Current Projects at RISC

AcronymProject TitleProject DurationProject LeaderSponsored By
Summation4CSSymbolic Summation for Computer ScienceSep 2024Aug 2028SchneiderFWF PAT 1332123
Symbolic Techniques for Quantitative Extensions of Equality [SQUEE]Apr 2022Mar 2026KutsiaFWF Project No P 35530

Past Projects at RISC

AcronymProject TitleProject DurationProject LeaderSponsored By
SAGEX – Scattering Amplitudes: from Geometry to ExperimentNov -0001Aug 2022Wong
MACH-2Supercomputer MACH-2Jan 2017Dec 2021SchreinerBMWFW
Artin Approximation, Arc-Räume, Auflösung von SingularitätenNov -0001Sep 2021Wong
Symbolic Solutions of Algebraic Differential Equations [ADE-solve]Nov -0001Apr 2021Wong
Die Algebra der dreidimensionalen BewegungenApr 2018Mar 2021Schicho
F050-07Computer Algebra and Combinatorial InequalitiesMar 2013Feb 2021PillweinFWF
F050-09Computer Algebra for Nested Sums and ProductsMar 2013Feb 2021SchneiderFWF
F050-06Partition AnalysisMar 2013Feb 2021PauleFWF
SBA-K1Combinatorics and Codes for Information SecurityJan 2017Dec 2020KutsiaFFG
DK6Computer Algebra Tools for Special Functions in Numerical AnalysisOct 2011Dec 2020PauleFWF
DK15Extension of Algorithms for D-finite functionsOct 2014Dec 2020PillweinFWF
DK9Symbolic-Numeric Techniques for Genus Computation and ParametrizationOct 2014Dec 2020SchichoFWF
CALBPComputer Algebra for Linear Boundary ProblemsJun 2017Jul 2020RosenkranzFWF P 30052
LOGTECHEDULogic Technology for Computer Science EducationMar 2018Feb 2020SchreinerJKU LIT
6RP_2016Algebraic Path Planning of 6R/P ManipulatorsJan 2016Jan 2020CapcoFWF P 28349
ARCADESAlgebraic Representations in Computer-Aided Design for complEx ShapesJan 2016Jan 2020SchichoEU H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015-ETN_675789
SemTechSemantic Technologies for Computer Science EducationJan 2018Dec 2019Schreiner
TETRA-GBJan 2017Apr 2019MaletzkyFWF
GALAGeneralization ALgorithms and ApplicationsFeb 2016Jan 2019KutsiaFWF
SC2Satisfiability Checking and Symbolic ComputationJul 2016Aug 2018BuchbergerEU H2020-FETOPN-2015-CSA_712689
Der Entwurf und die informationstechnische Modellierung kognitiver Funknetze [96öu8]Nov -0001May 2018Wong
DK1Oct 2010Dec 2017BuchbergerFWF
RISC PhD Fellowshops 2017Nov -0001Dec 2017Wong
Technologietransfer 2017Nov -0001Dec 2017Wong
PRACE-4IPPartnership for Advanced Computing in EuropeFeb 2015Apr 2017SchreinerEU
LogicGuard IIThe Optimized Checking of Time-Quantified Logic Formulas with Applications in Computer SecurityOct 2014Mar 2017SchreinerFFG
PhD 2016RISC PhD Fellowships 2016Jan 2016Dec 2016Paule
TechTrans 2016Technologietransfer 2016Jan 2016Dec 2016Paule
SToUTSymbolic Computation Techniques for Unranked Terms Jun 2012Sep 2016KutsiaFWF
PRACE-3IPPartnership for Advanced Computing in EuropeJul 2012Jun 2016SchreinerEU
SmaProSmart Production - Machine Data Analysis and Interpretation in ProductionOct 2014May 2016SchreinerFFG
STARTFast computer algebra for special functionsApr 2010Mar 2016KauersFWF
Performance Analysis of Wireless Sensor NetworksApr 2015Mar 2016Schreiner
F050-04Algorithmic Lattice Path Counting Using the Kernel MethodMar 2013Dec 2015KauersFWF
DK13Multivariate Symbolic AsymptoticsOct 2011Dec 2015KauersFWF
PhD 2014/15RISC PhD Fellowships 2013/2014Oct 2014Dec 2015Paule
TechTrans 2014/15Technologietransfer 2014/15Dec 2014Dec 2015Paule
Constraint Logic Programming over Unranked Terms and Hedges with Description Operators Apr 2012Mar 2015KutsiaGeorgian Rustaveli National Science Foundation
LHCPhenoNetJan 2011Dec 2014SchneiderEU
HU 10/2012Performance Analysis of Real-time Systems and Software Designs Dec 2012Nov 2014Schreiner
DK11Rational Parametric Algebraic CurvesOct 2011Sep 2014WinklerFWF
PhD 2013/14RISC PhD Fellowships 2013/2014Oct 2013Sep 2014Paule
