Kauers, Peter Paule. The Concrete Tetrahedron. Text and Monographs in Symbolic Computation 1st edition, 2011. Springer Wien, 210 pages, 978-3-7091-0444-6. [bib]
P. Paule, V. Pillwein. Automatic Improvements of Wallis' Inequality. In: SYNASC 2010, 12th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, T. Ida and others (ed.), pp. 12-16. 2011. IEEE Computer Society, 0. [pdf] [bib]
Peter Paule, Silviu Radu. Infinite families of strange partition congruences for broken 2-diamonds . The Ramanujan Journal 23, pp. 409-416. 2010. 1382-4090. [url] [pdf] [bib]
Peter Paule. Henrici's Friendly Monster Identity Revisited. In: "Advances in Combinatorial Mathematics", Proceedings of the Waterloo Workshop in Computer Algebra 2008, Kotsireas, Ilias S.; Zima, Eugene V. (ed.), pp. 155-163. 2010. Springer, 978-3-642-03561-6. [bib]
F. Chyzak and P. Paule. Chapter Computer Algebra. In: NIST's Digital Library of Mathematical Foundations, F. Olver et al. (ed.), pp. 0-0. 2010. 0. [bib]
Peter Paule, Bruno Buchberger, Lena Kartashova, Manuel Kauers, Carsten Schneider, Franz Winkler. Algorithms in Symbolic Computation. In: Hagenberg Research, Bruno Buchberger et al. (ed.), Chapter 1, pp. 5-62. 2009. Springer, 978-3-642-02126-8. [url] [pdf] [bib]
Peter Paule, Silviu Radu. A Proof of Sellers' Conjecture. RISC. Technical report no. 09-17, 2009. [pdf] [bib]
Peter Paule. The Renaissance of Algorithmic Mathematics. In: Hagenberg Research, Peter Paule (ed.), pp. 6-15. 2009. Springer Berlin-Heidelberg, 978-3-642-02126-8. [bib]
B. Buchberger, M. Affenzeller, A. Ferscha, M. Haller, T. Jebelean, E.P. Klement, P. Paule, G. Pomberger, W. Schreiner, R. Stubenrauch, R. Wagner, G. Weiß, W. Windsteiger (ed.). Hagenberg Research. 2009. Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, ISBN 978-3-642-02126-8. [url] [bib]
Peter Paule. Henrici's Friendly Monster Identity Revisited. Technical report no. 08-19 in RISC Report Series, Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. December 2008. Dedicated to Professor Georgy Egorychev on the occasion of his70th birthday. Published in: Advances in Combinatorial Mathematics pp 155-163, Springer.. [pdf] [bib]
William Y. C. Chen, Peter Paule, Husam L. Saad. Converging to Gosper's Algorithm. Technical report no. 08-20 in RISC Report Series, Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. December 2008. Published in: Advances in Applied Mathematics Volume 41, Issue 3, September 2008, Pages 351-364.. [pdf] [bib]
William Y. C. Chen, Peter Paule, Husam L. Saad. Converging to Gosper's Algorithm. Adv. in Appl. Math. 41(3), pp. 351-364. 2008. 0196-8858. [bib]
Prof. Peter Paule is one of the Editorial Board Members. (ed.). Ramanujan Journal. [bib]
F. Chyzak, P. Paule. Computer Algebra. In: The Digital Library of Mathematical Functions (DLMF), D. Lozier (ed.), pp. n/a-n/a. 2007. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, U.S.A., electronic. In preparation. [bib]
Manuel Kauers, Peter Paule. A Computer Proof of Moll's Log-Concavity Conjecture. Proceedings of the AMS 135(12), pp. 3847-3856. December 2007. ISSN 0002-9939. [ps] [bib]
P. Paule, C. Schneider. Truncating Binomial Series with Symbolic Summation. INTEGERS. Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory 7(A22), pp. 1-9. 2007. ISSN 1553-1732. [url] [pdf] [bib]
G. E. Andrews and P. Paule. MacMahon's Partition Analysis XII: Plane Partitions. Journal of the London Mathematical Society 76(3), pp. 647-666. 2007. London Mathematical Society, 0024-6107. [bib]
A. Becirovic, P. Paule, V. Pillwein, A. Riese, C. Schneider, J. Schoeberl. Hypergeometric Summation Algorithms for High Order Finite Elements. Computing 78(3), pp. 235-249. 2006. ISSN 0010-485X. Preliminary version available. [url] [pdf] [ps] [bib]
