• @thesis{RISC5917,
    author = {Hsuan-Ming Chen},
    title = {{Migrating Mathematical Programs to Web Interface Frameworks}},
    language = {english},
    abstract = {A mathematical software system, the RISC Algorithm Language (RISCAL), has been implemented in Java; however, it can be only executed on the local machine of the user. The aim of this master thesis is to migrate RISCAL to the web, such that users can access the software via a conventional web browser without needing a local installation of the software. In a preparatory phase, this thesis evaluates various web interface frameworks and how these can be executed on the web. Based in the result of this investigation which compares the advantages and disadvantages of the frameworks, one framework is selected as the most promising candidate for future work. The core of the thesis is then the migration of RISCAL to the web on the basis of this framework and the subsequent evaluation of how the demands have been met and how well all of the RISCAL programs are working after the migration.},
    year = {2019},
    month = {April},
    note = {Internationaler Universitätslehrgang: Informatics: Engineering & Management},
    translation = {0},
    school = {Research Institute for Symbolic Computatation (RISC), Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria},
    length = {85},
    type = {mathesis}