GLITE Tutorial

4. Generate a Grid Proxy Credential

Ask the Virtual Organization Management System (VOMS) to generate a grid proxy credential.
Perform the following command each time before you start working in the grid:
  voms-proxy-init -voms gilda
With a grid proxy credential, you can access gLite services in the GILDA testbed.

You may also perform the following commands:

  • Destroy the proxy credential after you have finished your work:
  • Print information about an existing proxy:
      voms-proxy-info -all

If voms-proxy-info returns the message

WARNING: Unable to verify signature! Server certificate possibly not installed.
update the package lcg-voms-vo-gilda-1.0-2.noarch by executing
  su - root
  Password: gildaadm
  $ wget 
  $ rpm -Uvh lcg-voms-vo-gilda-1.0-2.noarch.rpm

This completes the description of how to access the GILDA testbed.