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Parallel Algorithm

Various parallel versions of the modular algorithm have been investigated and implemented on shared memory machines [13] and on workstation networks [14]. Their common idea is to compute the resultants in the individual modular domains in parallel; they differ in their approaches to efficiently combine the modular resultants to yield the integer resultant. We apply the idea used by [13] where the sequential structure of the combination phase is maintained but the individual coefficients of the resultant are computed in parallel.

The parallel algorithm starts for each modular domain a task that maps A and B into this domain and computes the coefficients of the modular resultant (up to a predetermined degree bound db). The task results are collected and for each resultant coefficient a task is started that iteratively combines the corresponding modular coefficients. The task results are collected to build the overall result.

C := ResultantParallel(A, B)
   m := degree(A); n := degree(B)
   cb := CoeffBound(A, B)
   db := DegreeBound(A, B)
   C := 0; P := 1; T := [ ]; L := [ ]
   while P <= cb do
      p := a new prime number;
      if Am mod p != 0 /\ Bn mod p != 0 then
         t := start(ResultantModular, p, db, A, B)
         P := P*p; T := T  ||  [t]; L := L  ||  [p]
   R := WaitForAll(T)
   T := [ ]
   for i in[0 ...db] do
      t := start(ChineseRemainderCoeff, L,
         [R[j]i  |  j in[1...length(R)])
      T := T  ||  [t]
   C := WaitForAll(T)
end ResultantParallel
The structure of the algorithm is illustrated in Figure *.
Parallel Resultant Computation
Maintained by: Wolfgang Schreiner
Last Modification: April 22, 1999

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