• @techreport{RISC6645,
    author = {J. Sellers and N. Smoot},
    title = {{On the Divisibility of 7-Elongated Plane Partition Diamonds by Powers of 8}},
    language = {english},
    abstract = {In 2021 da Silva, Hirschhorn, and Sellers studied a wide variety of congruences for the $k$-elongated plane partition function $d_k(n)$ by various primes. They also conjectured the existence of an infinite congruence family modulo arbitrarily high powers of 2 for the function $d_7(n)$. We prove that such a congruence family exists---indeed, for powers of 8. The proof utilizes only classical methods, i.e., integer polynomial manipulations in a single function, in contrast to all other known infinite congruence families for $d_k(n)$ which require more modern methods to prove.},
    number = {22-17},
    year = {2022},
    month = {February},
    keywords = {Partition congruences, infinite congruence family, modular functions, plane partitions, modular curve, Riemann surface},
    length = {11},
    license = {CC BY 4.0 International},
    type = {RISC Report Series},
    institution = {Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Johannes Kepler University Linz},
    address = {Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz, Austria},
    issn = {2791-4267 (online)}