TechTrans 2013/14Technologietransfer 2013/14Jul 2013Jun 2014PauleLand Oberoesterreich
TASCoTiming Analysis and Symbolic ComputationFeb 2009Feb 2014Jebelean
LogicGuardEfficient Checking of Time-Quantified Logic Formulas with Applications in Computer Security Jan 2012Dec 2013SchreinerFFG
P22748-N18Computer Algebra for Special Functions InequalitiesOct 2010Sep 2013PillweinFWF
Evaluating Process Algebra Models versus State-oriented ModelsOct 2012Sep 2013Schreiner
PhD 2012/13RISC PhD Fellowships 2012/2013Oct 2012Sep 2013PauleLand Oberoesterreich
TechTrans 2012/13Technologietransfer 2012/13Jul 2012Jun 2013PauleLand Oberoesterreich
Symbolic Summation in Perturbative Quantum Field TheoryFeb 2008Jan 2013SchneiderFWF
OntoJobNov 2010Dec 2012JebeleanFFG
SPyStatic Program Analysis using Symbolic ComputationJun 2011Nov 2012EraşcuAustrian Academy of Sciences
PhD 2011/12RISC PhD Fellowships 2011/2012Oct 2011Sep 2012PauleLand Oberoesterreich
texQuality3DHigh-Performance Quality Inspection of Industrial Textile Fabrics by 3D Profile AnalysisJul 2010Jun 2012SchreinerSCCH
TechTrans 2011/12Technologietransfer 2011/12Jul 2011Jun 2012PauleLand Oberoesterreich
P20162-N18Symbolic Integration and Special FunctionsJan 2008Dec 2011PauleFWF
Oct 2008Sep 2011BuchbergerFWF
Computer Algebra Tools for Special Functions in Numerical AnalysisOct 2008Sep 2011PauleFWF
DK W1214Doctoral Program "Computational Mathematics"Oct 2008Sep 2011PauleFWF
Formally Specified Computer Algebra SoftwareOct 2008Sep 2011SchreinerFWF
Rational Parametric Algebraic CurvesOct 2008Sep 2011WinklerFWF
PhD 2010/11RISC PhD Fellowships 2010/2011Oct 2010Sep 2011PauleLand Oberoesterreich
TechTrans 2010/11Technologietransfer 2010/11Jul 2010Jun 2011PauleLand Oberoesterreich
SCIEnceSCIEnce: Symbolic Computation Infrastructure for EuropeMay 2006Apr 2011WinklerEU
DIFFOPSymbolic and Algebraic Methods for LPDOsMay 2008Apr 2011WinklerFWF
iEATInstitute e-Austria Timisoara: Mathematical Theory Exploration for Industrial ApplicationsMar 2008Feb 2011JebeleanAustrian Ministry for Science and Research (BMWF)
CENRECCENRECJan 2009Dec 2010Kartaschova
Doc fForteNov -0001Dec 2010Wong
Introducing Syntactical Constraints in Object-Oriented Programming Supporting Design Pattern PrinciplesJan 2009Dec 2010Schreiner
DIRNOWDiscrete resonances in nonlinear wavesystemsOct 2007Oct 2010KartaschovaFWF
PhD 2009/10RISC PhD Fellowship 2009/2010Oct 2009Sep 2010PauleLand Oberoesterreich
TechTrans 2009/10Technologietransfer 2009/10Jul 2009Jun 2010PauleLand Oberoesterreich
AGRID2Austrian Grid 2: Distributed Supercomputing in the GridOct 2007Dec 2009SchreinerAustrian Ministry for Science and Research (BMWF)
INTASPractical Formal Verification Using Automated Reasoning and Model CheckingSep 2006May 2009JebeleanINTAS
SSIARSymbolic Summation/Integration and Algebraic RelationsApr 2007Mar 2009KauersFWF
Analzying Real-Time Systems by Combining Temporal Logic and Statistical ModelsJan 2007Dec 2008Schreiner
ALISAALgorithmically Integrable Systems in ActionOct 2006Sep 2008Kartaschova
SFB F1305-3Proving and Solving in Special Function DomainsApr 2004Sep 2008PauleFWF
SFB F1303-3Proving and Solving Over the RealsApr 2004Sep 2008SchichoFWF
SFB F1301-3SFB Coordination and Service ProjectApr 2004Sep 2008PauleFWF
SFB F1304-3Symbolic Differential ComputationApr 2004Sep 2008WinklerFWF
SFB F1302-3THEOREMA: Proving, Solving and Computing in the Theory of Hilbert SpacesApr 2004Sep 2008JebeleanFWF
EGEE-IIEnabling Grids for E-sciencEApr 2006Apr 2008SchreinerEU
A Special Function Tool-Box for High-Order Finite Element MethodsNov -0001Feb 2008Wong
MathBroker IIJan 2005Dec 2007SchreinerFWF
Program Verification using Algebraic MethodsJan 2007Dec 2007JebeleanStiftung Aktion Oesterreich-Ungarn
DETDifferential Elimination TheorySep 2003Apr 2007WinklerFWF
