Available Software:
- Sigma, a Mathematica package for
discovering and proving multi-sum identities based on difference fields
(by C. Schneider)
- HarmonicSums, a Mathematica package for
allows to deal with nested sums such as harmonic sums, S-sums,
cyclotomic sums and cyclotmic S-sums as well as iterated integrals such
as harmonic polylogarithms, multiple polylogarithms and cyclotomic
polylogarithms in an algorithmic fashion (by J. Ablinger).
- EvaluateMultiSums, a Mathematica package
for the simplification of definite multi-sums in terms of indefinite
nested sums and products (by C. Schneider).
- SumProduction, a Mathematica package
for handling large scale problems in terms of multi-sums. This package
requires EvaluateMultiSums and Sigma (by C. Schneider; in
- MultiIntegrate, a Mathematica package
for computing multiple integrals (by J. Ablinger).
- PLDESolver, a Mathematica package for
solving non-degenerated parameterized linear difference equations in difference rings with zero-divisors (by J. Ablinger and C. Schneider).
- RhoSum, experimental code of a Mathematica package for a
Refined HOlonomic SUmmation based on difference field theory
(by M. Round; in preparation).
- SolveCoupledSystem, a Mathematica package for
solving coupled systems of differential and difference equations in terms of
nested sums and products (by C. Schneider, in preparation).
- FSums, a Mathematica package for
evaluting multi-sums (by F. Stan, in preparation).