• @inproceedings{RISC6748,
    author = {J. Ablinger and A. Behring and J. Bluemlein and A. De Freitas and A. Goedicke and A. von Manteuffel and C. Schneider and K. Schoenwald},
    title = {{Recent 3-Loop Heavy Flavor Corrections to Deep-Inelastic Scattering}},
    booktitle = {{Proc. of the 16th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections: Applications of Quantum Field Theory to Phenomenology }},
    language = {english},
    abstract = {We report on recent progress in calculating the three loop QCD corrections of the heavy flavor contributions in deep--inelastic scattering and the massive operator matrix elements of the variable flavor number scheme. Notably we deal with the operator matrix elements $A_{gg,Q}^{(3)}$ and $A_{Qg}^{(3)}$ and technical steps to their calculation. In particular, a new method to obtain the inverse Mellin transform without computing the corresponding $N$--space expressions is discussed.},
    series = {PoS},
    volume = {RADCOR2023},
    number = {046},
    pages = {1--7},
    isbn_issn = {ISSN 1824-8039},
    year = {2023},
    month = {June},
    note = {arXiv:2306.16550 [hep-ph]},
    editor = {Giulio Falcioni},
    refereed = {no},
    keywords = {deep-inelastic scattering, 3-loop Feynman diagrams, (inverse) Mellin transform, binomial sums},
    length = {7},
    url = { https://doi.org/10.22323/1.432.0046 }