ALgorithmically Integrable Systems in Action
This joint project with the
Landau Institute of Theoretical Physics,
Chernogolovka, Russia runs from October 2006 to September
2008. It is sponsored by the Austrian Academic Exchange Service
under the contract 10/2006.
The main goal of the project ALISA is to develop an engine, a
kernel of an online encyclopedia ALISA (Algorithmically Integrable
Systems in Action) of a new type. The content and structure of such an
encyclopedia has been discussed by the leading European specialists on
integrable systems at the conference ALISA-2005. ALISA will
be an inter-active database containing
lists of integrable
differential equations, classified according to their intrinsic
properties (symmetries, conservation laws, Lax-pairs, etc.), and
software tools allowing a user to check these properties also for new
The database will be structured both by equation type and by
techniques for solutions, and contain links to symbolic algebra programs
to demonstrate useful techniques, together with programs to analyze new
equations. The software will be able to search a new example for
connections to existing known cases - often an apparently new
equation can be shown to be related to a standard model by some
non-trivial transformation.
- Austria: Research Institute for Symbolic Computation
- Russia: Landau Institute of Theoretical Physics
Lena Kartashova
Last modified: Wed Nov 5 14:09:36 CET 2008