PUB_TYPE=TR original_titel = SEE-GRID Design Overview sp_titel = EN sp_kurzfassung = EN original_kurzfassung = This document describes the initial design of the SEE-GRID software in the Austrian Grid. SEE-GRID is based on the SEE++ software for the biomechanical simulation of the human eye. SEE++ was developed in the SEE-KID project by Upper Austrian Research and the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences; it consists of a client component for user interaction and of a server component that runs various computations (currently “Hess Diagram Calculation” and “Pathology Fitting”, in the future also “Surgery Simulation”). The goal of SEE-GRID is to adapt and to extend SEE++ in several steps to make use of the grid: 1. The simulation component is transformed to a grid service. 2. “Hess Diagram Calculation” is parallelized and distributed over multiple grid nodes. 3. “Pathology Fitting” is parallelized and distributed over multiple grid nodes. 4. A grid database of “gaze patterns” is established with patterns derived from measurements and calculations. For querying this database for wanted patterns, many instances of the core problem of “pathology fitting” have to be performed; we will parallelize these queries and distribute them over multiple grid nodes. Based on above results, SEE++/SEE-GRID may be improved in order to provide a future “surgery simulation” component that gives the doctor recommendations for how to perform a surgery that corrects a particular impaired eye. nummer = A1c-1 verlagsanschrift = Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria erscheinungsjahr = 2004 erscheinungsmonat = 11 serie = Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC) anz_seiten = 22 --- Zuordnungen --- Autoren=6381,1826 Forschungseinheiten=263 END_ENTRY ID=431 PUB_TYPE=VTNREF original_titel = WP WA1-c sp_titel = EN sp_kurzfassung = EN erscheinungsjahr = 2004 erscheinungsmonat = 12 pub_notiz = Contributed talk at First Austrian Grid Workshop, Linz, Austria, December 9, 2004 --- Zuordnungen --- Autoren=1826 Forschungseinheiten=263 END_ENTRY ID=432 PUB_TYPE=TR original_titel = A Registry Service as a Foundation for Brokering Mathematical Services sp_titel = EN sp_kurzfassung = EN original_kurzfassung = In this report, we present our results of developing a framework for publishing and discovering mathematical service descriptions in a registry. The registry is based on and extends the ebXML registry to handle mathematical service descriptions based on the MSDL speci cation developed in the framework of the MathBroker project. This work serves our ultimate goal to produce a \semantic broker" where services register their problem solving capabilities and clients submit task descriptions; the broker then determines the suitable services and returns them to the client for invocation. nummer = 04-13 erscheinungsjahr = 2004 erscheinungsmonat = 5 anz_seiten = 46 serie = RISC Report Series, University of Linz, Austria --- Zuordnungen --- Autoren=1826 Forschungseinheiten=263 END_ENTRY ID=1257