• @article{RISC6627,
    author = {J. Blümlein and P. Marquard and C. Schneider and K. Schönwald},
    title = {{The massless three-loop Wilson coefficients for the deep-inelastic structure functions $F_2, F_L, xF_3$ and $g_1$}},
    language = {english},
    abstract = {We calculate the massless unpolarized Wilson coefficients for deeply inelastic scattering for the structure functions $F_2(x,Q^2), F_L(x,Q^2), x F_3(x,Q^2)$ in the $overline{sf MS}$ scheme and the polarized Wilson coefficients of the structure function $g_1(x,Q^2)$ in the Larin scheme up to three--loop order in QCD in a fully automated way based on the method of arbitrary high Mellin moments. We work in the Larin scheme in the case of contributing axial--vector couplings or polarized nucleons. For the unpolarized structure functions we compare to results given in the literature. The polarized three--loop Wilson coefficients are calculated for the first time. As a by--product we also obtain the quarkonic three--loop anomalous dimensions from the $O(1/ep)$ terms of the unrenormalized forward Compton amplitude. Expansions for small and large values of the Bjorken variable $x$ are provided. },
    journal = {Journal of High Energy Physics},
    number = {Paper No. 156},
    pages = {1--83},
    isbn_issn = {ISSN 1029-8479},
    year = {2022},
    note = {arXiv:2208.14325 [hep-ph]},
    refereed = {yes},
    keywords = {massless unpolarized Wilson coefficients, large moment method, linear difference equations, computer algebra,coupled systems of linear differential equations},
    length = {83},
    url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP11(2022)156}