Dec 2003Jan 2007PauleFWF. Proj Nr: P16613-N12
SEE-GridAustrian Grid ProjectSep 2004Dec 2006SchreinerAustrian Ministry for Education, Science, and Culture (BMBWK)
CreaCompApr 2004Dec 2006BuchbergerJKU
Explicit Resolution and Related Methods in Algebraic Geometry and Number TheoryOct 2002Oct 2005SchichoFWF. Proj Nr: P15551
e-Austria Timisoara: Pilot Phase IIMar 2004Jun 2005JebeleanAustrian Ministries for Education, Science and Culture (BMBWK) and for Economic Affairs (BMWA)
DAAD: Differenzengleichungen und ComputeralgebraJan 2004Dec 2004PauleDAAD
CalculemusSep 2000Aug 2004BuchbergerEU. Proj Nr: HPRN-CT-2000-00102
SFB F1304-2Computational Methods for Algebraic and Differential VarietiesApr 2001Mar 2004WinklerFWF
SFB F1303-2Proving and Solving over the RealsApr 2001Mar 2004SchichoFWF
SFB F1305-2Symbolic Summation and Combinatorial IdentitiesApr 2001Mar 2004PauleFWF
SFB F1302-2THEOREMA: Proving, Solving, Computing in the Theory of Hilbert SpacesApr 2001Mar 2004BuchbergerFWF
Computer Aided Geometric Design by Symbolic-Numerical MethodsJan 2002Dec 2003Winkler
AMADEUSJan 2002Dec 2003Paule
A Framework for Brokering Distributed Mathematical ServicesNov -0001Nov 2003Wong
Math Broker IDec 2001Nov 2003SchreinerFWF
MKMMKMNET Mathematical Knowledge Management NetworkSep 2002Nov 2003BuchbergerEU. Proj Nr: IST-2001-37057
e-Austria Timisoara: Pilot Phase IMar 2002Jun 2003BuchbergerAustrian Ministries for Education, Science and Culture (BMBWK) and for Economic Affairs (BMWA)
Symbolic Numerical Computation on Algebraic Curves and Surfaces – Periode INov -0001Mar 2003Wong
Algebraische Analyse von DifferentialgleichungenJan 2001Dec 2002WinklerLand OOe
EMAGEffective Methods in Algebraic GeometryJan 2001Dec 2002SchichoOeAD
Integrating Temporal Specifications as Runtime Assertions into Parallel Debugging ToolsJan 2001Dec 2002SchreinerOeAD
AMCSAlgorithmic Methods for Curves and SurfacesJan 2000Dec 2001Winkler
SFB F1304-1Computations on Algebraic Curves and SurfacesApr 1998Mar 2001WinklerFWF
PROVEPROVE Project: Interactive Software for Mathematical Proof LearningApr 1998Mar 2001Buchberger
SFB F1302-1Proving and Solving in General DomainsApr 1998Mar 2001BuchbergerFWF
SFB F1303-1Proving and Solving over the RealsApr 1998Mar 2001SchichoFWF
SFB F1305-1Symbolic Summation and Combinatorial IdentitiesApr 1998Mar 2001PauleFWF
MOSTMedical Representative On-line Simulation TrainingJan 1999Dec 2000JebeleanEU
RTETPRewriting Techniques and Efficient Theorem ProvingJan 1998Dec 2000JebeleanEU INTAS
Softwarebibliothek zur Unterstützung der TransportlogistikNov -0001Nov 2000Wong
Machbarkeitsstudie OÖ KulturdatenbankNov -0001Jun 2000Wong
Software zur SatellitenkommunikationNov -0001Jun 2000Wong
Computation of Adjoints for SurfacesJan 1998Apr 2000SchichoFWF
HySaXHybrid Software for Algebraic Geometry in X-windows EnvironmentNov 1995Nov 1999WinklerFWF, Proj Nr: P11160-TEC
COASTERCOAST extended renewalJan 1998Dec 1999JebeleanEU
Distributed Constraint Solving for Functional Logic ProgrammingJul 1997Jun 1999SchreinerResearch Institute for Advanced Information Technology (AITEC) in the frame of the AITEC Contract Resarch Programme
Algebraic Curves-A Computational ApproachJan 1997Dec 1998Winkler
Symbolic and Algebraic ComputationJan 1995Dec 1998WinklerEU, HCM network, Proj Nr: CHRX-CT94-0439
COOPERATEAutomated Meeting Minutes GeneratorJun 1998Sep 1998SchreinerAustrian Federal Ministry of Science and Transport in the frame of the COOPERATE initiative
Pilotprojekt “Projektentwicklung u. Durchführung eines Referenzprojektes f. d. SWCCH”Nov -0001Sep 1998Wong
Constructing a Geometric Algorithms Library [CGAL]Nov -0001Jun 1998Wong
Computational Geometry Algorithms LibraryOct 1996Mar 1998StifterEuropean Union, Esprit IV.
