Research Institute for Symbolic Computation, Johannes Kepler University of Linz, organizes the The Second Training School in Symbolic Computation in June 25–July 6, 2007 in the Castle of Hagenberg, Austria. The school will focus on, but will not be restricted to, applications of symbolic computation in biology. It will provide training in selected symbolic computation software and techniques for students and researchers who would like to use symbolic computation in their work. Besides the courses and tutorials offered by the school, participants can attend the tutorials and sessions of the Algebraic Biology 2007 conference. Grants available! The school is supported by the European Commission Framework 6 Programme for Integrated Infrastructures Initiatives under the project SCIEnce. The project provides a number of grants to potential school participants. Detailed information on grants and the application procedure can be found in the application section. The school is a part of RISC Summer 2007. |