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HTML output

An way for human experts to analyze the resolution is provided by the HTML exporter. This feature is controlled by the following configuration variables:

a flag that has to be set true to switch the export on,
has to contain a name of an existing directory, in which the HTML files will be put,
an integer value: 0: In the chart tree, the local maximum of the Villamayor stratifying function over the given chart appears. 1: In the chart tree of the HTML output the standard identifiers appear for the charts.
  desingcfg[dumpHTML] := true;
  desingcfg[htmlpath] := `/tmp/html/`;
  desingcfg[htmlstyle] := 1;

When the HTML export is on, each node of the resolution tree appears as a separate file in the directory specified by the configuration variables. Unlike in case of desingcfg[desingDebug] := true, the chart records are printed only at the input of the three major procedures of the algorithm: cover, exchange, and blowup, plus at the resolved stage.

In the end of the computation when the tree is complete, an additional file is created which collects links to all the nodes in the tree: tree.html. In this table the blue fields indicate that cover operation took place on the colored node in the computation, green denotes exchange and red stands for blowing up.

The data contained by a node consists of the data of a chart and the data of all the basic objects associated to the chart at the time point of the export. The output contains the chart data:

These are the corresponding entries of the chart descriptors, presented in section * (VAR stands for S).

The "stack" collects the basic objects of the chart. It contains weighted basic objects (WBO), tagged basic objects (TBO) and simple basic objects (SBO). Each TBO is created to have its singular locus equal to the weighted singular locus of the previous WBO. Each SBO has its singular locus restricted by the intersection of the maximal possible number of divisors from the EM component of the previous TBO. Each WBO is created to be one dimension less than the previous SBO (by appending an element of IND to N and computing the coefficient ideal).

For basic objects the following data are printed.
Weighted objects:

  J, c, N, E, a, C
Tagged objects
  J, N, E, EM, C
Simple objects:
  J, N, H, E, C.
These data are the corresponding members of the descriptors of basic objects, presented in section *.

Here some examples of HTML outputs can be found.

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