G. E. Andrews, P. Paule. MacMahon's Dream. SFB 013. Technical report, September 2006. SFB-report 2006-26. Published in: Partitions, q-Series, and Modular Forms pp 1-12, Springer.. [pdf] [bib]
G. E. Andrews, P. Paule. MacMahon's Partition Analysis XI: The Search for Modular Forms. SFB 013. Technical report, 2006. SFB-report 2006-27. [pdf] [bib]
G. E. Andrews, P. Paule. MacMahon's Partition Analysis XII: Plane Partitions. SFB 013. Technical report, September 2006. SFB-report 2006-28. Published in: Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Volume 76, Issue 3, 1 December 2007, Pages 647–666, https://doi.org/10.1112/jlms/jdm079.. [pdf] [bib]
P. Paule, V. Pillwein, C. Schneider, J. Schöberl. Hypergeometric Summation Techniques for High Order Finite Elements. In: PAMM, , Proceedings of GAMM Annual Meeting 2006 - Berlin6/1, pp. 689-690. 2006. Wiley InterScience, Weinheim, ISBN. [url] [bib]
G. E. Andrews, P. Paule, C. Schneider. Plane Partitions VI: Stembridge's TSPP Theorem. Advances in Applied Math. Special Issue Dedicated to Dr. David P. Robbins. Edited by D. Bressoud 34(4), pp. 709-739. 2005. ISSN 0196-8858. Preliminary version online. [url] [pdf] [ps] [bib]
P. Paule. A Computerized Proof of $\zeta(2)=\pi^2/6$. 2005. in preparation. [bib]
G. E. Andrews, P. Paule, A. Riese. MacMahon's Partition Analysis XI: Hexagonal Plane Partitions. J. Kepler University Linz. Technical report no. 2004-4, March 2004. SFB-Report. [pdf] [bib]
G. E. Andrews, P. Paule, A. Riese. MacMahon's Partition Analysis X: Plane Partitions with Diagonals.. Southeast Asian Journal Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 3, pp. 3-14. 2004. ISSN 0972-7752. [pdf] [bib]
G.E. Andrews, P. Paule, C. Schneider. Plane Partition VI: Stembridge's TSPP Theorem -- A detailed algorithmic proof. Technical report no. 04-08 in RISC Report Series, Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. May 2004. [pdf] [ps] [bib]
P. Paule, C. Schneider. Computer proofs of a new family of harmonic number identities. Adv. in Appl. Math. 31(2), pp. 359-378. 2003. ISSN 0196-8858. Preliminary version online. [url] [ps] [pdf] [bib]
P. Paule, V. Strehl. Definite Summation and Hypergeometric Identities. In: Computer Algebra Handbook: Foundations, Applications, Systems, J. Grabmeier, E. Kaltofen, V. Weispfenning (ed.), pp. 91-93. 2003. Springer, ISBN: 3-540-65466-6. [bib]
P. Paule, O. Scherzer, A. Schoisswohl. Wavelets with Scale Dependent Properties. In: Symbolic and Numerical Scientific Computation, F. Winkler and U. Langer (ed.), Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 2630, pp. 255-265. 2003. Springer, ISBN: 0-89871-541-5. [ps] [bib]
P. Paule, H. Prodinger. Fountains, Histograms, and $q$-Identities. Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. 6, pp. 101-106. 2003. ISSN 1365-8050. [ps] [bib]
R. Lyons, P. Paule, A. Riese. A Computer Proof of a Series Evaluation in Terms of Harmonic Numbers. Appl. Algebra Engrg. Comm. Comput. 13, pp. 327-333. 2002. ISSN 0938-1279. [pdf] [bib]
P. Paule. Finite Actions of Groups. In: The Concise Handbook of Algebra, A.V. Mikhalev, G.F. Pilz (ed.), pp. 119-123. 2002. Kluwer, ISBN 0-7923-7072-4. [bib]
I. Gutman, P. Paule. The Variance of the Vertex Degrees of Randomly Generated Graphs. Publ. Fac. Electr. Engrg. Ser. Mat. 13, pp. 30-35. 2002. ISSN 0354-124X. [bib]
Peter Paule. Renaissance of MacMahon's Partition Analysis: Symbolic Summation at RISC-Linz.. 2002. [bib]
G.E. Andrews, P. Paule, A. Riese. MacMahon's Partition Analysis III: The Omega Package. European J. Combin. 22, pp. 887-904. 2001. ISSN 0195-6698. [pdf] [bib]
G.E. Andrews, P. Paule, A. Riese. MacMahon's Partition Analysis VI: A New Reduction Algorithm. Ann. Comb. 5, pp. 251-270. 2001. ISSN 0218-0006. [pdf] [bib]
