Application on NURBS
Aided Geometric Design (CAGD) and Visualization play an important role
in the construction of such varied products as cars, ships, airplanes etc.
A practical implementation has to balance two conflicting goals, namely
efficiency and reliability. Typically, a numerical algorithm is efficient,
but it is not reliable and may fail in certain cases, especially in areas
near the singularities. On the other hand, algorithms based on exact arithmetic
are reliable, but are normally slow and require a lot of memory space.
Perhaps the goals of efficiency and reliability cannot be met simultaneously
without some compromises.
CGAL [ CGAL project Home Page
| CGAL at
RISC-Linz ]
The goal of the project is to design and implement a robust, easy to use,
and efficient C++ software library of geometric algorithms. The library
is developed by the research institutes in close collaboration with the
industrial partners.
Information on the contributions of RISC-Linz to the CGAL project can be
found on the local CGAL pages.
Source code
The CGAL Application Module on NURBS is still under construction at RISC-Linz
and is not yet publically available as part of a release of CGAL. Classes
for NURBS curves and surfaces were implemented and tested, and used for
experiments in the frame of the work described on this page. The latest
version of the source code we used (and which will become part of the CGAL
Application Module on NURBS in the near future) can be downloaded here,
as well as some test programmes and a preliminary version of the documentation
for the Application Module.