@mastersthesis{RISC2954,author = {Christoph Koutschan},
title = {{Regular Languages and Their Generating Functions: The Inverse Problem}},
language = {english},
abstract = {The technique of determining a generating function for an unambiguous context-free language, is known as the Sch\"utzenberger methodology. For regular languages, Barcucci et al. proposed in their paper ``A Technology for Reverse-Engineering a Combinatorial Problem from a Rational Generating Function'' a technology for inverting this methodology, which allows to give a combinatorial interpretation (by means of a regular expression) of certain positive integer sequences that are defined by a linear recurrence.
In this thesis, we provide an implementation of this inverse methodology in Maple. Therefore, a detailed introduction to the underlying theory, i.e., the theory of formal power series and especially the question of deciding N-rationality, is given. Further, various aspects and problems concerning the implementation are discussed, and some examples from combinatorics illustrate its applicability.
year = {2005},
month = {August},
translation = {0},
school = {Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg},
keywords = {schützenberger regular language formal power series},
length = {94},
url = {http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/people/ckoutsch/research/en_da.html}