G.E. Andrews, P. Paule, A. Riese. MacMahon's Partition Analysis VII: Constrained Compositions. In: q-Series with Applications to Combinatorics, Number Theory, and Physics, B.C. Berndt and K. Ono (ed.), Contemp. Math. 291, pp. 11-27. 2001. Amer. Math. Soc., ISBN 0-8218-2746-4. [pdf] [bib]
G.E. Andrews, P. Paule, A. Riese. MacMahon's Partition Analysis VIII: Plane Partition Diamonds. Adv. in Appl. Math. 27, pp. 231-242. 2001. ISSN 0196-8858. [pdf] [bib]
G.E. Andrews, P. Paule, A. Riese. MacMahon's Partition Analysis IX: k-Gon Partitions. Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 64, pp. 321-329. 2001. ISSN 0004-9727. [pdf] [bib]
G.E. Andrews, P. Paule, A. Riese, V. Strehl. MacMahon's Partition Analysis V: Bijections, Recursions, and Magic Squares. In: Algebraic Combinatorics and Applications, A. Betten and others (ed.), pp. 1-39. 2001. Springer, ISBN 3-5404-1110-0. [pdf] [bib]
F. Chyzak, P. Paule, O. Scherzer, A. Schoisswohl, B. Zimmermann. The construction of orthonormal wavelets using symbolic methods and a matrix analytical approach for wavelets on the interval. Experiment. Math. 10, pp. 67-86. 2001. ISSN 1058-6458. [pdf] [bib]
G.E. Andrews, A. Knopfmacher, P. Paule, B. Zimmermann. Engel Expansions of $q$-Series by Computer Algebra. In: Symbolic Computation, Number Theory, Special Functions, Physics and Combinatorics, F.G. Garvan and M.E.H. Ismail (ed.), Developments in Mathematics 4, pp. 33-57. 2001. Kluwer, ISBN: 1402001010. [pdf] [bib]
G.E. Andrews, A. Knopfmacher, P. Paule, H. Prodinger. $q$-Engel Series Expansions and Slater's Identities. Quaestiones Math. 24, pp. 403-416. 2001. ISSN 0379-9468. [pdf] [bib]
A. Berkovich, P. Paule. Variants of the Andrews-Gordon Identities. Ramanujan J. 5, pp. 391-404. 2001. ISSN 1382-4090. [pdf] [bib]
A. Berkovich, P. Paule. Lattice Paths, $q$-Multinomials and Two Variants of the Andrews-Gordon Identities. Ramanujan J. 5, pp. 409-424. 2001. ISSN 1382-4090. [pdf] [bib]
Peter Paule. Contiguous relations and creative telescoping. 2001. [bib]
G.E. Andrews, A. Knopfmacher, P. Paule. An infinite family of Engel expansions of Rogers-Ramanujan type. Adv. in Appl. Math. 25, pp. 2-11. 2000. ISSN 0196-8858. [pdf] [bib]
P. Paule. Algorithmic Problem Solving. In: Encyclopedia of Computer Science, A. Ralston, E.D. Reilly, D. Hemmendinger (ed.), pp. 38-40. 2000. Nature Publishing Group, London, ISBN: 1850328005. [bib]
P. Paule and V. Strehl (ed.). Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics, FPSAC'97. Proceedings of 9th International FPSAC'97 conference, July 14-18, 1997, Vienna, Discrete Mathematics 217, 1-3, 2000. Proceedings. [bib]
Managing editors: G.E. Andrews (Penn State), W.Y. Chen (Nankai, China), Peter Paule (RISC, JKU) (ed.). Since 2000: Managing editor, joint with G.E. Andrews and W.Y. Chen of the "Annals of Combinatorics". [bib]
Peter Paule. A Mathematica Package for Extended Engel Expansions of q-series., pp. 0-0. 2000. editor: K. Alladi, 0. [bib]
G.E. Andrews, P. Paule. MacMahon's Partition Analysis IV: Hypergeometric Multisums. Sém. Lothar. Combin. B42i, pp. 1-24. 1999. electronic journal. [pdf] [bib]
F. Chyzak, I. Gutman, P. Paule. Predicting the number of hexagonal systems with 24 and 25 hexagons. Communications in Mathematical and Computer Chemistry 40, pp. 139-151. 1999. ISSN: 0340-6253. [pdf] [bib]
S.A. Abramov, P. Paule, M. Petkovsek. $q$-Hypergeometric solutions of $q$-difference equations. Discrete Math. 180, pp. 3-22. 1998. ISSN 0012-365X. [pdf] [bib]
P. Paule, A. Riese. A Mathematica q-Analogue of Zeilberger's Algorithm Based on an Algebraically Motivated Approach to q-Hypergeometric Telescoping. In: Special Functions, q-Series and Related Topics, M.E.H. Ismail and M. Rahman (ed.), Fields Inst. Commun. 14, pp. 179-210. 1997. Amer. Math. Soc., ISBN 0-8218-0524-X. [pdf] [bib]
