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Usage example (formatted by java2html):
Reader in1 = new StringReader("\\x.f(b,a,a)"); // Use FileReader instead
Reader in2 = new StringReader("\\x.g(a,x,b)"); // Use FileReader instead
int maxReduce = 100;

EquationSystem<AntiUnifyProblem> eqSys = new EquationSystem<AntiUnifyProblem>() {
	public AntiUnifyProblem newEquation() {
		return new AntiUnifyProblem();
new InputParser().parseEquation(in1, in2, eqSys, maxReduce);

new AntiUnify(eqSys, maxReduce, DebugLevel.SILENT) {
	public void callback(AntiUnifySystem res, Variable var) {
}.antiUnify(false, null);

Author: Alexander Baumgartner FWF Der Wissenschaftsfond
Project: SToUT - Symbolic Computation Techniques for Unranked Terms