Unranked Second-Order Anti-Unification   —   Extended Version

This is a Java implementation of an extended version of the algorithm described in:

We provide an additional rule called "Eleminate siblings of context-holes" which makes the resulting generalizations less general than those described in the paper. In addidion this extended version also allows the user to specify commutative function symbols.

Part of the Library of Unification and Anti-Unification Algorithms.

Input Syntax:

Anti-unification problem:
(Use the semicolon to separate
the equations of the system.
Hedge equations are allowed.)
Alignment computation: Longest admissible alignments are computed by computing common subsequences of the word representation of the input hedges. Therefore all the longest common subsequences (in form of alignments) with respect to a given upper bound are tested for admissibility. If none of them is admissible, then the upper bound is reduced.
e.g. a<1.1, 2.2> f<2, 3> a<2.1.2, 3.1>
Commutative function symbols: e.g. f,g,... Commutative root hedge:
Upper bound for iterating
commutative arrangements:
e.g. 5000000 Minimum alignment length:
Filter equal results: This is a simple equality filter, respecting commutativity.
Justify computed generalization: By obtaining substitutions from the store, instantiating the generalization and comparing the result with the input.
Iterate all possibilities: Compute generalizations for all admissible alignments, or only for the first one.
Output format: EXPERIMENTAL! Eleminate siblings of context-holes:


This software is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License ("LGPL"). For presentation purpose, the Java source code has been translated into JavaScript by the GWT compiler.
Some examples (click on them to prepared the input form):

  • f(a, g(h(a, h(b)))) =^= f(h(g(b)),a,a)
  • f(c), f(f(g(a, a)), a, a) =^= f(g(b, b, b), b, b, b),c
  • f(a, h(a,a,c,c), a) =^= f(g(c,b,c,b), b, b)
  • f(x), f(f(g(a,a)), a, a) =^= x, f(g(b,a), a, b)
  • f(x), f(h(f(c,a)), a, c) =^= x, f(g(b,a), a, b)
  • (f(a), f(a)) =^= (f(a), f)
  • if(geq(x1, x2), then(eq(x3, add(x4, x2)), eq(x4, add(x4, 1))), else(eq(x3, sub(x4, x1)))) =^=
    if(geq(y1, y2), then(eq(y3, add(y4, y2)), eq(y5, 1), eq(y4, add(y4, 5))), else(eq(y3, sub(y4, y1))))
  • if(eq(n,0), 1,
        if(eq(n,1), times(1,1),
               if(eq(n,2), times(2,times(1,1)),
                      if(eq(n,3), times(3,times(2,times(1,1))))
    if(eq(n,0), 0,
        if(eq(n,1), subtract(0,1),
               if(eq(n,2), subtract(subtract(0,1),2),
                      if(eq(n,3), subtract(subtract(subtract(0,1),2),3))
  • a, a, b, f, f, f(a, a, b) =^= f, f(a, c, a), f, c, a, a
  • a, a, b, b, f, f, f(a, a, b, b) =^= a, a, c, f, f, f(a, a, c)
  • f(g(a, X), a, X, b) =^= f(g(b), b))
  • a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a =^= a(a(a(a(a(a(a(a(a(a(a(a())))))))))))

Authors: Alexander Baumgartner and David Cerna FWF Der Wissenschaftsfond
Project: SToUT - Symbolic Computation Techniques for Unranked Terms
GALA - Generalization Algorithms and Applications