Theorem Proving

Currently my main research interest is Automated Theorem Proving in the frame of the Theorema project at RISC. Within Theorema, my primary interests are: Under my direction, the Theorema-system is re-designed, re-engineered, and re-implemented on the basis of Mathematica version 8 (and higher). This version of the software, called Theorema 2.0, is available for free under GNU public license (GPL).

I'm also interested in teaching mathematics assisted by mathematical software systems.

Most of my research interests include topics from CICM, Calculemus, MKM or similar enterprises.

Book Project "Algorithmische Methoden"

Together with Dr. Philipp Kügler (JKU, Institute for Industrial Mathematics) we collaborate on a book "Algorithmische Methoden" (Algorithmic Methods) with Birkhäuser Springer in the frame of their new series "Mathematik Kompakt" for bachelor students in german speaking universities.

Volume I "Zahlen, Vektoren, Polynome"
appeared in December 2008,
Volume II "Funktionen, Matrizen, Multivariate Polynome"
appeared in May 2012.

Research Administration


Conference Organization

Gröbner Bases (outdated)

My former PhD topic was Numerical Variants of the Gröbner Bases Algorithm. Experimental version implemented using our GROEBNER package.