HPGPHigh-Performance Generic ProgrammingSep 1996Feb 1998Schreiner
ACCLAIMConstraint Logic ProgrammingJul 1992Jun 1996HongAustrian Ministery of Science and Research in the frame of ESPRIT III.
Parallel Symbolic Computation on Shared Memory MachineJul 1991Jun 1996BuchbergerAustrian Science Foundation.
Hybrid Evolutionary Programming TechniquesOct 1993Mar 1996BuchbergerJapanese Ministery of Science in the frame of the Real World Computing Program (RWCP).
Das Berechnen in der Jacobischen Varietät einer algebraischen Kurve über einen endlichen KörperNov -0001Dec 1995Wong
MEDLAR-IIThe MEDLAR projectOct 1992Jun 1995BuchbergerAustrian Ministery for Science and Research in the frame of ESPRIT (Basic Research Actions).
PARAGRAPHParallel Computer Graphics and GeometryApr 1993Mar 1995BuchbergerAustrian Ministery for Science and Research.
POSSOPolynomial System SolvingNov 1991Nov 1994WinklerAustrian Ministery of Science and Research in the frame of ESPRIT III.
SGCSymbolic Geometric Computation-Mathematical Foundations and AlgorithmsJan 1992Dec 1994WinklerFWF, Proj Nr: P8573-PHY
Anwenudngen der Computer-Algebra in Algebraischer GeometrieJan 1991Dec 1993WinklerBMWF, wissenschaftlich-technisches Abkommen zwischen Oesterreich und Spanien (Integrierte Aktion 16)
Computer Algebra Algorithms for q-Series and Combinatorial IdentitiesNov -0001Mar 1993Wong
Algebraic and Computational CombinatoricsOct 1989Dec 1992PauleAustrian Science Foundation.
Jan 1989Dec 1992BuchbergerAustrian Ministery of Science. Proj Nr: 613.523/3-27a/89
MEDLARMechanizing Deduction in the Logics of Practical ReasoningOct 1989Feb 1992BuchbergerAustrian Ministery for Science and Research in the frame of ESPRIT (Basic Research Actions).
Algorithmen und Software für die Algebraische Geometrie [ASAG]Nov -0001Dec 1991Wong
Methodologies of Design and Implementation of Symbolic Computation SystemsNov 1990Oct 1991WangDIS-Roma, Italy.
Computer-Aided Molecular SynthesisJun 1986Jun 1991BlurockUniware, Linz, Austrian Funds for Industrial Research, Chemie-Linz.
Solution of Algebraic Equations by Puiseux SeriesApr 1989May 1991WinklerIBM New York and Vienna.
Algorithmic Algebraic GeometryMay 1989Apr 1991WinklerAustrian Science Foundation, Austrian Ministery of Science and Research.
Computer-assisted Chemical Synthesis design (industrial projectNov -0001Dec 1988Wong
Vervollständigungsverfahren für Basen von Polynomidealen und Axiomensysteme von GleichungstheorienNov -0001Dec 1987Wong
Algebraische Lösungen von Fuchsschen DifferentialgleichungenNov -0001Nov -0001Wong
ARC: Automated Reasoning in The Class [Erasmus+ Project]Nov -0001Nov -0001Wong
European Network GRAPES: learninG, pRocessing And oPtimizing shapES [GRAPES]Nov -0001Nov -0001Wong
MATH LP (LIT Project)Nov -0001Nov -0001Wong
Mathematics in MotionNov -0001Nov -0001Wong
Partitionskongruenzen nach der LokalisierungsmethodeNov -0001Nov -0001Wong
Puzzle RobotNov -0001Nov -0001Wong
Realizations of Rigid GraphsNov -0001Nov -0001Wong
Security and Safety for Shared AI by Deep Model Design (scch)Nov -0001Nov -0001Wong
Symbolic Summation for Computer ScienceNov -0001Nov -0001Wong
Theorema ProjectJan 1994Nov -0001Buchberger