I. Nemes, P. Paule. A Canonical Form Guide to Symbolic Summation. In: Advances in the Design of Symbolic Computation Systems, A. Miola, M. Temperini (ed.), Texts Monogr. Symbol. Comput. , pp. 84-110. 1997. Springer, Wien-New York, ISBN 3211828443. [bib]
P. Paule. A Classical Hypergeometric Proof of an Important Transformation Formula Found by J.-B. Baillon and R.E. Bruck. In: Theory and Applications of Nonlinear Operators of Accretive and Monotype Type, A. G. Kartsatos (ed.), Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math. 178, pp. 241-242. 1996. Marcel Dekker, ISBN 0824797213. [pdf] [bib]
P. Paule. A Proof of a Conjecture of Knuth. Experiment. Math. 5, pp. 83-89. 1996. ISSN 1058-6458. [pdf] [bib]
Peter Paule is one of the Editorial Board Members (ed.). Journal of Symbolic Computation (JSC). [bib]
P. Paule. Greatest Factorial Factorization and Symbolic Summation. J. Symbolic Comput. 20, pp. 235-268. 1995. ISSN 0747-7171. [pdf] [bib]
P. Paule, M. Schorn. A Mathematica Version of Zeilberger's Algorithm for Proving Binomial Coefficient Identities. J. Symbolic Comput. 20, pp. 673-698. 1995. ISSN 0747-7171. [pdf] [bib]
P. Paule, V. Strehl. Symbolic Summation - Some Recent Developments. In: Computer Algebra in Science and Engineering - Algorithms, Systems, and Applications, J. Fleischer et al. (ed.), pp. 138-162. 1995. World Scientific, Singapore, ISBN 981-02-2319-6. [pdf] [bib]
P. Paule and V. Strehl (eds.), Advising Editors: G.E. Andrews. Ph. Flajolet. D. Zeilberger. (ed.). Symbolic Computation in Combinatorics. Proceedings of SCSyAM Workshop, September 21-24, 1993, Special Issue of J. Symbolic Computation 20, 1995. Mathematical Sciences Institute, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., Proceedings of the SCSyAM Workshop, September 21-24, 1993. [bib]
Peter Paule. Solution of Problem P94-2. 1995. [bib]
P. Paule. Short and Easy Computer Proofs of the Rogers-Ramanujan Identities and of Identities of Similar Type. Electron. J. Combin. 1, pp. 1-9. 1994. ISSN 1077-8926. [pdf] [bib]
G. E. Andrews, P. Paule. Some Questions Concerning Computer-Generated Proofs of a Binomial Double-Sum Identity. J. Symbolic Comput. 16, pp. 147-153. 1993. ISSN 0747-7171. [pdf] [bib]
R. Folk, A. Kartashov, P. Lisonek, P. Paule. Symmetries in Neural Networks: A Linear Group Approach. J. Phys. A 26, pp. 3159-3164. 1993. ISSN 0305-4470. [bib]
P. Lisonek, P. Paule, V. Strehl. Improvement of the Degree Setting in Gosper's Algorithm. J. Symbolic Comput. 16, pp. 243-258. 1993. ISSN 0747-7171. [pdf] [bib]
P. Paule and D. Zeilberger (ed.). Symbolic Computation in Combinatorics. Special Issue of J. Symbolic Computation 14. [bib]
P. Paule. A Note on Bailey's Lemma. J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 44, pp. 164-167. 1987. ISSN 0097-3165. [pdf] [bib]
P. Paule. A Remark on a Lemma of Ingleton and Piff and the Construction of Bijections. Bayreuth. Math. Schr. 25, pp. 123-127. 1987. ISSN 0172-1062. [pdf] [bib]
P. Paule. The Concept of Bailey Chains. Sém. Lothar. Combin. B18f, pp. 1-24. 1987. electronic journal. [pdf] [bib]
P. Paule. Über das Involutionsprinzip von Garsia und Milne. Bayreuth. Math. Schr. 21, pp. 295-319. 1986. ISSN 0172-1062. [pdf] [bib]
P. Paule. On Identities of the Rogers-Ramanujan Type. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 107, pp. 255-284. 1985. ISSN 0022-247X. [bib]
P. Paule. Ein neuer Weg zur q-Lagrangeinversion. Bayreuth. Math. Schr. 18, pp. 1-37. 1985. ISSN 0172-1062. [pdf] [bib]
P. Paule. Über die Inversionsstatistiken von MacMahon und Goulden-Jackson. Sém. Lothar. Combin. B13b, pp. 1-3. 1985. electronic journal. [pdf] [bib]
Peter Paule. Zwei neue Transformationen als elementare Anwendungen der q-Vandermonde Formel. University of Vienna. PhD Thesis. 1982. [bib]