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It is also an interface procedure under the short name dlocBO. It has the same functionality as of `desing/dloc`, but it starts the resolution from a user given basic object and chart. Its parameter list consists of equations to indicate which members of the chart-record are set.

Required parameters:
a list polynomials in the variables of VAR, generating the ideal J.
a list of affine variables (by convention x1, ..., xn).
Optional parameters:
a list of polynomials from k[VAR], the algebraic relations of VAR. The variety Z(DEP) must be nonsingular (by default DEP=[]).
a list of polynomials from k[VAR], representatives of equivalence classes of k[VAR]/<DEP>, which must give rise to a system of regular parameters in each point of Z(DEP) by simple translation (by default IND=VAR considered as polynomials).
a list of lists of polynomials from k[VAR], representatives of equivalence classes of k[VAR]/<DEP>. PDER stands for an n ×|IND| matrix, which in the ij-th position contains the partial derivative of the i-th affine variable w.r.t. the j-th parameter. If IND is given, PDER must be specified (otherwise, by default PDER is the unit n ×n matrix).
a list of polynomials from k[VAR], generators for the subvariety of the chart which is not covered by other charts.
a list of positive rational numbers, the weights of the generators of J. The length of the list must be equal to the number of generators. (by default b=[seq(1, i=1..nops(J))]).
a list of pairwise different indices to IND, the list of exceptional divisors. (by default E=[])
a list of non negative rational numbers, the weights of the exceptional divisors. If E is given `a' must also be specified, and the length of the list must be equal to the number of exceptional divisors, (otherwise, by default a=[]).
lists of the same cardinality as of IND, containing nonnegative rational numbers. They encode generators of the generalized ideal of the object that are power products of IND members, storing in the i-th position the exponent of the i-th IND member, divided by the rational component of the generalized ideal generator being encoded.
The same as of `desing/dloc`.
The parameters mean the corresponding data of a basic object and a chart.
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